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Access: (downloaded 09-12-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:山腰敏寬  Yamagoshi, Toshihiro
Title:The media wars : launching the May Fourth Movement. World War I and the American propaganda activities in China, led by P. S. Reinsch and Carl Crow / by Toshihiro Yamagoshi
Source:Geocities ([2003?])
Description:5 HTML, 3 GIF, 1 JPEG, 2 JScript files, 2 JPEG files (247 KB)
Bib. note:Orig. publ.: Wu-ssu yün-tung pa-shih chou-nien hsüeh-shu yen-t'ao hui lun wen-chi (June 1999)
Loc. note:The link "diagram" on the upper left leads to a diagram of relations between media and politics in China and the USA. Note also the link "notes". A Japanese version of the text is available at:
Parallel Title:Wu-ssu Yün-tung yü Mei-kuo tui-yü Chung-kuo hsüan-ch'uan huo-tung tsai lun
五四 運動 與 美國 對與 中國 宣傳 活動 再 論
Subjects:May fourth movement

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