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Access: | (downloaded 24-07-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Ãö¤_¤¤¬ü¶T©ö¥¿Å°ÝÃD / ¤¤µØ¤H¥Á¦@©M°ê°ê°È°|·s»D¿ì¤½«Ç Kuan-yü Chung Mei mao-i p'ing-heng wen-t'i / Chung-hua Jen-min Kung-ho-kuo Kuo-wu-yüan hsin-wen pan-kung-shih |
Source: | (Mar. 1997) |
Description: | 7 html, 1 gif, 1 jpeg files (55,5 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Bib. note: | For the English version of this white paper see: |
¤¤µØ¤H¥Á¦@©M°ê°ê°È°|·s»D¿ì¤½«Ç Chung-hua Jen-min Kung-ho-kuo Kuo-wu-yüan hsin-wen pan-kung-shih | |
White papers of the government ¤¤°ê¬F©²¥Õ¥Ö®Ñ | |
Subjects: | Economy China - Foreign relations - United States Balance of trade |
Access: | (downloaded 07-06-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ÃÓ§QÔÕ T'an Li-ya |
Title: | ¬ü´C:¬ü°Ó°È³¡¦VµØ¬°µo¶Ç²¼n¨D¨ä´£¨Ñ¹ï¬ü¸T¹B°ê®a¥X¤f«H®§ / ÃÓ§QÔÕ Mei-mei: mei shang-wu pu hsiang hua-wei fa ch'uan-p'iao yao-chiu ch'i t'i-kung tui mei chin-yün kuo-chia ch'u-k'ou hsin-hsi / T'an Li-ya |
Source: | Àô²y ºô (03 Jun. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 2 gif, 4 html, 15 js, 23 jpg, 30 png files (2.94 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | China - Foreign economic relations - United states International trade Foreign trade regulation - China Foreign trade regulation - United states |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mei Lan-fang, Chinese theater / Marianne Moore Poetry |
Source: | Marianne Moore: Poetry (12 Jul. 2012) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 css, 9 gif, 5 html, 9 js, 11 png, 3 swf, 1 flv file (3.8 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi.; eng. |
Marianne Moore: Poetry | |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 Moore, Marianne, 1887-1972 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-09-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ´CÅé:±q³¢§B¶¯¬Ý"½a¤G¥N"¸¨°¨©xûªº¤ß¸ô¾úµ{ / ·s®ö ºô mei t'i: ts'ung kuo-po-hsiung k'an "ch'iung-erh-tai" lo-ma kuan-yüan te hsin-lu li-ch'eng / Hsin-lang wang |
Source: | ·s®ö ºô (03 Aug. 2015) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 25 gif, 5 html, 1 jpg, 20 js, 1 png, 1 txt files (852 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
·s®ö ºô Hsin-lang wang | |
Subjects: | Economy Military Society Kuo Po-hsiung, 1942- |
Access: | (downloaded 23-09-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | «X2¨k¤l±ý¦V¬ü¥X°â°°³yx¨Æ¾÷±K¾D«X¦w¥þ§½Äµ§i / »ñ°Ä x¨Æ E 2 nan-tzu yü hsiang mei ch'u-shou wei-tsao chün-shih chi-mi tsao e an-ch'üan chü ching-kao / Feng-huang chün-shih |
Source: | »ñ°Ä ºô (22 Sep. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 13 gif, 5 htm, 15 js, 35 jpg, 11 png, 1 swf files (1.32 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
»ñ°Ä ºô Feng-huang wang | |
Subjects: | United States - Foreign relations - Russia Military intelligence Russia - Foreign relations - Western countries |
Access: | (downloaded 11-05-2001) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤¤¬ü¶Â«È¤j¾Ô¿E¯P : ¤@¤Ñ¥|¤¤Q¦^¦X¡]¹Ï¡^ Chung Mei hei-k'o ta chan chi-lieh : I t'ien ssu-wu-shih hui-ho (t'u) / NetEase |
Source: | NetEase (01 May 2001) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
NetEase | |
Subjects: | Computer hackers Computer crimes - United States Computer crimes - China Computer programming - Corrupt practices |
Access: | (downloaded 27-09-2001) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤Ú¤H Pa Jen |
Title: | ¬ü¹Ï´¡¨¬ªü´I¦½¤@½b¤TÀJ : ½Í¥Õ®c¥Î§L»P¤¤¨È¾Ô²¤®æ§½ÅÜ¼Æ / ¤Ú¤H Mei t'u ch'a-tsu A-fu-han i chien san tiao : t'an Pai-kung yung-ping yü Chung-Ya chan-lüeh ko-chü pien-shu / Pa Jen |
Source: | Ta-kung pao |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Loc. note: | An English translation of this article is available at: computer file: |
Subjects: | United States - Politics and government - 2000 China - Politics and government - 2000 United States - Foreign relations - China Terrorism - United States - 2001 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-05-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤¤°ê¦b¦è¨F³¡¸p¾Ô¾÷«Xx¾÷»P¬üÄ¥ªñ¶ZÂ÷±µÄ² / ¼Ö¥G Chung-kuo tsai hsi-sha pu-shu chan-chi o chün-chi yü mei chien chin chü-li chieh-chu / Le-hu |
Source: | Youtube (23 Apr. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 html, 1 mp4 files (132 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¼Ö¥G ºô Le-hu wang | |
Subjects: | China - Military policy China - Armed forces Military China - Foreign relations - India |
Access: | (downloaded 13-01-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤¤°êµo¥Xĵ§i : ¬üY¤£§ï²¸gÀÙ°±Áʨä°ê¶Å / µØ¦è ³£¥« ³ø Chung-kuo fa-chu'u ching-kao : Mei jo pu kai-ko ching-chi t'ing-kou ch'i kuo-chai / Hua-hsi tu-shih pao |
Source: | µØ¦è³£¥«³ø (19 Dec. 2008) |
Description: | 1 css, 6 gif, 11 jpeg, 5 js, 1 html file (665 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
µØ¦è ³£¥« ³ø Hua-hsi tu-shih pao | |
Subjects: | Economy Foreign exchange - China Foreign exchange - Government policy - China |
Access: | (downloaded 26-11-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | »´äĵ¤è©ë®·80¦W¿E¶i¤À¤l´ä´CºÙ"¦û¤¤"¤j¶Õ¤w¥h / Àô²yºô Hsiang-kang ching-fang chü-pu 80 ming chi-chin fen-tzu hsiang mei ch'eng "chan chung" ta shih I ch'ü / Huan-ch'iu wang |
Source: | Àô²yºô (26 Nov. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 2 html, 1 gif, 14 jpeg, 18 js, 71 png files (1.82 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Àô²yºô Huan-ch'iu wang | |
Subjects: | Occupy movement Occupy movement - China - Hong Kong Hong Kong (China) - Politics and government - 21st century Demonstrations - Law and legislation - Hong Kong (China) Protest movements - China - Hong Kong |
Access: | (downloaded 14-08-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Revealed ... the true face of a legend / China Daily |
Source: | (6 Nov. 2006) |
Description: | 4 html, 5 gif, 5 jscript, 1 css, 12 jpeg files (507 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
China Daily | |
Subjects: | Music Operas, Chinese Documentary films - China Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 18-12-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | damoguyan [pseud.] |
Title: | ¤å² : ¦Ñ¤T½g¯ù³ý(¬ü«~) / damoguyan Wen-ko : lao san p'ien ch'a-hu (mei p'in) / damoguyan |
Source: | ¬u¶é¦a (24 Feb. 2012) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 24 gif, 4 html, 4 jpeg, 6 js, 68 png files (860 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Art China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Collectibles China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Art and the revolution |
Access: | (downloaded 14-11-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | °ê¨¾³¡·s»Dµo¨¥¤H´N¬üxÄ¥¾Õ¦Û¶i¤J¤¤°ê«n¨F¦³Ãö®qÁGªñ©¤¤ô°ì,¤é¤è§«Ãª¤¤¤è¸¶V¦Û¥Ñµ¥°ÝÃDµª°OªÌ°Ý / ·sµØ ºô Kuo-fang pu hsin-wen fa-yen jen chiu mei chün-chien shan-tzu chin-ju chung-kuo nan-sha yu-kuan tao chin-an shui-yü, ji-fang fang-ai zhong-fang fei-yüeh tzu-yu teng wen-t'i ta chi-che wen / Hsin-hua wang |
Source: | ·sµØºô (29 Oct. 2015) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 png, 3 js, 8 jpg, 2 html, 3 html files (316 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
·sµØ ªÀ Hsin-hua she | |
Subjects: | Military intelligence - China Military China - Politics and government - 21st century |
Access: | (downloaded 16-05-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¶ÀÙy Huang Pin |
Title: | ¯S§O¨î§@ : ¿W®a´¦¯µ"¬Ý¤W¥h«Ü¬ü"¤p¤ý®Ò¿ï¨¤¹Lµ{ / ¶ÀÙy T'e-pieh chih-tso : Tu-chia chieh-mi "K'an-shang-ch'ü hen mei" hsiao Wang Shuo hsüan chüeh kuo-ch'eng / Huang Pin |
Source: | Jen-min wang ¤H¥Áºô (31 May 2004) |
Description: | 10 HTML, 22 GIF, 1 CSS, 3 JPEG, 1 JScript files (128 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Film Wang Shuo, 1958- Chuang Yüan |
Access: | (downloaded 16-11-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤¤°ê¬F©²¥Õ¥Ö®Ñ[cont.'ed4] Chung-kuo cheng-fu pai-p'i-shu [cont.'ed 4] |
Source: | ([s.a.]) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 pdf, 6 css, 222 gif, 1410 html, 243 jpeg, 12 js files (30.2 MB) |
Series: | Tibetan water to save China |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. ; eng. |
Loc. note: | Chinese and English version downloaded |
Contents: | ¦èÂà ªº ¥DÅv ÂkÄÝ »P ¤HÅv ª¬ªp. -- »OÆW °ÝÃD »P ¤¤°ê ªº ²Î¤@. -- ¤¤°ê °ü¤k ªº ª¬ªp. -- ¤¤°ê ª¾ÃÑ ²£Åv «OÅ@ ª¬ªp. -- ¤¤°ê ªº p¦E ¥Í¨|. -- ¤¤°ê ªº x³Æ ±±¨î »P µôx. -- ¤¤°ê ¤HÅv ¨Æ·~ ªº ¶i®i. -- ¤¤°ê ªº ¤Iµ£ ª¬ªp. -- ¤¤°ê ªº Àô¹Ò «OÅ@. -- ¤¤°ê ªº ³¹ °ÝÃD. -- Ãö¤_ ¤¤ ¬ü ¶T©ö ¥¿Å °ÝÃD. -- ¤@¤E¤E¤» ¦~ ¤¤°ê ¤HÅv ¨Æ·~ ªº ¶i®i. -- ¤¤°ê ªº ©v±Ð «H¥õ ¦Û¥Ñ ª¬ªp. -- ¦èÂà ¦Ûªv°Ï ¤HÅv ¨Æ·~ ªº ¶i®i | | |
White papers of the Government [cont.'ed 4] | |
Subjects: | Government China - Politics and government - 1976- China - Economic policy |
Access: | (downloaded 14-06-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | â¼w Ling Te |
Title: | ¬ü°ê"«q°ê^¶¯""Á×Ãø"»´ä¦¨¤¤¬üÃøÃD / â¼w, ³¯¤@»ï, ¨LªR, ¬hª½ Mei-kuo "pan-kuo ying-hsiong" "pi-nan" Hsiang-kang ch'eng Chung Mei nan-t'i / Ling Te, Ch'en I-ming, Wang Hsi, Liu Chih |
Source: | Àô²yºô°ê»Ú·s»D (13 Jun. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 css, 3 gif, 2 html, 14 jpeg, 17 js, 53 png files (1.16 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
³¯¤@»ï Ch'en I-ming ¨LªR Wang Hsi | |
Subjects: | United States of America Espionage, American - China China - Foreign relations - United States United States - Foreign relations - China Cyberterrorism - United States Snowden, Edward, 1983- |
Access: | (downloaded 31-07-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ©P¥Ã±d³Q¥ß®×¼f¬d¥~©f¼öij©Î¦¨¥qªk§ï²«´¾÷ Chou Yung-k'ang pei li-an shen-ch'a yin wai mei je-i huo ch'eng ssu-fa kai-ko ch'i-chi / Chung-kuo hsin-wen wang |
Source: | (31 Jul. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 8 css, 25 gif, 3 html, 44 js, 20 jpg, 66 png files (2,44 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Corruption Leadership - China Corruption (in politics) - China China - Politics and governments - 21st century Chou Yung-k'ang, 1942- |
Access: | (downloaded 18-04-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ·¨©ú Yang Ming |
Title: | ¬ü°Q½×¤¤°ê¤½¦@ª¾ÃѤÀ¤l§@¥Î / ·¨©ú Mei t'ao-lun Chung-kuo kung-kung chih-chih fen-tzu tso-yung / Yang Ming |
Source: | To-wei hsin-wen ¦hºû·s»D (12 Mar. 2005) |
Description: | 2 HTML, 36 GIF, 1 JPEG, 1 XML files (324 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Intellectuals - China |
Access: | (downloaded 16-12-2002) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ý®ü®þ Wang Hai-chüan |
Title: | §Ú°ê¤½¥¬º¦¸¦Û±þÀJ¬dµ²ªG : ¨C¦~28ÉE¤H¦º¤_¦Û±þ / ¥»³ø°OªÌ¤ý®ü®þ Wo-kuo kung-pu shou-tz'u tzu-sha tiao-ch'a chie-kuo : mei-nien 28 wan jen ssu yü tzu-sha / pen-pao chi-che Wang Hai-chüan |
Source: | sina ¥_´º±ß³ø (27 Nov. 2002) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Access: | (downloaded 04-12-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Àô²y®É³ø:¦h¼Æ¤¤°ê¤H¹ï¤¤¬üÃö¨t¯S¼ÖÆ[ºA«× Huan-ch'iu shih-pao: tuo-shu Chung-kuo-jen tui Chung Mei kuan-hsi t'e le-kuan t'ai-tu / SINA Corporation |
Source: | (17 Mar. 2006) |
Description: | 7 html, 19 gif, 6 jpeg, 9 js files (224 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
SINA Corporation | |
Subjects: | International relations China - Foreign relations - United States Public opinion polls |
Access: | (downloaded 14-01-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¥ß©ú Li Ming |
Title: | §ë¸ê¹F8.89»õ¬ü¤¸ : §Ú¹Ò¥~§ë¸ê¤@¥b¦b©Ô¬ü / ¥ß©ú T'ou-tzu ta 8.89 i mei-yüan : wo ching-wai t'ou-tzu i-pan tsai la mei / Li Ming |
Source: | Jen-min wang ¤H¥Á ºô (6 Jan. 2005) |
Description: | 14 HTML, 19 GIF, 3 CSS, 1 JScript, 4 SWF files (114 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Investments, Foreign - China China - Foreign economic relations - Latin America |
Access: | (downloaded 04-06-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¥x°h§Ð±N»â:¬ü¤£·|¬°"¥x¿W"¦Ó¾Ô¤é¥u·Q¼´¦n³B / »ñ°Ä x¨Æ T'ai t'ui-yi chiang-ling: mei pu-hui wei "t'ai-tu" er-chan ji chih-hsiang lao hao-ch'u / Feng-huang chün-shih |
Source: | »ñ°Ä ºô (30 May 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 8 gif, 4 html, 17 js, 25 jpg, 1 mp4, 13 png files (5.08 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
»ñ°Ä ºô Feng-huang wang | |
Subjects: | Taiwan - Foreign relations - China Taiwan - Foreign relations - United states Chinese reunification question, 1949- Ts'ai Ying-wen, 1956- |
Access: | (downloaded 05-02-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ´ä´C : «n©P¨Æ¥ó©ÎÃn"¨â¬£·t¤æ" / BBC ¤¤¤åºô Kang mei : Nan Chou shih-chien huo p'u "liang p'ai an-t'ou / BBC Chung-wen wang |
Source: | BBC ¤¤¤åºô (09 Jan. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 10 css, 44 gif, 28 html, 14 jpeg, 21 js, 37 png, 1 swf file (2.91 MB) |
Series: | Nanfang Zhoumo incident January 2013 |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
BBC ¤¤¤åºô BBC Chung-wen wang | |
Subjects: | Censorship Freedom of the press - China Government and the press - China Nan-fang chou-mo |
Access: | (downloaded 08-07-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Motion picture |
Title: | ¨H¶§§Ü¬ü´©´Â¯P¤h³®¶é / ¥¡µøºô Shen-yang k'ang mei yüan-ch'ao lieh-shih ling-yüan / CCTV |
Source: | ¥¡µøºô (24 Mar. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | Documentary, China 1 videofile (1 flv file) (9:59 min) : color |
Series: | ·R§Ú¤¤µØ Ai wo chung-hua |
Collections: | Dachs - Aiwozhonghua |
Language: | chi. |
¥¡µøºô CCTV | |
The Korean martyr cemetery | |
Subjects: | Motion picture Television broadcasting - China - History Art, Chinese - 21st century - Exhibitions Liaoning (China) |
Access: | (downloaded 03-07-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬üxÄ¥±ý°±¾a¥xÆW´ä©f:14»õ¤¤°ê¤H¤£µªÀ³§A´±! / ®ü¥~ ºô Mei chün-chien yü t'ing-k'ao t'ai-wan kang-mei: 14 i chung-kuo jen pu ta-ying ni kan! / Hai-wai wang |
Source: | ®ü¥~ ºô (30 Jun. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 6 gif, 2 html, 10 js, 35 jpg, 5 png files (972 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
®ü¥~ ºô Hai-wai wang | |
Subjects: | Taiwan - Military relations - United States Taiwan - Foreign relations - China China - Foreign relations - China |
Access: | (downloaded 30-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ©è¨îºôµ¸ÁÁ¨¥¬O¨C¦ì¤½¥Áªº³d¥ô Ti chih wang-lo kei yao-yen shih mei wei kung-min te tse-jen |
Source: | ºô©ö·s»D (27 Oct. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 7 css, 3 gif, 3 html, 1 htm, 15 js, 51 png files (1,31 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | For English translation see also: |
Subjects: | Freedom of speech Freedom of the press - China Press - China Publishers and publishing - China |
Access: | (downloaded 24-04-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬ü¯è¥À»P¤éÅ@½ÃÄ¥®i¶}Áp¦X°V½m / now ·s»D Mei hang-mu yü ri hu-wei-chien chan-k'ai lien-ho hsün-lien / now Hsin-wen |
Source: | now ·s»D (24 Apr. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 4 gif, 2 html, 20 js, 11 jpg, 38 png files (2.72 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
now ·s»D now Hsin-wen | |
Subjects: | Japan - Military relations - United States China - Military relations - United States Military weapons Sea power - China |
Access: | (downloaded 13-06-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | §J¨½:¤¤°êY³]«n®üªÅÃѰϬü±Nµø¬°¬DÆ] / Æ[¹î ªÌ K'o-li: chung-kuo jo she nan-hai k'ung shih ch'ü mei chiang shih-wei t'iao-hsin / Kuan-ch'a che |
Source: | Æ[¹î ªÌ (06 Jun. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 10 gif, 2 html, 9 js, 52 jpg, 67 png, 1 php files (3.13 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Æ[¹î ªÌ ºô Kuan-ch'a che wang | |
Subjects: | China - Foreign relations - United states South china sea China - Foreign policy Kerry, John Forbes, 1943- |
Access: | (downloaded 09-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ·Å¦{¥«©e¬d²M"23¤Hu¬ü°ö°V¹Î"°ÝÃD : 4¤H¨üÄÒ¬ö³B¤À / ½s¿è: ®} ÄP Wen-chou shih wei ch'a ch'ing "23 jen fu Mei p'ei-hsün-t'uan" wen-t'i : 4 jen shou tang-chi ch'u-fen / pien-chi: Hsü P'eng |
Source: | (4 Dec. 2008) |
Description: | 2 swf, 8 js, 2 jpeg, 10 gif, 5 html files (560 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
®} ÄP [½s] Hsü P'eng [ed.] | |
Subjects: | Government Corruption Wen-chou |
Access: | (downloaded 08-07-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¶}¬ü«D®p·|,¬ü°ê¼LµwµÛ¾Ç²ß¤¤°ê / §@ªÌ : Àô²y ®É³ø K'ai mei fei feng-hui, Mei-kuo tsui-ying che hsüeh-hsi Chung-kuo / Tso-che : Huan-ch'iu shih-pao |
Source: | Àô²y ®É³ø (07 Aug. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 3 gif, 2 html, 20 js, 28 jpg, 67 png files (1,49 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | International relations United States - foreign relations - Africa China Foreign relations - Africa |
Access: | (downloaded 05-05-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | µÂ·q Su Ching |
Title: | ±M®a:»´ä¨Sã³Æ¦n¹ê²{¥þ±¥Á¥D / µÂ·q Chuan-chia: Hsiang-kang mei chun-pei hao shih-hsien ch'üan-mien min-chu / Su Ching |
Source: | (1 May 2006) |
Description: | 1 html, 14 gif, 3 js, 2 css, 1 cfm files (74,6 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Democracy Hong Kong |
Access: | (downloaded 22-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ®]·Ø^ Sun Huan-ying |
Title: | (ªF¤è¬õ)¬°¦ó¨S¼g«n©÷°_¸q / §@ªÌ: ®]·Ø^ (Tung-fang hung) wei-ho mei hsieh nan-ch'ang ch'i-i #321 / Tso-che: Sun Huan-ying |
Source: | «n¤è ºô (16 Oct. 2002) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 cab, 1 css, 5 gif, 13 html, 5 js, 7 jpg files (604 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Propaganda, communist - China Art Communism - China |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦± : ±öÄõªÚ-¹p®p¶ð-Â_¾ô-4/5 K'un-ch'ü : Mei Lan-fang - Lei-feng t'a - Tuan ch'iao - 4/5 / ilcibo3 |
Source: | (15 Nov. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (21 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | compradorehouse [pseud.] |
Title: | ±öÄõªÚ-2 Mei Lan Fang - 2 / compradorehouse |
Source: | (05 Oct. 2010) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (32.5 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi.; eng. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦±¹q¼v : ±öÄõªÚ-´å¶éÅå¹Ú-7/10 K'un-ch'ü tien-ying : Mei Lan-fang - Yu-yüen ching-meng - 7/10 / ilcibo3 |
Published: | 1960 |
Source: | (20 Aug. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 2 flv files (54.8 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-04-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬ü¬°¦óɤ¤°ê¥Ã¸pÁG¸Õ¸¥sªO? / »ñ°Ä µøÀW Mei wei-ho chieh chung-kuo yung-shu-chiao shih-fei chiao-pan? / Feng-huang shih-p'in |
Source: | »ñ°Ä µøÀW (21 Jan. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 4 gif, 5 html, 9 js, 28 jpg, 1 mp4, 41 png, 1 swf files (11,7 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
»ñ°Ä ºô Feng-huang wang | |
Subjects: | China - Foreign relations - United States China - Military relations - United States China - Military policy - 21st century |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦±¹q¼v : ±öÄõªÚ-´å¶éÅå¹Ú-2/10 K'un-ch'ü tien-ying : Mei Lan-fang - Yu-yüen ching-meng - 2/10 / ilcibo3 |
Published: | 1960 |
Source: | (19 Aug. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 20 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 2 flv files (46.7 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦±¹q¼v : ±öÄõªÚ-´å¶éÅå¹Ú-9/10 K'un-ch'ü tien-ying : Mei Lan-fang - Yu-yüen ching-meng - 9/10 / ilcibo3 |
Published: | 1960 |
Source: | (20 Aug. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (10 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦±¹q¼v : ±öÄõªÚ-´å¶éÅå¹Ú-3/10 K'un-ch'ü tien-ying : Mei Lan-fang - Yu-yüen ching-meng - 3/10 / ilcibo3 |
Published: | 1960 |
Source: | (19 Aug. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 20 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 2 flv files (59.9 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦±¹q¼v : ±öÄõªÚ-´å¶éÅå¹Ú-4/10 K'un-ch'ü tien-ying : Mei Lan-fang - Yu-yüen ching-meng - 4/10 / ilcibo3 |
Published: | 1960 |
Source: | (19 Aug. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (10.6 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦±¹q¼v : ±öÄõªÚ-´å¶éÅå¹Ú-5/10 K'un-ch'ü tien-ying : Mei Lan-fang - Yu-yüen ching-meng - 5/10 / ilcibo3 |
Published: | 1960 |
Source: | (19 Aug. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (18.3 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦±¹q¼v : ±öÄõªÚ-´å¶éÅå¹Ú-6/10 K'un-ch'ü tien-ying : Mei Lan-fang - Yu-yüen ching-meng - 6/10 / ilcibo3 |
Published: | 1960 |
Source: | (20 Aug. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (22.1 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦± : ±öÄõªÚ-¹p®p¶ð-Â_¾ô-1/5 K'un-ch'ü : Mei Lan-fang - Lei-feng t'a - Tuan ch'iao - 1/5 / ilcibo3 |
Source: | (15 Nov. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 5 swf, 1 flv file (41.4 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦±¹q¼v : ±öÄõªÚ-´å¶éÅå¹Ú-8/10 K'un-ch'ü tien-ying : Mei Lan-fang - Yu-yüen ching-meng - 8/10 / ilcibo3 |
Published: | 1960 |
Source: | (20 Aug. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (9.73 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦±¹q¼v : ±öÄõªÚ-´å¶éÅå¹Ú-10/10 K'un-ch'ü tien-ying : Mei Lan-fang - Yu-yüen ching-meng - 10/10 / ilcibo3 |
Published: | 1960 |
Source: | (20 Aug. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (14.2 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦± : ±öÄõªÚ-¹p®p¶ð-Â_¾ô-3/5 K'un-ch'ü : Mei Lan-fang - Lei-feng t'a - Tuan ch'iao - 3/5 / ilcibo3 |
Source: | (15 Nov. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (15.2 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦± : ±öÄõªÚ-¹p®p¶ð-Â_¾ô-2/5 K'un-ch'ü : Mei Lan-fang - Lei-feng t'a - Tuan ch'iao - 2/5 / ilcibo3 |
Source: | (15 Nov. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (18.6 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦± : ±öÄõªÚ-¹p®p¶ð-Â_¾ô-5/5 K'un-ch'ü : Mei Lan-fang - Lei-feng t'a - Tuan ch'iao - 5/5 / ilcibo3 |
Source: | (15 Nov. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 2 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (13.2 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 28-05-2002) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | »jµï Chih Chu |
Title: | ¤¤°ê¶Â«È¹ï¬ü®i¶}¤Ï¥\ : ¼Æ¤d®a¬ü°êºô¯¸³Q¶Â / »jµï Chung-kuo hei-k'e tui Mei chan-k'ai fan-kung : shu-ch'ien chia Mei-kuo wang-chan pei hei / Chih Chu |
Source: | (4 May 2002) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Access: | (downloaded 16-09-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ý½r«ä, 1948- Wang Chi-ssu, 1948- |
Title: | ¤¤¬ü»P¤¤¤éÃö¨t¦P®É·Æ©Y¨Ã«D¦³§Q§½± / ¤ý½r«ä Chung mei yü chung- ji kuan-hsi t'ung-shih hua-o'o ping-fei yu-li chü-mien / Wang Chi-ssu |
Source: | °ê»Úºô (01 Sep. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 css, 2 html, 1 gif, 10 jpeg, 7 js, 4 png, 1 swf file (432 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | International relations China - Foreign relations - United States China - Foreign relations - Japan |
Access: | (downloaded 01-08-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¾½¤ô¤§·Ñ : ¯«µØ¶kº¸¦h´µ·Ñ¨îªo¶µ¥Ø¶Wªö¦a¤U¤ô©M¹Hªk±Æ¦Ã½Õ¬d³ø§i / ºñ¦â©M¥ Shih shui chih mei : Shen-hua O-erh-to-ssu mei chih yo hsiang-mu ch'ao ts'ai ti-hsia-shui ho wei-fa p'ai-wu tiao-ch'a pao-kao / Lü-se ho-p'ing |
Source: | (23 Jul. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 pdf file (6.54 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | For English version of this report see |
ºñ¦â©M¥ / Greenpeace Lü-se ho-p'ing / Greenpeace | |
Subjects: | Water-supply Coal mines and mining - China Water resources development - China - Environmental aspects State-owned enterprises - China |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Quinshi00 [pseud.] |
Title: | 1955 Mei Lanfang taichi y opera China / Quinshi00 |
Source: | (17 Dec. 2010) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 css, 6 gif, 3 html, 26 jpeg, 4 js, 29 png, 5 swf, 1 flv file (49.2 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi.; spa. |
Loc. note: | Linked videos in right column missing |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-08-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | °ê¨¾³¡:¬üÄ¥«Dªk¶i¤J¤¤°ê«n®ü®qÁG¾Fªñ®ü°ìÄY«·l®`Âù¤è¾Ô²¤¤¬«H / ¤H¥Á ºô Kuo-fang pu: mei chien fei-fa chin-ju chung-kuo nan-hai tao chiao lin-chin hai-yü yen-chung sun-hai shuang-fang chan-lüeh hu-hsin / Jen-min wang |
Source: | ¤H¥Á ºô (11 Aug. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 14 gif, 3 html, 5 js, 15 jpg, 1 png files (464 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤H¥Á ºô Jen-min wang | |
Subjects: | China - Military relations - United States South China Sea Region - Politics and government Islands of the South China Sea - International status |
Access: | (downloaded 23-03-2018) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ªL×¥c Lin Hsiu-hui |
Title: | ¬ü°ê"¥x®Èªk"¥Í®Ä¿à²M¼w:¦³§U²`¤Æ¥x¬ü¨â°ê¥æ¬y / ªL×¥c / ¥x¥_ ³ø¾É Mei-kuo "t'ai-lü fa" sheng-hsiao Lai Ch'in-te: yu-chu shen-hua t'ai mei liang kuo chiao-liu / Lin Hsiu-hui / t'ai-pei pao-tao |
Source: | Ä«ªG ¤é³ø (22 Mar. 2018) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 20 css, 15 gif, 11 html, 39 js, 3 jpg, 109 png, 2 txt files (6.2 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Taiwan - Foreign relations - United States Taiwan - Foreign relations - China Taiwan Strait - Strategic aspects Lai Ch'ing-te, 1959- |
Access: | (downloaded 04-04-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Àô²y®É³ø:¤¤°ê»Ýn¦h¤ÖªT®Ö¼u¤~°÷ / ·s®ö µû½× Huan-ch'iu shih-pao: chung-kuo hsü-yao tuo-shao mei ho-tan ts'ai kou / Hsin-lang p'ing-lun |
Source: | ·s®ö µû½× (18 Dec. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 15 gif, 13 html, 17 js, 4 jpg, 59 png files (1.18 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
·s®ö ºô Hsin-lang wang | |
Subjects: | Nuclear weapons - China Nuclear arms control - China Military - China Military doctrine - China |
Access: | (downloaded 01-04-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¶À ¦w¦~ Huang An-nien |
Title: | ¬ü°ê"¶Õ±N°I¸¨"¶Ü? : ݽͤ¤¬ü¤§¶¡ªºµo®i®t¶Z / ¶À ¦w¦~ Mei-kuo "shih chiang shuai-lo" ma? : chien t'an chung mei chih-chien te fa-chan ch'a-chü / Huang An-nien |
Source: | China Institute of American Politics and Law ¬ü°ê¬Fªv»Pªk«ßºô (7 Sep. 2005) |
Description: | 1 html, 1 gif files (32 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Historiography Great powers - history China - Foreign relations - United States |
Access: | (downloaded 11-08-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¥j¤µ³q¶ë : º~»yªº¾ú¥v»Pµo®i / ¦ó¤j¦w [¥D½s] Ku-chin t'ung-sai : Han-yü te li-shih yü fa-chan / Ho Ta-an [chu-pien] |
Published: | »O¥_, 2003 T'ai-pei, 2003 |
Description: | 9 PDF, 1 HTML, 1 WD3 files (2,91 MB) |
Series: | ²Ä¤T©¡°ê»Úº~¾Ç·|ij½×¤å¶° Ti san chieh kuo-chi Han-hsüeh hui-i lun-wen chi |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi.; eng. |
Contents: | º~»y µÃý ¥v ¤W ¦³«Ý ¸Ñ¨M ªº °ÝÃD / ¤B¨¹·s. -- ªï±µ ¤@ Ó ¦ÒÃÒ ¾Ç ©M »yµ ¾Ç µ²¦X ªº º~»y »yªk ¥v ¬ã¨s ·s §½± /¡@±ö¼s. -- ¥j º~»y µêµü ¬ã¨s µûij / ³¢¿ü¨}. -- ¤W ¥j º~»y ¨ì ¤¤ ¥j º~»y »yªk ªº «n µo®i / ÃQ°ö¬u. -- ¥j º~»y ¹êµü ªº ½Æ ¦X¤Æ / ¼B©Ó¼z. -- ±ý ½à ª¾ µ «D ¼s ¤å ¸ô - "¤ÁÃý" ©Ê ½è ªº ·s »{ÃÑ / ±L¿ð ªv¥. -- ±q ì©l º~Âà »y ¨ì ¤W ¥j º~»y ¥H¤Î ì©l Âýq »y Ãý¥À ºtÅÜ / ÅǷ׫° |
¦ó¤j¦w Ho Ta-an | |
Historical development of Chinese language | |
Subjects: | Chinese language - History - Congresses Chinese language - Grammar - History - Congresses |
Access: | (downloaded 07-04-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Malmqvist, Göran |
Title: | ±q¨S¾Ç·|¥s±¡ªº¤k¤H Ts'ung mei hsüeh-hui chiao-ch'ing te nü-jen / Göran Malmqvist |
Description: | 1 doc file (19 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Literature |
Access: | (downloaded 07-02-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ÀF¾Ç³q, 1952- Yen Hsüeh-t'ung, 1952- |
Title: | ¤Ï"¥x¿W"¤£¯à¹ï¬ü´Á±æ¹L°ª / ÀF¾Ç³q Fan "t'ai-tu" pu neng tui mei ch'i-wang kuo kao / Yen Hsüeh-t'ung |
Source: | (26 Feb. 2006) |
Description: | 1 html, 1 css files (10,3 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Bib. note: | Orig. source: huan-ch'iu shih-pao Àô²y®É³ø |
Subjects: | Politics China - Foreign relations - Taiwan |
Access: | (downloaded 12-09-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¦w´À Anti, Michael |
Title: | ¦w´ÀÃö¤_·s»D©M¬Fªvªº¨C¤é«ä¦Ò / ¦w´À An-t'i kuan-yü hsin-wen ho cheng-chih te mei jih ssu-k'ao / An-ti |
Published: | Blog-City, 2006 |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 10 pdf, 2 exe, 5 css, 316 cfm, 39 gif, 548 htm, 296 jpg, 3 js, 2 doc, 2 rm, 29 rs, 110 wd3, 35 nn files (76,6 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Blog |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Available snapshots: 30 Jan. 2006, 7 Mar. 2006, 23 May 2006, 12 Sep. 2006 |
Subjects: | Blogs Politics Michael Anti |
Information on name variants (Please follow link for related entries) | |
Michael Anti |
Access: | (downloaded 04-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Áé ¨} Chung Liang |
Title: | ¥ÖÀr¥ÍÁÙ¬O¨S°k¹L¥h / Áé ¨} P'i Ch'ien-sheng hai-shih mei t'ao kuo ch'ü / Chung Liang |
Source: | (23 Dec. 2008) |
Description: | 1 png, 5 js, 2 jpeg, 2 gif, 4 html, 1 css file (295 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Corruption P'i Ch'ien-sheng |
Access: | (downloaded 24-04-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¥~´C:´Â»}¨¥¤£·|³Q¬üÀ~˱j½Õ¥þ±¾Ô³Æ / ÄË°T ·s»D Wai-mei: Ch'ao shih-yen pu hui pei mei hsia-tao ch'iang-tiao ch'üan-mien chan-pei / T'eng-hsün hsin-wen |
Source: | QQ (23 Apr. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 7 gif, 2 html, 16 js, 19 jpg, 1 json, 69 png files (1.25 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
ÄË°T ·s»D T'eng-hsün hsin-wen | |
Subjects: | Korea (North) - Foreign relations - China Nuclear arms control - Korea (North) Korea (North) - Foreign relations - United States Military |
Access: | (downloaded 13-02-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬ü·ÑÁnºÙ:¬ü®üxp¹º¬£¯è¥À¾Ô°«¸s¨Ó«n®ü / »ñ°Ä ºô Mei-mei sheng-ch'eng: mei hai-chün chi-hua p'ai hang-mu ch'ang-mu chan-tou ch'ün lai nan-hai / Feng-huang wang |
Source: | »ñ°Ä ºô (13 Feb. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 1 swf, 15 gif, 6 html, 2 jpeg, 33 jpg, 15 js, 9 png files (1.23 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
»ñ°Ä ºô Feng-huang wang | |
Subjects: | China - Military relations - United States South China Sea Region - Politics and government South China Sea - Strategic aspects |
Access: | (downloaded 13-06-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬ü°Ó°È³¡½Õ¬dµØ¬°,ÃhºÃ¨ä¦V¸T¹B°ê¥X¤f§Þ³N°Ó«~ Mei shang-wu pu tiao-ch'a hua-wei, huai-i ch'i hsiang chin yün kuo ch'u-k'ou chi-shu shang-p'in / QQ |
Source: | QQ (07 Jun. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 bmp, 7 css, 2 file, 3 gif, 13 html, 32 js, 296 jpg, 6 png, 2 swf files (4.04 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | China - Foreign economic relations - United states International trade Internet users - China Social media Social media - Political aspects |
Access: | (downloaded 07-07-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | The worlds of Mei Lanfang : script / lotusfilms |
Source: | Lotus Films (27 Jan. 2000) |
Description: | 1 HTML file (35 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Lotus Films | |
Subjects: | Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 29-10-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ©~µM¦³³o¼Ë¨S¸`¾Þªº°OªÌ / »ñ°Äºô Ch'ü-jan yu che yang mei chieh-ts'ao te chi-che / Jen-min wang |
Source: | »ñ°Äºô (27 Oct. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 3 html, 70 gif, 48 jpeg, 22 js, 4 png files (1.58 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | ì¼ÐÃD:¤H¥ÁºôÁû:³¯¥Ã¬w¨Æ¥ó,³£¬O½Ö¸Ó¤Ï«ä? |
»ñ°Äºô Jen-min wang | |
Subjects: | Journalism Mass media - Censorship - China Corruption - China Ch'en Yung-chou |
Access: | (downloaded 15-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | §EªN, 1973- Yü Chieh, 1973- |
Title: | ²ö¨¥¦b»y¨¥¼É¤O¤¤°g¥¢,¨S¨«¥X¦Û¤vªº«Øºcªº¤å¾Ç°g®c / §EªN Mo Yen tsai yü-yen pao-li chung mi-shih, mei tsou-ch'u tzu-chi chien-kou te wen-hsüeh mi-kung / Yü Chieh |
Source: | ¿¥i¿Ë.®ü¥~µØ¤H¤¤¤åªù¤á (12 Oct. 2012) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 12 css, 30 gif, 18 html, 2 jpeg, 23 js, 3 png, 1 swf file (1.83 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Nobel Prize Chinese literature - 20th century Nobel Prize winners - Fiction Mo Yen, 1955- Yü Chieh, 1973- |
Access: | (downloaded 15-02-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Sandra Fu |
Title: | ¦è¤è°OªÌ¶]±o§Ö,¦ý¨S¤Á±o§Ö / ½s¿è: Sandra Fu Hsi-fang chi-che p'ao te k'uai, tan mei ch'ieh te k'uai / Pien-chi: Sandra Fu |
Source: | China Digital Times (15 Feb. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 20 css, 16 eot, 268 gif, 285 html, 76 jpg, 29 js, 1 mp4, 104 png, 7 ttf, 3 woff, 3 xml files (29.0 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Journalism - United States Internet - China Internet - Political aspects - China |
Access: | (downloaded 14-12-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mei Lan-fang / Lotus Films |
Source: | (s.a.) |
Description: | 37,4 MB |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Lotus Films | |
Subjects: | Art Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-04-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬üºÙ¤¤°ê¨â´Ï§@¾Ô¤O¶q¤jº¦¤w¤ñªÓ¬ü®üx / «eªu ºô Mei ch'eng chung-kuo liang-ch'i tso-chan li-liang ta chang i pi-chien mei hai-chün / Ch'ien-yen wang |
Source: | «eªu ºô (13 Apr. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 3 gif, 3 html, 29 jpg, 5 js, 4 php files (1.02 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
«eªu ºô Ch'ien-yen wang | |
Subjects: | Military weapons - China China - Military relations - United States Military |
Access: | (downloaded 20-06-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Äè¤K ¬ü ¨k¤l Chien-pa mei nan-tzu |
Title: | ¦a²y³o»ò¤j¬ü¬°¦ó«D®³¤¤°ê·í¹ï¤â? / Äè¤K ¬ü ¨k¤l Ti-ch'iu che-mo ta mei wei-ho fei-na chung-kuo tang tui-shou? / Chien-pa mei nan-tzu |
Source: | ·s®ö ³Õ«È (03 Jun. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 25 css, 121 gif, 8 html, 7 js, 10 jpg, 100 png files (2.13 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | China - Military relations - United States China - Foreign relations - United states Military Strategic Culture - China |
Access: | (downloaded 30-08-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ±ä§ªâ Ts'ao Yü-fen |
Title: | ¬ü°ê°È°| : ·¨µd´Ð¥u¬O«¥Ó¬ü¥ß³õ / ±ä§ªâ Mei-kuo wu-yüan : Yang Su-ti chih shih ch'ung-shen Mei li-ch'ang / Ts'ao Yü-fen |
Source: | s.l. (28 Oct. 2006) |
Description: | 1 MsWord file (25 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | International relations United States - Foreign relations - Taiwan Taiwan - Relations - China |
Access: | (downloaded 04-06-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¦¨³ë¨¥ Ch'eng Yü-yen |
Title: | ±öÄõªÚµe¶Ç : Â×´I¹¡º¡ªº±öÄõªÚ / ¦¨³ë¨¥ Mei Lan-fang hua-chuan : feng-fu pao-man te Mei Lan-fang / Ch'eng Yü-yen |
Source: | Sohu (2005) |
Description: | 48 HTML, 1 JPEG, 2 PHP, 41 GIF, 1 CSS files (1,61 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Bib. note: | Orig. publ.: Pei-ching: T'uan-chieh ch'u-pan-she, 2004 |
Subjects: | Theatre - China - History Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 26-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤¤°ê¹ï©Ô¤B¬ü¬w©M¥[°Ç¤ñ¬Fµ¦¤å¥ó / ³d¥ô ½s¿è: Àd¤§©ú Chung-kuo tui La-ting-mei-chou he Chia-le-pi cheng-ts'e wen-chien / tse-jen pien-chi: Lo Chih-ming |
Published: | ¥_¨Ê Pei-ching |
Source: | (5 Nov. 2008) |
Description: | 3 swf, 1 inf, 10 js, 10 jpeg, 11 gif, 12 html, 1 exe, 1 cab file (2,37 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | english translation available.- See: |
Àd¤§©ú Lo Chih-ming | |
Subjects: | International relations China - Foreign relations - Latin America China - Foreign relations - West Indian Americans Latin America West Indian Americans |
Access: | (downloaded 22-07-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬ü´C:¤¤«X¦b¤ÓªÅ¾Ô¤¤«d®z¬ü°ê¦ý¬ü¥¿¦b¤ÏÀ» / »ñ°Ä x¨Æ ¨Ó·½: Àô²y ®É³ø Mei-mei: Chung E tsai t'ai-k'ung chan-chung hsüeh-jo mei-kuo mei-kuo tan mei cheng-tsai fan-chi / Feng-huang chün-shih lai-yüan: huan-ch'iu shih-pao |
Source: | »ñ°Ä ºô (20 Jul. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 13 gif, 5 html, 14 js, 30 jpg, 16 png, 1 swf files (1.39 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
»ñ°Ä ºô Feng-huang wang | |
Subjects: | Air forces - China Air defenses - China Air power - China |
Access: | (downloaded 29-11-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Àá¦Ð Ju Yü |
Title: | ºô«H¿ì°Æ¥D¥ô¥_¤jºtÁ¿,¦^À³«H®§ºÞ±±:"¨S¬Æ»ò¤£¦n·N«ä,·Å¨}®¥»üÅýªº" / Àá¦Ð Wang hsin pan fu chu-jen pei-ta yen-chiang, hui-ying hsin-hsi kuan-k'ung: "mei shen-me pu-hao i-ssu, wen-liang kung-chien jang te" / Ju Yü |
Source: | ºÝ ¶Ç´C (28 Nov. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 14 js, 16 jpg, 28 woff files (4.62 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Internet - Censorship - China Mass media - China Education, Higher - China Child abuse |
Access: | (downloaded 09-12-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | §Ú¾n¬ü¥Nªí³B¤ë¥I64¸U¤¸´«¤t½²¼ö½u? / Áp¦X ·s»D ºô Wo chu mei tai-piao ch'u yüe-fu 64 wan yüan huan Ch'uan Ts'ai je-hsian? / Lien-ho hsin-wen wang |
Source: | Áp¦X ·s»D ºô (07 Dec. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 9 css, 1 eot, 26 gif, 12 html, 32 js, 48 jpg, 38 png, 1 ttf, 2 woff, 3 xml files (6.28 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Áp¦X ·s»D ºô Lien-ho hsin-wen wang | |
Subjects: | Political leadership - Taiwan Trump, Donald John, 1946- |
Access: | (downloaded 06-10-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¥ì¨F I Sha |
Title: | MaiDanliyideYiShashige(1):Chang'anYiSha"±ö¤¦²zĶªº¥ì¨F¸Öºq(¤@):ªø¦w¥ì¨F(PoemsbyYiSha,translatedbyDenisMair[1]:YiShaofChang'an) / ªø¦w¥ì¨F Mai Danli yi de Yi Sha shige (1): Chang'an Yi Sha" mei tan-li i te i sha shige (i): Ch'ang-an i-sha (Poems by Yi Sha, translated by Denis Mair [1]: Yi Sha of Chang'an) / Ch'ang-an I-sha |
Source: | Poemlife ¸Ö ¥Í¬¡ ½×¾Â (19 Mar. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 html, 8 tmp files (100 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | China - Poetry Art Music I Sha, 1966- |
Access: | (downloaded 28-04-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ª÷ÄÁ Chin Chung |
Title: | ¦^Âk¦Zªº»´ä¶Ç´C / ª÷ÄÁ Hui-kui hou te Hsiang-kang ch'uan mei / Chin Chung |
Source: | China Information Center ([Oct. 2003?]) |
Description: | 1 PDF file (188 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Mass media - Censorship - China - Hong Kong |
Access: | (downloaded 17-02-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¥h¦~¨ì©³¥X¤F¦h¤Ö·Ñ? / ¦æ·~»EµJ Ch'ü-nien tao-ti ch'u le to-shao mei? / Hsing-yeh chü-chiao |
Source: | Hsing-yeh chü-chiao ¦æ·~»EµJ |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¦æ·~»EµJ Hsing-yeh chü-chiao |
Access: | (downloaded 05-05-2010) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | §d©Ó®¦, ca. 1500-ca. 1582 Wu Ch'eng-en, ca. 1500-ca. 1582 |
Title: | ¤T¥´¥Õ°©ºë,´¼¿E¬üµU¤ý / ¼B¿þ, Êo¤j°¶ ½s ¤å. Êo¤j°¶, ¼B¬K¬Â øµe San ta Pai-ku-ching, chih chi Mei Hou-wang / Liu Cheng, Shao Ta-wei pien wen. Shao Ta-wei, Liu Ch'un-ling hui-hua |
Published: | ¥_¨Ê : ¥_¨Ê¤Ö¦~¨àµ£¥Xª©ªÀ, 2004 Pei-ching : Pei-ching shao-nien erh-t'ung ch'u-pan-she, 2004 |
Source: | (5 May 2010) |
Description: | 2 css, 2 html, 6 gif, 11 jpeg, 2 js files (255 KB) |
Series: | ¦è¹C°Oøµe¥» Sun Wukong san da Baigujing versions since 1949 |
Collections: | |
ISBN: | 978-7-5301-1179-6 |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Book introduction only. |
¼B¿þ Liu Cheng | |
Subjects: | Art Illustrated books Picture books for children - China |
Access: | (downloaded 12-12-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¼B¾åªi Liu Hsiao-po |
Title: | ®vÀܨS¦³¯µ±K / §@ªÌ ¼B¾åªi Shih T'ao mei yu mi-mi / tso-che Liu Hsiao-po |
Source: | Ta-chi yüan ¤j¬ö¤¸ (6 Dec. 2004) |
Description: | 4 HTML, 11 GIF, 1 CSS files (113 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Journalism - China Government and the press - China Freedom of the press - China |
Access: | (downloaded 09-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¸ ÅK¾ô Yeh T'ieh-ch'iao |
Title: | ¤@Ó11¤H"¥_¬ü¦Ò¹î¹Î"ªº35ÉE¤¸¤§®È / ¥»³ø °OªÌ: ¸ ÅK¾ô I ke 11 jen "Pei-mei k'ao-ch'a t'uan" te 35 wan yüan chih lü / pen-pao chi-che: Yeh T'ieh-ch'iao |
Source: | ¤¤ «C ¦b ½u (30 Nov. 2008) |
Description: | 1 swf, 6 js, 5 gif, 8 html files (114 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Corruption Criticism - Political aspects - China |
Access: | (downloaded 10-01-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ±i¼Ú¨È Chang Ou-ya |
Title: | ¤E³s¼[¤G¸¹¹Óµo±¸¥X¤d§EªT·¡Â² / ì§@ªÌ±i¼Ú¨È Chiu-lien-tun erh-hao mu fa-chüeh ch'u ch'ien-yü mei Ch'u-chien / yüan tso-che Chang Ou-ya |
Source: | (26 Dec. 2002) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Access: | (downloaded 14-03-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¼BªvµY Liu Chih-lin |
Title: | ´¶¨Ê"¤T©Û"¦b¯Q§JÄõµ¹¬ü¼Ú«õ¤FÓ§| / ¼BªvµY P'u-ching "san chao" tsai Wu-k'o-lan kei mei ou wa le k'o k'eng / Liu Chih-lin |
Source: | Àô²yºô (04 Mar. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 2 html, 3 gif, 14 jpeg, 22 js, 64 png files (1.40 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | §@ªÌ¬O«e¥~¥æ©x |
Subjects: | International relations Ukraine - Foreign relations -1991- Ukraine - Foreign relations - Russia (Federation) Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1952- |
Information on name variants (Please follow link for related entries) | |
Liu Zhilin |
Access: | (downloaded 19-09-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | À°¤¤°ê¸Ñ¨M¬w»ÚÅF¬µ¾÷³Ì¤j²~ÀV,«XºB´n¨M©w¥O¬üÅå¸Ò / ¤¤µØ ¥² «G¼C ¤Ñ¤Ñ ®É¨Æ Pang chung-kuo chieh-chüeh chou-chi hung-cha-chi tsui-ta p'ing-ching, e k'ang-k'ai chüeh-ting ling mei ching-ch'a / Chung-hua pi liang-chien tien-tien shih-shih |
Source: | ¤¤µØ ¥² «G¼C ¤Ñ¤Ñ ®É¨Æ (16 Sep. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 5 gif, 4 htm, 1 html, 6 jpg, 2 txt files (288 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤¤µØ ¥² «G¼C ¤Ñ¤Ñ ®É¨Æ Chung-hua pi liang-chien tien-tien shih-shih | |
Subjects: | China - Military relations - Russia Military weapons - China China - Military policy |
Access: | (downloaded 23-03-2018) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ³¯®aÛ Chen Chia-lun |
Title: | ¤¤¬ü¶T©ö¾Ô¤Oµû¦ô¤¤°ê¦³¶°ÅvÀu¶Õ / ¤¤¥¡ ªÀ °OªÌ ³¯®aÛ ¤W®ü ¯S½Z Chung mei mao-i chan-li p'ing-ku chung-kuo yu chi-ch'üan yu-shih / Chung-yang chi-che Chen Chia-lun shang-hai t'e-kao |
Source: | ¤¤¥¡ ³q°T ªÀ (23 Mar. 2018) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 gif, 5 html, 2 js, 1 jpg files (244 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | China - Foreign relations - United States China - Military policy - 21st century Military weapons - China |
Access: | (downloaded 18-03-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¾ÇªÌ¹ï½Í : §J¨½¦Ì¨È¤j§½¤w©w,¬ü°ê»sµô¨S¥Î Hsüeh-che tui t'an : K'o-li-mi ya-ta chü i-ting, Mei-kuo chih-ts'ai mei-yung |
Source: | Àô²yºô (15 Mar. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 3 gif, 1 html, 1 htm, 17 js, 7 jpg, 64 png files (1, 83 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | International relations Russia - Foreign relations - United States Ukraine - Foreign relations - Russia (Federation) China - Foreign relations - 21st century Ting Yüan-hung, 1931- Yang Ch'eng-hsü Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1952- |
Access: | (downloaded 13-08-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤¤°ê¹Ú¨t¦C½Í : ¤¤°ê¹Ú¬O¥Á±Úªº¹Ú,¤]¬O¨CÓ¤¤°ê¤Hªº¹Ú / ¤¤°ê¦@²£ÄÒ·s»Dºô Chung-kuo meng hsi-lieh t'an : chung-kuo meng shih min-tsu te meng, ye shih mei ke chung-kuo jen te meng / Chung-kuo kung ch'an tang hsin-wen wang |
Source: | Zhongguo gongchandang xinwen wang (08 Jun. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 12 html, 27 gif, 23 jpeg, 8 js, 1 png file (1.15 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Chinese dream Dachs - Chinese dream - CCP Propaganda |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Original source: Jen-min rih-pao |
¤¤°ê¦@²£ÄÒ·s»Dºô Chung-kuo kung ch'an tang hsin-wen wang | |
Subjects: | National characteristics, Chinese China - Politics and government - 21st century Socialism - China - History - 21st century |
Access: | (downloaded 07-02-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ³À«CÁ÷ Lu Ch'ing-shuang |
Title: | ±M©ñµ{¾å¹A : »¯µµ¶§³Q»z¬ü¶¡¿Ò¥¼Âã©l¥½ / ³À«CÁ÷ Chuan-fang Ch'eng Hsiao-nung : Chao Tzu-yang pei wu mei chien-tieh wei-sui shih-mo / Lu Ch'ing-shuang |
Source: | Epoch Times (3 Feb. 2005) |
Description: | 6 HTML, 1 JPEG, 1 JScript, 1 CSS, 12 GIF files (141 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | China - History - Tiananmen Square Incident, 1989 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 Chao Tzu-yang, 1919-2005 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-08-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤¤°ê©x´C¬¶ÅF¦è¥£¤½ª¾ : Y°Ê¿º¤ñÅÈÁp§óºG / ¦hºû·s»D Chung-kuo kuan mei p'ao-hung "Hsi nu kung chih" : jo tung-tang pi su-kien keng ts'an / To-wei hsin-wen |
Source: | ¦hºû·s»D (01 Aug. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 css, 3 html, 112 gif, 21 jpeg, 30 js, 16 png (1.51 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¦hºû·s»D To-wei hsin-wen | |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung ch'an-tang Propaganda, Communist - China Social media - Political aspects |
Access: | (downloaded 02-08-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¥Ý¥Ð½sĶ Hei-t'ien pien-i |
Title: | ±ÔÁ`²ÎªüÂļw»P¬ü°OªÌ¹L©Û§å¬ü°ê¤Ï®£°Ê¾÷¤£¯Â / §@ªÌ: ¥Ý¥Ð ½sĶ Hsü tsung-tung a-sa-te yü mei chi-che kuo-chao p'i mei-kuo fan-kung tung-chi pu-ch'un / Tso-che: He-t'ien pien-i |
Source: | Àô²y µø³¥ (19 Jul. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 33 gif, 3 htm, 1 html, 8 js, 3 jpg, 3 png files (652 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | United states - Foreign relations Economic conditions Mass media - China al-Assad, Baschar Hafiz, 1965- |
Access: | (downloaded 01-02-2018) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | 11·³¤ÑÅ£µ£Ánºtö±ö¬£¥Nªí§@«~§@«~"±ùªá¹|" / ¤H¥Á ¤é³ø People's Daily 11 sui t'ien-lai t'ung-sheng yen-i mei p'ai tai-piao tso-p'in "li-hua sung" / Jen-min jih-pao People's Daily |
Source: | Twitter (29 Jan. 2018) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 12 gif, 2 html, 2 js, 5 jpg, 1 png, 1 mp4 files (27.3 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤H¥Á ¤é³ø Jen-min jih-pao | |
Subjects: | Propaganda, Communist - China Music Culture - China Li Yü-kang, 1978- |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ilcibo3 [pseud.] |
Title: | ©ø¦±¹q¼v : ±öÄõªÚ-´å¶éÅå¹Ú-1/10 K'un-ch'ü tien-ying : Mei Lan-fang - Yu-yüen ching-meng - 1/10 / ilcibo3 |
Published: | 1960 |
Source: | (19 Aug. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 6 gif, 3 html, 24 jpeg, 3 js, 28 png, 4 swf, 2 flv files (30.5 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Linked videos on right column missing |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | compradorehouse [pseud.] |
Title: | ±öÄõªÚ(1) Mei Lan Fang (1) / compradorehouse |
Source: | (05 Oct. 2010) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 6 gif, 3 html, 24 jpeg, 3 js, 28 png, 4 swf, 1 flv file (38.8 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi.; eng. |
Loc. note: | Linked videos in right column missing |
Subjects: | Performing arts Theater - China - History - 20th century Operas, Chinese - China - History - 20th century Mei Lan-fang, 1894-1961 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-04-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ·¨Ä~÷ Yang Chi-Sheng |
Title: | ·¨Ä~÷ªºì©wu¬üºtÁ¿:°OªÌ¬O¯u¬Ûªº«O½ÃªÌ / ·¨Ä~÷ Yang Chi-sheng te yüan-ting fu mei yen-chiang: chi-che shih chen-hsiang te pao-wei che / Yang Chi-Sheng |
Source: | ½Ã³Õ (12 Mar. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 41 png, 37 jpg, 7 js, 6 html, 2 gif, 12 css files |
Collections: | |
Language: | 1.63 MB |
Subjects: | Journalism - China Mass media - China Press - China Yang Chi-sheng, 1940- |
Access: | (downloaded 24-05-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¶V«n¬Ý¤Wþ¨Ç¬ü°êªZ¾¹?¬ü¾a½æ¹s¥ó´N¯àÁÈ(¥þ¤å) / ºô©ö ±´¯Á Yüeh-nan k'an-shang na-hsieh mei-kuo wu-ch'i? Mei k'ao mai chiu ling-chien chiu neng chuan (ch'üan-wen) / Wang-i t'an-so |
Source: | ºô©ö (24 May 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 113 file, 2 asp, 22 css, 2 eot, 15 gif, 77 html, 1 ico, 83 js, 73 jpg, 9 php, 65 png, 2 swf, 1 ttf, 1 woff, 1 xml files (9.57 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
ºô©ö Wang-i | |
Subjects: | Military |
Access: | (downloaded 22-01-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬ü´C:¬üB-52ÅF¬µ¾÷"µL·N"¸¶iµØ¶§ÁG2®ü¸Ì / »ñ°Ä x¨Æ Mei-mei: mei B-52 hung-cha-chi "wu-i" fei-chin hua-yang-chiao 2 hai-li / Feng-huang chün-shih |
Source: | »ñ°Ä x¨Æ (19 Dec. 2015) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 7 gif, 4 html, 17 js, 22 jpg, 14 png files (1.00 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
»ñ°Ä ºô Feng-huang wang | |
Subjects: | Military China - foreign relations - United states China - foreign relations Air forces Air defenses - China Hua-yang-chiao Nan-sha ch'ün-tao |
Access: | (downloaded 14-04-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | §O¥ú¨nµÛ¬ü¤é,¤¤°ê¤H»Ý¦h¬Ý¼Ú¬w / Àô²yºô Pieh kuang ting che mei jih, chung-kuo jen hsü tuo k'an ou-chou / Huan-ch'iu wang |
Source: | Àô²yºô (01 Apr. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 html, 3 gif, 14 jpeg, 22 js, 62 png files (1.37 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - China - EU - 2014 |
Language: | chi. |
Àô²yºô Huan-ch'iu wang | |
Subjects: | International relations China - Foreign relations - United States China - Foreign relations - Japan |
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