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Access: (downloaded 08-06-2007)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Elman, Benjamin A., 1946-
Title:Files for Elman e-papers / Benjamin A. Elman
Description:html files (51,7 KB)
Language:eng.; chi.
Contents:China and the world history of science. -- The Chinese prize essay contest and the late Qing promotion of modern science. -- Comparing and classifying : Ming dynasty compendia and encyclopedias (leishu). -- Criticism as philosophy : conceptual change in Ch'ing dynasty evidential research. -- Early modern classicism and late imperial China. -- Education in Song China - a review. -- The emergence of phonology. -- From pre-modern Chinese natural studies to modern science in China. -- Imperial politics and Confucian societies. -- ISIS review of "On their own terms". -- Ming-Qing border defense and the inward turn of Chinese cartography. -- Nietzsche and Buddhism. -- Nietzsche and Buddhism - errata. -- Philology and its enemies. -- Philosophy versus philology. -- Reply to a recent review. -- Reproduction via civil service examinations. -- Rethinking the twentieth century denigration of Chinese science in the twenty-first century. -- The unraveling of neo-confucianism: from philosophy to philology in late imperial China. -- Hsüeh hai t'ang yü chin wen ching-hsüeh tsai Kuang-tung te hsing-ch'i. -- Chung-kuo wen-hua-shih te hsin fang-hsiang: i-hsie yu tai t'ao-lun te i-chien. -- Ai-er-man: Chung-hua ti-kuo hou-ch'i te k'o-chü chih-tu

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