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Access: (downloaded 05-01-2004)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:張繼承  Chang Chi-ch'eng
Title:河南某村"怪病"驚動高層 / 張繼承
Ho-nan mou ts'un "kuai ping" ching-tung kao-ts'eng / Chang Chi-ch'eng
Description:1 ASCII file (6 KB)
Bib. note:Orig. publ.: Ch'ang-sha wan-pao 長沙晚報 21 Jan. 2000
Loc. note:This is the article that first reported on widespread HIV/AIDS among rural villagers in Henan. The topic was taken up by ohter authors, whose articles can be found at
Subjects:AIDS (Disease) - China

Access: (downloaded 21-05-2013)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:胥榮東  Hsü Jung-tung
Title:[某管方機構推薦板籃根沖劑可預防H7N9禽流感] / 胥榮東主任醫師
[Mou kuan-fang chi-kou t'ui-chien pan-lan-ken ch'ung chi k'o-yü-fang H7N9 ch'in-liu-kan, pi jen jen-wei shih-fen pu t'o!] / Hsü Jung-tung chu-jen-i-shih 新浪微博 (4 Apr. 2013)
Description:1 html file (138 KB)
Disease outbreaks - China
Influenza, Human - prevention & control

Access: (downloaded 12-10-2017)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:北京某高校學生非典日記:從傳言到戒嚴到離校 / Sina 新聞 中心
Pei-ching mou kao-hsiao hsüeh-sheng fei-tien jih-chi: ts'ung ch'uan-yen tao chieh-yen tao li hsiao / Sina Hsin-wen chung-hsin 新浪 網 (24 Apr. 2003)
Orig. URL:
Description:20 gif, 1 html, 1 jpg, 1 swf, 1 shtml, 8 wd3 files (140 KB)
Corp. body:新浪 網
Hsin-lang wang
Subjects:World Health - China
SARS (Disease) - China
Disease Outbreaks - China
Culture conflict - China

Access: (downloaded 26-03-2018)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:與虎謀羊皮 / 新 新聞
Yü hu mou yang-p'i / Hsin hsin-wen 新 新聞 (15 Mar. 2018)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 adx, 3 css, 7 gif, 5 html, 6 js, 20 jpg, 6 png, 1 txt files (1.03 MB)
Corp. body:新 新聞
Hsin hsin-wen
Subjects:China - Foreign relations - Vatican
Taiwan - Foreign relations - Vatican
Chinese reunification question, 1949-
Christian communities - China
Francis, Pope, 1936-
Trump, Donald John, 1946-
Bush, George Walker, 1946-

Access: (downloaded 15-11-2016)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:如何看待某大學設穆斯林專用的有門浴間? / 知乎
Ju-ho k'an-tai mou ta-hsüeh she mu-ssu-lin chuan-yung te yu men yü chien? / Chih-hu 知乎 (16 Sep. 2016)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 css, 10 gif, 4 htm, 8 js, 2 jpg, 59 png, 10 xml files (2.58 MB)
Corp. body:知乎
Subjects:Muslim - China
Discrimination - Religious aspects
Internet users - China

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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