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Access: (downloaded 07-09-2007)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Zufferey, Nicolas, 1960-
Title:Outlaws and vengeance in martial arts novels : modern law and popular values in contemporary China / Nicolas Zufferey
Source:Chinese Cross Currents (Jan. - Mar. 2005)
Description:1 pdf file (328 KB)
Parallel Title:Wu-hsia hsiao-shuo chung te pu-fa chih t'u yü fu-ch'ou : hsien-tai fa-lü ho tang-t'ai Chung-kuo te liu-hsing chia-chih
武俠 小說 中 的 不法 之 徒 与 复仇 : 現代 法律 和 當代 中國 的 流行 价值
Outlaws - China
Martial arts - Fiction

Access: (downloaded 29-06-2007)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Schmidt-Herzog, Thomas
Title:Fakt und Fiktion in der chinesischen Kampfkunst : Untersuchung von Fakt und Fiktion in der chinesischen Kampfkunst anhand eines Vergleichs von kontemporärer Kampfkunstpraxis in China mit ihrer Darstellung in den Romanen des Hongkonger Autoren Jin Yong / Thomas Schmidt-Herzog
Published:[s.l.] : [s.n.], 2003
Description:1 pdf file (1,22 MB)
Bib. note:Jun. 2003
Martial arts
Chin Yung

Access: (downloaded 27-05-2004)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:Chinese director hailed for martial arts epic / Reuters
Source:Reuters (19 May 2004)
Description:2 HTML, 26 GIF, 2 JPEG, 4 JScript4 CSS files (170 KB)
Corp. body:Reuters
Subjects:Chang I-mou

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