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Material:Sound recording
Title:Chinese Violin Pieces : 1949 - 1979
Description:1 sound disc (compact disc) : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in.
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - CD

Shelfmark:4252-6227 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Chinese Violin Pieces : 1949 - 1979
Description:1 sound cassette (62:97 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:Diverse pieces for violin and piano. Bad recordings

Material:Sound recording
Title:Chinese Violin Pieces : 1949 - 1979
Description:1 sound disc (compact disc) : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in.
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - CD

Shelfmark:4252-6227 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Chinese Violin Pieces : 1949 - 1979
Description:1 sound cassette (62:97 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:Diverse pieces for violin and piano. Bad recordings

Shelfmark:4260-9308 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Wong Yokyee pieces ; Chen Mingzhi pieces ; Cao Jian pieces / [Wong Yokyee, Chen Mingzhi, Cao Jian]
Description:1 sound cassette (66:14 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM26). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. All pieces have a short spoken introduction. Side B very poor sound quality in the original recording
Contents/Access:Man (1990) / Extracts Kyne
St. Lukas Church (1964) for piano
Looking for plum blossoms (1970)
Eight small piano pieces (1982)
Prelude and Fuge I (1984)
Cello piece (1974/75)
夜曲 for cello (1983)
聲樂 套曲 (1990/91) 聊離 讀后 三 則 : 1. 麗人 2. 望鄉 3. 晚霞
焚風 (1990)
夜歌 (1990)
找 (1990)
Related names:黃育義, 1924-  Wong Yokyee, 1924-
陳銘志, 1925-  Chen Mingzhi, 1925-
曹劍, 1973-  Cao Jian, 1973-

Material:Computer file
Title:Tsang Yin Kwan pieces / Tsang Yin Kuan
Description:1 MP3 file (49:32 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM27). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Tunnel : Dream in summer -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:[曾興魁, 1946-]  Tsang Yin Kuan, 1946-

Material:Computer file
Title:Tsang Yin Kwan pieces / Tsang Yin Kuan
Description:1 MP3 file (49:32 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM27). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Tunnel : Dream in summer -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:[曾興魁, 1946-]  Tsang Yin Kuan, 1946-

Material:Computer file
Title:Wong Yokyee pieces ; Chen Mingzhi pieces ; Cao Jian pieces / [Wong Yokyee, Chen Mingzhi, Cao Jian]
Description:1 MP3 file (66:14 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM26). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. All pieces have a short spoken introduction. Side B very poor sound quality in the original recording
Contents/Access:Man (1990) / Extracts Kyne -- play
St. Lukas Church (1964) for piano -- play
Looking for plum blossoms (1970) -- play
Eight small piano pieces (1982) -- play
Prelude and Fuge I (1984) -- play
Cello piece (1974/75) -- play
夜曲 for cello (1983) -- play
聲樂 套曲 (1990/91) 聊離 讀后 三 則 : 1. 麗人 2. 望鄉 3. 晚霞 -- play
焚風 (1990) -- play
夜歌 (1990) -- play
找 (1990)
Related names:黃育義, 1924-  Wong Yokyee, 1924-
陳銘志, 1925-  Chen Mingzhi, 1925-
曹劍, 1973-  Cao Jian, 1973-

Material:Computer file
Title:Wong Yokyee pieces ; Chen Mingzhi pieces ; Cao Jian pieces / [Wong Yokyee, Chen Mingzhi, Cao Jian]
Description:1 MP3 file (66:14 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM26). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. All pieces have a short spoken introduction. Side B very poor sound quality in the original recording
Contents/Access:Man (1990) / Extracts Kyne -- play
St. Lukas Church (1964) for piano -- play
Looking for plum blossoms (1970) -- play
Eight small piano pieces (1982) -- play
Prelude and Fuge I (1984) -- play
Cello piece (1974/75) -- play
夜曲 for cello (1983) -- play
聲樂 套曲 (1990/91) 聊離 讀后 三 則 : 1. 麗人 2. 望鄉 3. 晚霞 -- play
焚風 (1990) -- play
夜歌 (1990) -- play
找 (1990)
Related names:黃育義, 1924-  Wong Yokyee, 1924-
陳銘志, 1925-  Chen Mingzhi, 1925-
曹劍, 1973-  Cao Jian, 1973-

Shelfmark:4260-9308 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Wong Yokyee pieces ; Chen Mingzhi pieces ; Cao Jian pieces / [Wong Yokyee, Chen Mingzhi, Cao Jian]
Description:1 sound cassette (66:14 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM26). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. All pieces have a short spoken introduction. Side B very poor sound quality in the original recording
Contents/Access:Man (1990) / Extracts Kyne
St. Lukas Church (1964) for piano
Looking for plum blossoms (1970)
Eight small piano pieces (1982)
Prelude and Fuge I (1984)
Cello piece (1974/75)
夜曲 for cello (1983)
聲樂 套曲 (1990/91) 聊離 讀后 三 則 : 1. 麗人 2. 望鄉 3. 晚霞
焚風 (1990)
夜歌 (1990)
找 (1990)
Related names:黃育義, 1924-  Wong Yokyee, 1924-
陳銘志, 1925-  Chen Mingzhi, 1925-
曹劍, 1973-  Cao Jian, 1973-

Material:Computer file
Title:[Recordings from Radio Shanghai and other pieces] / Ch'en Ming-chih, Lo Chung-jung, Chang Ch'ien-i, Chiang Wen-yeh
Description:1 MP3 file (44:11 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possesion of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Radio Shanghai: Pieces of Chen Mingzhi and Luo Zhongrong -- play
三 線 獨奏 "幻想 取" -- play
古都 素描 (1939): 1. 哨嚮 街上 情景 2. 劇場 氣氛 3. 在 廢墟 4. 牧童 與 垂柳 5. 古都 城門 的 風景 -- play
紀念 屈原 交嚮詩 (1953) -- play
田園 詩曲 -- play -- play
Related names:陳銘志, 1925-  Ch'en Ming-chih, 1925-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
張千一, 1959-  Chang Ch'ien-i, 1959-
江文也, 1910-1983  Chiang Wen-yeh, 1910-1983
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9407 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Recordings from Radio Shanghai and other pieces] / Ch'en Ming-chih, Lo Chung-jung, Chang Ch'ien-i, Chiang Wen-yeh
Description:1 sound cassette (44:11 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possesion of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Radio Shanghai: Pieces of Chen Mingzhi and Luo Zhongrong
三 線 獨奏 "幻想 取"
古都 素描 (1939): 1. 哨嚮 街上 情景 2. 劇場 氣氛 3. 在 廢墟 4. 牧童 與 垂柳 5. 古都 城門 的 風景
紀念 屈原 交嚮詩 (1953)
田園 詩曲
Related names:陳銘志, 1925-  Ch'en Ming-chih, 1925-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
張千一, 1959-  Chang Ch'ien-i, 1959-
江文也, 1910-1983  Chiang Wen-yeh, 1910-1983
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:[Recordings from Radio Shanghai and other pieces] / Ch'en Ming-chih, Lo Chung-jung, Chang Ch'ien-i, Chiang Wen-yeh
Description:1 MP3 file (44:11 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possesion of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Radio Shanghai: Pieces of Chen Mingzhi and Luo Zhongrong -- play
三 線 獨奏 "幻想 取" -- play
古都 素描 (1939): 1. 哨嚮 街上 情景 2. 劇場 氣氛 3. 在 廢墟 4. 牧童 與 垂柳 5. 古都 城門 的 風景 -- play
紀念 屈原 交嚮詩 (1953) -- play
田園 詩曲 -- play -- play
Related names:陳銘志, 1925-  Ch'en Ming-chih, 1925-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
張千一, 1959-  Chang Ch'ien-i, 1959-
江文也, 1910-1983  Chiang Wen-yeh, 1910-1983
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9407 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Recordings from Radio Shanghai and other pieces] / Ch'en Ming-chih, Lo Chung-jung, Chang Ch'ien-i, Chiang Wen-yeh
Description:1 sound cassette (44:11 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possesion of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Radio Shanghai: Pieces of Chen Mingzhi and Luo Zhongrong
三 線 獨奏 "幻想 取"
古都 素描 (1939): 1. 哨嚮 街上 情景 2. 劇場 氣氛 3. 在 廢墟 4. 牧童 與 垂柳 5. 古都 城門 的 風景
紀念 屈原 交嚮詩 (1953)
田園 詩曲
Related names:陳銘志, 1925-  Ch'en Ming-chih, 1925-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
張千一, 1959-  Chang Ch'ien-i, 1959-
江文也, 1910-1983  Chiang Wen-yeh, 1910-1983
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
[Pieces by Lam Bunching, Xu Shuya and Tung Laishing]
Description:1 MP3 file (42 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Very soft recording. First piece on Side B continuation of "Songs of the Miao"
Contents/Access:Lü (1983) -- play
旅 (1983) -- play
Four pieces -- play -- play
Related names:林品晶 [作曲]  Lam Bunching [comp.]
許舒亞 [作曲]  Xu Shuya [comp.]
童麗誠 [作曲]  Tung Laishing [comp.]

Material:Computer file
[Pieces by Lam Bunching, Xu Shuya and Tung Laishing]
Description:1 MP3 file (42 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Very soft recording. First piece on Side B continuation of "Songs of the Miao"
Contents/Access:Lü (1983) -- play
旅 (1983) -- play
Four pieces -- play -- play
Related names:林品晶 [作曲]  Lam Bunching [comp.]
許舒亞 [作曲]  Xu Shuya [comp.]
童麗誠 [作曲]  Tung Laishing [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:Koo Chatpo pieces ; Wong Yokyee pieces / Koo Chatpo ; Wong Yokyee
Description:1 MP3 file (87:07 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM24). See also catalogue ML156.2.K58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:蚤樹 (1990) / 顧七寶 -- play
婁山關 (1992) / 顧七寶 -- play
Immortality (1993) (for tape and sanxuan) / Koo Chatpo -- play
舞獅 (1991) / 顧七寶 -- play
Trio for violin, violoncello and piano (1985 or 1970?) / Wong Yokyee -- play
24 organ pieces (1992) : When I survey the wondrous cross ; Amazing grace ; The churches' (?) foundation ; O Lord of Heaven ; Lord divine, the love excelling ; O worship the ? glorious alone / Wong Yokyee -- play
Sonata for erhu and piano (1987) / Wong Yokyee -- play
Man (1990) for choir and piano: 1. Gloria 2. Credo 3. Sanctus / Wong Yokyee -- play
Cot'd / Wong Yokyee -- play
Related names:顧七寶, 1954-  Koo Chatpo, 1954-
黃育義, 1924-  Wong Yok-yee, 1924-

Shelfmark:4260-9306 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Koo Chatpo pieces ; Wong Yokyee pieces / Koo Chatpo ; Wong Yokyee
Description:1 sound cassette (87:07 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM24). See also catalogue ML156.2.K58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:蚤樹 (1990) / 顧七寶
婁山關 (1992) / 顧七寶
Immortality (1993) (for tape and sanxuan) / Koo Chatpo
舞獅 (1991) / 顧七寶
Trio for violin, violoncello and piano (1985 or 1970?) / Wong Yokyee
24 organ pieces (1992) : When I survey the wondrous cross ; Amazing grace ; The churches' (?) foundation ; O Lord of Heaven ; Lord divine, the love excelling ; O worship the ? glorious alone / Wong Yokyee
Sonata for erhu and piano (1987) / Wong Yokyee
Man (1990) for choir and piano: 1. Gloria 2. Credo 3. Sanctus / Wong Yokyee
Cot'd / Wong Yokyee
Related names:顧七寶, 1954-  Koo Chatpo, 1954-
黃育義, 1924-  Wong Yok-yee, 1924-

Material:Computer file
Title:Koo Chatpo pieces ; Wong Yokyee pieces / Koo Chatpo ; Wong Yokyee
Description:1 MP3 file (87:07 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM24). See also catalogue ML156.2.K58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:蚤樹 (1990) / 顧七寶 -- play
婁山關 (1992) / 顧七寶 -- play
Immortality (1993) (for tape and sanxuan) / Koo Chatpo -- play
舞獅 (1991) / 顧七寶 -- play
Trio for violin, violoncello and piano (1985 or 1970?) / Wong Yokyee -- play
24 organ pieces (1992) : When I survey the wondrous cross ; Amazing grace ; The churches' (?) foundation ; O Lord of Heaven ; Lord divine, the love excelling ; O worship the ? glorious alone / Wong Yokyee -- play
Sonata for erhu and piano (1987) / Wong Yokyee -- play
Man (1990) for choir and piano: 1. Gloria 2. Credo 3. Sanctus / Wong Yokyee -- play
Cot'd / Wong Yokyee -- play
Related names:顧七寶, 1954-  Koo Chatpo, 1954-
黃育義, 1924-  Wong Yok-yee, 1924-

Shelfmark:4260-9306 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Koo Chatpo pieces ; Wong Yokyee pieces / Koo Chatpo ; Wong Yokyee
Description:1 sound cassette (87:07 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM24). See also catalogue ML156.2.K58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:蚤樹 (1990) / 顧七寶
婁山關 (1992) / 顧七寶
Immortality (1993) (for tape and sanxuan) / Koo Chatpo
舞獅 (1991) / 顧七寶
Trio for violin, violoncello and piano (1985 or 1970?) / Wong Yokyee
24 organ pieces (1992) : When I survey the wondrous cross ; Amazing grace ; The churches' (?) foundation ; O Lord of Heaven ; Lord divine, the love excelling ; O worship the ? glorious alone / Wong Yokyee
Sonata for erhu and piano (1987) / Wong Yokyee
Man (1990) for choir and piano: 1. Gloria 2. Credo 3. Sanctus / Wong Yokyee
Cot'd / Wong Yokyee
Related names:顧七寶, 1954-  Koo Chatpo, 1954-
黃育義, 1924-  Wong Yok-yee, 1924-

Shelfmark:4260-9494 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:箏蕭合奏傑作集 : 梁在平,梁銘越父子 / 梁在平 (古箏) ; 梁銘越 (洞蕭, 古琴)
Cheng hsiao ho-tsou chieh-tso chi : Liang Tsai-p'ing, Liang Ming-yüeh fu-tzu / Liang Tsai-p'ing (ku-cheng) ; Liang Ming-yüeh (tung-hsiao, ku-ch'in)
Published:臺北 : 聲美企業有限唱片錄音帶出版部
T'ai-pei : Sheng-mei ch'i-yeh yu-hsien kung-ssu ch'ang-p'ien lu-yin-tai ch'u-pan-pu
Description:1 sound cassette (39:02 min) : analog, stereo
Series:聲美唱片 ; SMCM-131
Sheng-mei ch'ang-p'ien ; SMCM-131
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For further information see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:搗衣 曲
千 聲 佛
平沙 落雁
錦上 花
漁舟 唱 晚
狀士 行
Related names:梁在平 [演奏]  Liang Tsai-p'ing [perf.]
梁銘越, 1941-  Liang Ming-yüeh, 1941-
Parallel Title:Master pieces of cheng & hsiao duet
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9494 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:箏蕭合奏傑作集 : 梁在平,梁銘越父子 / 梁在平 (古箏) ; 梁銘越 (洞蕭, 古琴)
Cheng hsiao ho-tsou chieh-tso chi : Liang Tsai-p'ing, Liang Ming-yüeh fu-tzu / Liang Tsai-p'ing (ku-cheng) ; Liang Ming-yüeh (tung-hsiao, ku-ch'in)
Published:臺北 : 聲美企業有限唱片錄音帶出版部
T'ai-pei : Sheng-mei ch'i-yeh yu-hsien kung-ssu ch'ang-p'ien lu-yin-tai ch'u-pan-pu
Description:1 sound cassette (39:02 min) : analog, stereo
Series:聲美唱片 ; SMCM-131
Sheng-mei ch'ang-p'ien ; SMCM-131
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For further information see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:搗衣 曲
千 聲 佛
平沙 落雁
錦上 花
漁舟 唱 晚
狀士 行
Related names:梁在平 [演奏]  Liang Tsai-p'ing [perf.]
梁銘越, 1941-  Liang Ming-yüeh, 1941-
Parallel Title:Master pieces of cheng & hsiao duet
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:箏蕭合奏傑作集 : 梁在平,梁銘越父子 / 梁在平 (古箏) ; 梁銘越 (洞蕭, 古琴)
Cheng hsiao ho-tsou chieh-tso chi : Liang Tsai-p'ing, Liang Ming-yüeh fu-tzu / Liang Tsai-p'ing (ku-cheng) ; Liang Ming-yüeh (tung-hsiao, ku-ch'in)
Published:臺北 : 聲美企業有限唱片錄音帶出版部
T'ai-pei : Sheng-mei ch'i-yeh yu-hsien kung-ssu ch'ang-p'ien lu-yin-tai ch'u-pan-pu
Description:1 MP3 file (39:02 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:聲美唱片 ; SMCM-131
Sheng-mei ch'ang-p'ien ; SMCM-131
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For further information see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:搗衣 曲 -- play
千 聲 佛 -- play
平沙 落雁 -- play
上樓 -- play
普天同慶 -- play
錦上 花 -- play
漁舟 唱 晚 -- play
狀士 行 -- play
Related names:梁在平 [演奏]  Liang Tsai-p'ing [perf.]
梁銘越, 1941-  Liang Ming-yüeh, 1941-
Parallel Title:Master pieces of cheng & hsiao duet
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:箏蕭合奏傑作集 : 梁在平,梁銘越父子 / 梁在平 (古箏) ; 梁銘越 (洞蕭, 古琴)
Cheng hsiao ho-tsou chieh-tso chi : Liang Tsai-p'ing, Liang Ming-yüeh fu-tzu / Liang Tsai-p'ing (ku-cheng) ; Liang Ming-yüeh (tung-hsiao, ku-ch'in)
Published:臺北 : 聲美企業有限唱片錄音帶出版部
T'ai-pei : Sheng-mei ch'i-yeh yu-hsien kung-ssu ch'ang-p'ien lu-yin-tai ch'u-pan-pu
Description:1 MP3 file (39:02 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:聲美唱片 ; SMCM-131
Sheng-mei ch'ang-p'ien ; SMCM-131
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For further information see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:搗衣 曲 -- play
千 聲 佛 -- play
平沙 落雁 -- play
上樓 -- play
普天同慶 -- play
錦上 花 -- play
漁舟 唱 晚 -- play
狀士 行 -- play
Related names:梁在平 [演奏]  Liang Tsai-p'ing [perf.]
梁銘越, 1941-  Liang Ming-yüeh, 1941-
Parallel Title:Master pieces of cheng & hsiao duet
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:Qu Xiao-song : Six Pieces / Qu Xiao-song
Description:1 MP3 file (44:13 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. Ji #5 missing on recording
Contents/Access:Fang Yan Kou (1996) for male voice and nine players -- play
Ji#7 - Motionless Water (1997) for violin solo -- play
Ji#2 - Floating Clouds (1994) for shakuhashi, clarinet, piano and percussion -- play
Ji#5 - Broken Stone (1995) for koto, sho and string quartet -- play
Ji#3 - Silent Mountain (1994) for guitar solo -- play
Ji#4 - Bare Land (1995) for solo percussion and tape
Related names:瞿小松, 1955-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1955-

Shelfmark:4260-9310 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Frankie Ho pieces / Frankie Ho
Description:1 sound cassette (3:37 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM28). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. No recording on Side B
Contents/Access:Hong Kong's awake (with Exit Music) / new
Sinfonie in Midi
Related names:Frankie Ho [comp.]
Exit Music

Shelfmark:4260-9362 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Qu Xiao-song : Six Pieces / Qu Xiao-song
Description:1 sound cassette (44:13 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. Ji #5 missing on recording
Contents/Access:Fang Yan Kou (1996) for male voice and nine players
Ji#7 - Motionless Water (1997) for violin solo
Ji#2 - Floating Clouds (1994) for shakuhashi, clarinet, piano and percussion
Ji#5 - Broken Stone (1995) for koto, sho and string quartet
Ji#3 - Silent Mountain (1994) for guitar solo
Ji#4 - Bare Land (1995) for solo percussion and tape
Related names:瞿小松, 1955-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1955-

Shelfmark:4260-9362 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Qu Xiao-song : Six Pieces / Qu Xiao-song
Description:1 sound cassette (44:13 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. Ji #5 missing on recording
Contents/Access:Fang Yan Kou (1996) for male voice and nine players
Ji#7 - Motionless Water (1997) for violin solo
Ji#2 - Floating Clouds (1994) for shakuhashi, clarinet, piano and percussion
Ji#5 - Broken Stone (1995) for koto, sho and string quartet
Ji#3 - Silent Mountain (1994) for guitar solo
Ji#4 - Bare Land (1995) for solo percussion and tape
Related names:瞿小松, 1955-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1955-

Material:Computer file
Title:Qu Xiao-song : Six Pieces / Qu Xiao-song
Description:1 MP3 file (44:13 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. Ji #5 missing on recording
Contents/Access:Fang Yan Kou (1996) for male voice and nine players -- play
Ji#7 - Motionless Water (1997) for violin solo -- play
Ji#2 - Floating Clouds (1994) for shakuhashi, clarinet, piano and percussion -- play
Ji#5 - Broken Stone (1995) for koto, sho and string quartet -- play
Ji#3 - Silent Mountain (1994) for guitar solo -- play
Ji#4 - Bare Land (1995) for solo percussion and tape
Related names:瞿小松, 1955-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1955-

Shelfmark:4260-9310 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Frankie Ho pieces / Frankie Ho
Description:1 sound cassette (3:37 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM28). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. No recording on Side B
Contents/Access:Hong Kong's awake (with Exit Music) / new
Sinfonie in Midi
Related names:Frankie Ho [comp.]
Exit Music

Shelfmark:4263-3128 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:壯鄉春早 : 歌曲,樂曲 / 盤繼宏 演唱 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 伴奏
Chuang hsiang ch'un tsao : ko-ch'ü, yüeh-ch'ü / P'an Chi-hung yen-ch'ang ; Kuang-hsi Chuang-tsu tzu-chih-ch'ü ko-wu-t'uan min-yüeh-tui pan-tsou
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, [s.a.]
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, [s.a.]
Description:1 sound disc (xx:xx min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2061 (M-75/4121 ; M-75/4122)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2061 (M-75/4121 ; M-75/4122)
Series:Liu Yuan Collection. Sound recording
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF. Short introductions in both Chinese and English on flipside of cover
Contents/Access:千 歌 萬 曲 歌唱 毛主席 / 盤繼宏 演唱 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 伴奏
紅 太陽 照 瑤山 / 盤繼宏 演唱 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 伴奏
喜 迎 火車 進 衕鄉 / 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團 演唱 并 伴奏
壯 錦 獻 給 毛主席 / 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 演奏
壯 鄉 春 早 / 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 演奏
拉山 號子 / 覃立興 演奏 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 演奏
Related names:盤繼宏 [演唱]  P'an Chi-hung [perf.]
廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 [伴奏]  Kuang-hsi Chuang-tsu tzu-chih-ch'ü ko-wu-t'uan min-yüeh-tui [acc.]
廣西壯族自治區歌舞團 [演唱, 伴奏]  Kuang-hsi Chuang-tsu tzu-chih-ch'ü ko-wu-t'uan [perf., acc.]
覃立興 [演奏]  T'an Li-hsing [perf.]
Parallel Title:Spring comes early to the Chuang village : songs and instrumental pieces
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4263-3128 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:壯鄉春早 : 歌曲,樂曲 / 盤繼宏 演唱 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 伴奏
Chuang hsiang ch'un tsao : ko-ch'ü, yüeh-ch'ü / P'an Chi-hung yen-ch'ang ; Kuang-hsi Chuang-tsu tzu-chih-ch'ü ko-wu-t'uan min-yüeh-tui pan-tsou
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, s.a.
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, s.a.
Description:1 sound disc (xx:xx min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2061 (M-75/4121 ; M-75/4122)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2061 (M-75/4121 ; M-75/4122)
Series:Liu Yuan Collection. Sound recording
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF. Short introductions in both Chinese and English on flipside of cover
Contents/Access:千 歌 萬 曲 歌唱 毛主席 / 盤繼宏 演唱 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 伴奏
紅 太陽 照 瑤山 / 盤繼宏 演唱 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 伴奏
喜 迎 火車 進 衕鄉 / 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團 演唱 并 伴奏
壯 錦 獻 給 毛主席 / 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 演奏
壯 鄉 春 早 / 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 演奏
拉山 號子 / 覃立興 演奏 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 演奏
Related names:盤繼宏 [演唱]  P'an Chi-hung [perf.]
廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 [伴奏]  Kuang-hsi Chuang-tsu tzu-chih-ch'ü ko-wu-t'uan min-yüeh-tui [acc.]
廣西壯族自治區歌舞團 [演唱并伴奏]  Kuang-hsi Chuang-tsu tzu-chih-ch'ü ko-wu-t'uan [perf., acc.]
覃立興 [演奏]  T'an Li-hsing [perf.]
Parallel Title:Spring comes early to the Chuang village : songs and instrumental pieces
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:壯鄉春早 : 歌曲,樂曲 / 盤繼宏 演唱 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 伴奏
Chuang hsiang ch'un tsao : ko-ch'ü, yüeh-ch'ü / P'an Chi-hung yen-ch'ang ; Kuang-hsi Chuang-tsu tzu-chih-ch'ü ko-wu-t'uan min-yüeh-tui pan-tsou
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, [s.a.]
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, [s.a.]
Description:1 mp3 file (xx:xx min ; xxx KB) : digital, 78 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2061 (M-75/4121 ; M-75/4122)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2061 (M-75/4121 ; M-75/4122)
Series:Liu Yuan collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF. Short introductions in both Chinese and English on flipside of cover
Contents/Access:千 歌 萬 曲 歌唱 毛主席 / 盤繼宏 演唱 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 伴奏 -- play
紅 太陽 照 瑤山 / 盤繼宏 演唱 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 伴奏 -- play
喜 迎 火車 進 衕鄉 / 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團 演唱 并 伴奏 -- play
壯 錦 獻 給 毛主席 / 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 演奏 -- play
壯 鄉 春 早 / 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 演奏 -- play
拉山 號子 / 覃立興 演奏 ; 廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 演奏 -- play
Related names:盤繼宏 [演唱]  P'an Chi-hung [perf.]
廣西壯族自治區歌舞團民樂隊 [伴奏]  Kuang-hsi Chuang-tsu tzu-chih-ch'ü ko-wu-t'uan min-yüeh-tui [acc.]
廣西壯族自治區歌舞團 [演唱, 伴奏]  Kuang-hsi Chuang-tsu tzu-chih-ch'ü ko-wu-t'uan [perf., acc.]
覃立興 [演奏]  T'an Li-hsing [perf.]
Parallel Title:Spring comes early to the Chuang village : songs and instrumental pieces
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:龜茲古韻 : 中國古絲綢之路音樂 / 作曲 周吉 ; 作詞 穆特裹甫 ; 閻惠昌 指揮 ; 中國中央民族樂團 ; 中國新疆歌舞團
Kui-tzu ku-yün : Chung-kuo ku ssu-ch'ou chih lu yin-yüeh / Tso-ch'ü Chou Chi ; tso-tz'u Mu-t'e-kuo-fu ; Yen Hui-ch'ang chih-hui ; Chung-kuo chung-yang min-tsu yüeh-t'uan ; Chung-kuo Hsin-chiang ko-wu-t'uan
Published:臺北 : 中國唱片總公司
T'ai-pei : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu
Description:1 MP3 file (49:07 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; SMCM 164
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; SMCM 164
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Performed:中國中央民族樂團 [演奏]
Chung-kuo chung-yang min-tsu yüeh-t'uan [perf.]
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF and 4252-6288 MC
Contents/Access:樂引 -- play
琵琶 篇 - 元旦 慶樂: 1. 燃燈 舞 2. 五絃 琵琶 舞 3. 纓絡 舞 4. 蓮花 舞 -- play
筆篥 篇 - 大沙 抒懷 -- play
箜篌 篇 - 滴水 成音 - 樂師 舞 -- play
羯鼓 篇 - 乞寒 成會: 1.長鼓 領鐺 舞 2. 孔雀 舞 3. 終曲 -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:周吉 [作曲]  Chou Chi [comp.]
穆特裹甫  Mu-t'e-kuo-fu [lyrics]
閻惠昌 [指揮]  Yen Hui-ch'ang [cond.]
Parallel Title:Ancient music from the state Qiuzi : music from the Silk Road of China
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9512 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:龜茲古韻 : 中國古絲綢之路音樂 / 作曲 周吉 ; 作詞 穆特裹甫 ; 閻惠昌 指揮 ; 中國中央民族樂團 ; 中國新疆歌舞團
Kui-tzu ku-yün : Chung-kuo ku ssu-ch'ou chih lu yin-yüeh / Tso-ch'ü Chou Chi ; tso-tz'u Mu-t'e-kuo-fu ; Yen Hui-ch'ang chih-hui ; Chung-kuo chung-yang min-tsu yüeh-t'uan ; Chung-kuo Hsin-chiang ko-wu-t'uan
Published:臺北 : 中國唱片總公司
T'ai-pei : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu
Description:1 sound cassette (49:07 min) : analog, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; SMCM 164
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; SMCM 164
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Performed:中國中央民族樂團 [演奏]
Chung-kuo chung-yang min-tsu yüeh-t'uan [perf.]
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF and 4252-6288 MC
琵琶 篇 - 元旦 慶樂: 1. 燃燈 舞 2. 五絃 琵琶 舞 3. 纓絡 舞 4. 蓮花 舞
筆篥 篇 - 大沙 抒懷
箜篌 篇 - 滴水 成音 - 樂師 舞
羯鼓 篇 - 乞寒 成會: 1.長鼓 領鐺 舞 2. 孔雀 舞 3. 終曲
Related names:周吉 [作曲]  Chou Chi [comp.]
穆特裹甫  Mu-t'e-kuo-fu [lyrics]
閻惠昌 [指揮]  Yen Hui-ch'ang [cond.]
Parallel Title:Ancient music from the state Qiuzi : music from the Silk Road of China
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:龜茲古韻 : 中國古絲綢之路音樂 / 作曲 周吉 ; 作詞 穆特裹甫 ; 閻惠昌 指揮 ; 中國中央民族樂團 ; 中國新疆歌舞團
Kui-tzu ku-yün : Chung-kuo ku ssu-ch'ou chih lu yin-yüeh / Tso-ch'ü Chou Chi ; tso-tz'u Mu-t'e-kuo-fu ; Yen Hui-ch'ang chih-hui ; Chung-kuo chung-yang min-tsu yüeh-t'uan ; Chung-kuo Hsin-chiang ko-wu-t'uan
Published:臺北 : 中國唱片總公司
T'ai-pei : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu
Description:1 MP3 file (49:07 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; SMCM 164
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; SMCM 164
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Performed:中國中央民族樂團 [演奏]
Chung-kuo chung-yang min-tsu yüeh-t'uan [perf.]
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF and 4252-6288 MC
Contents/Access:樂引 -- play
琵琶 篇 - 元旦 慶樂: 1. 燃燈 舞 2. 五絃 琵琶 舞 3. 纓絡 舞 4. 蓮花 舞 -- play
筆篥 篇 - 大沙 抒懷 -- play
箜篌 篇 - 滴水 成音 - 樂師 舞 -- play
羯鼓 篇 - 乞寒 成會: 1.長鼓 領鐺 舞 2. 孔雀 舞 3. 終曲 -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:周吉 [作曲]  Chou Chi [comp.]
穆特裹甫  Mu-t'e-kuo-fu [lyrics]
閻惠昌 [指揮]  Yen Hui-ch'ang [cond.]
Parallel Title:Ancient music from the state Qiuzi : music from the Silk Road of China
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9512 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:龜茲古韻 : 中國古絲綢之路音樂 / 作曲 周吉 ; 作詞 穆特裹甫 ; 閻惠昌 指揮 ; 中國中央民族樂團 ; 中國新疆歌舞團
Kui-tzu ku-yün : Chung-kuo ku ssu-ch'ou chih lu yin-yüeh / Tso-ch'ü Chou Chi ; tso-tz'u Mu-t'e-kuo-fu ; Yen Hui-ch'ang chih-hui ; Chung-kuo chung-yang min-tsu yüeh-t'uan ; Chung-kuo Hsin-chiang ko-wu-t'uan
Published:臺北 : 中國唱片總公司
T'ai-pei : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu
Description:1 sound cassette (49:07 min) : analog, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; SMCM 164
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; SMCM 164
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Performed:中國中央民族樂團 [演奏]
Chung-kuo chung-yang min-tsu yüeh-t'uan [perf.]
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF and 4252-6288 MC
琵琶 篇 - 元旦 慶樂: 1. 燃燈 舞 2. 五絃 琵琶 舞 3. 纓絡 舞 4. 蓮花 舞
筆篥 篇 - 大沙 抒懷
箜篌 篇 - 滴水 成音 - 樂師 舞
羯鼓 篇 - 乞寒 成會: 1.長鼓 領鐺 舞 2. 孔雀 舞 3. 終曲
Related names:周吉 [作曲]  Chou Chi [comp.]
穆特裹甫  Mu-t'e-kuo-fu [lyrics]
閻惠昌 [指揮]  Yen Hui-ch'ang [cond.]
Parallel Title:Ancient music from the state Qiuzi : music from the Silk Road of China
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:[Diverse pieces of Lam Bun-Ching from the Eighties]
Description:1 MP3 file (54:51 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Contents/Access:春 候 : 雙陽亭 (1983) -- play
秋 聲 (1982) -- play
旅 : (鼓聲樂 演奏) -- play
達達 之 詠 (1985) -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:林品晶 [作曲]  Lam Bun-ching [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:[Diverse pieces of Lam Bun-Ching from the Eighties]
Description:1 MP3 file (54:51 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Contents/Access:春 候 : 雙陽亭 (1983) -- play
秋 聲 (1982) -- play
旅 : (鼓聲樂 演奏) -- play
達達 之 詠 (1985) -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:林品晶 [作曲]  Lam Bun-ching [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9454 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:漁舟凱歌 : 民族器樂合奏,獨奏 / 浙江省歌舞團集體 創作
Yü-chou k'ai-ko : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh ho-tsou, tu-tsou / Che-chiang sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i ch'uang-tso
Published:北京 : 中國唱片社
Peking : China Record Company
Description:1 sound disc (25:06 min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2036
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2036
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Sound discs
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Wilfried Spaar. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:漁舟 凱歌 (吹打樂) / 浙江省歌舞團集体 創作 ; 李民雄, 閆學敏 等 演奏
鬧 元宵 (箏 獨奏) 民間 樂曲 / 王莉 演奏
蔭 中 鳥 (笛子 獨奏) / 劉管 樂曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
臺灣 人民 盼 解放 (二胡 獨奏) / 王國潼 編曲 并 演奏 ; 巍鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏
二 八 板 (嗩吶 獨奏) 根據 豫劇 曲牌 改編 / 郝玉岐 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
草原 巡邏 兵 (笛子 獨奏) / 曾永清, 馬光陸 曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
奪 豐收 (鼓樂) / 李民雄 曲 ; 李民雄 等 演奏
Related names:浙江省歌舞團集体 [創作]  Che-chiang-sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i [comp.]
李民雄 [演奏]  Li Min-hsiung [perf.]
閆學敏 [演奏]  Yen Hsüeh-min [perf.]
王莉 [演奏]  Wang Li [perf.]
Parallel Title:Fishermen's triumphant song : orchestral and solo pieces played on Chinese folk instruments

Material:Computer file
Title:漁舟凱歌 : 民族器樂合奏,獨奏 / 浙江省歌舞團集體 創作
Yü-chou k'ai-ko : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh ho-tsou, tu-tsou / Che-chiang sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i ch'uang-tso
Published:北京 : 中國唱片社
Peking : China Record Company
Description:1 MP3 file (25:06 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2036
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2036
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Wilfried Spaar. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:漁舟 凱歌 (吹打樂) / 浙江省歌舞團集体 創作 ; 李民雄, 閆學敏 等 演奏 -- play
鬧 元宵 (箏 獨奏) 民間 樂曲 / 王莉 演奏 -- play
蔭 中 鳥 (笛子 獨奏) / 劉管 樂曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
臺灣 人民 盼 解放 (二胡 獨奏) / 王國潼 編曲 并 演奏 ; 巍鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏 -- play
二 八 板 (嗩吶 獨奏) 根據 豫劇 曲牌 改編 / 郝玉岐 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
草原 巡邏 兵 (笛子 獨奏) / 曾永清, 馬光陸 曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
奪 豐收 (鼓樂) / 李民雄 曲 ; 李民雄 等 演奏
Related names:浙江省歌舞團集体 [創作]  Che-chiang-sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i [comp.]
李民雄 [演奏]  Li Min-hsiung [perf.]
閆學敏 [演奏]  Yen Hsüeh-min [perf.]
王莉 [演奏]  Wang Li [perf.]
Parallel Title:Fishermen's triumphant song : orchestral and solo pieces played on Chinese folk instruments

Shelfmark:4260-9454 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:漁舟凱歌 : 民族器樂合奏,獨奏 / 浙江省歌舞團集體 創作
Yü-chou k'ai-ko : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh ho-tsou, tu-tsou / Che-chiang sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i ch'uang-tso
Published:北京 : 中國唱片社
Peking : China Record Company
Description:1 sound disc (25:06 min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2036
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2036
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Sound discs
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Wilfried Spaar. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:漁舟 凱歌 (吹打樂) / 浙江省歌舞團集体 創作 ; 李民雄, 閆學敏 等 演奏
鬧 元宵 (箏 獨奏) 民間 樂曲 / 王莉 演奏
蔭 中 鳥 (笛子 獨奏) / 劉管 樂曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
臺灣 人民 盼 解放 (二胡 獨奏) / 王國潼 編曲 并 演奏 ; 巍鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏
二 八 板 (嗩吶 獨奏) 根據 豫劇 曲牌 改編 / 郝玉岐 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
草原 巡邏 兵 (笛子 獨奏) / 曾永清, 馬光陸 曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
奪 豐收 (鼓樂) / 李民雄 曲 ; 李民雄 等 演奏
Related names:浙江省歌舞團集体 [創作]  Che-chiang-sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i [comp.]
李民雄 [演奏]  Li Min-hsiung [perf.]
閆學敏 [演奏]  Yen Hsüeh-min [perf.]
王莉 [演奏]  Wang Li [perf.]
Parallel Title:Fishermen's triumphant song : orchestral and solo pieces played on Chinese folk instruments

Material:Computer file
Title:漁舟凱歌 : 民族器樂合奏,獨奏 / 浙江省歌舞團集體 創作
Yü-chou k'ai-ko : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh ho-tsou, tu-tsou / Che-chiang sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i ch'uang-tso
Published:北京 : 中國唱片社
Peking : China Record Company
Description:1 MP3 file (25:06 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2036
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2036
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Wilfried Spaar. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:漁舟 凱歌 (吹打樂) / 浙江省歌舞團集体 創作 ; 李民雄, 閆學敏 等 演奏 -- play
鬧 元宵 (箏 獨奏) 民間 樂曲 / 王莉 演奏 -- play
蔭 中 鳥 (笛子 獨奏) / 劉管 樂曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
臺灣 人民 盼 解放 (二胡 獨奏) / 王國潼 編曲 并 演奏 ; 巍鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏 -- play
二 八 板 (嗩吶 獨奏) 根據 豫劇 曲牌 改編 / 郝玉岐 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
草原 巡邏 兵 (笛子 獨奏) / 曾永清, 馬光陸 曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
奪 豐收 (鼓樂) / 李民雄 曲 ; 李民雄 等 演奏
Related names:浙江省歌舞團集体 [創作]  Che-chiang-sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i [comp.]
李民雄 [演奏]  Li Min-hsiung [perf.]
閆學敏 [演奏]  Yen Hsüeh-min [perf.]
王莉 [演奏]  Wang Li [perf.]
Parallel Title:Fishermen's triumphant song : orchestral and solo pieces played on Chinese folk instruments

Shelfmark:4263-3074 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:漁舟凱歌 : 民族器樂合奏,獨奏 / 浙江省歌舞團 集体 創作 ; 李民雄, 閆學敏 等 演奏
Yü-chou k'ai ko : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh ho-tsou, tu-tsou / Che-chiang sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i ch'uang-tso ; Li Min-hsiung, Yen Hsüeh-min teng yen-tsou
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, s.a.
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, s.a.
Description:1 sound disc (xx:xx min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國 唱片 ; M-2036 (M-33/74111 ; M-33/74112)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2036 (M-33/74111 ; M-33/74112)
Series:Liu Yuan Collection. Sound recording
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF. Same recordings as -3075 LP, only with English titles
Contents/Access:漁舟 凱 歌 / 浙江省歌舞團 集体 創作 ; 李民雄, 閆學敏 等 演奏
鬧 元宵 (民間 樂曲) / 王莉 演奏
蔭 中 鳥 / 劉管樂 曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
台灣 人民 盼 解放 / 王國潼 編曲 并 演奏 ; 魏鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏
二八板 (根据 豫劇 曲牌 改編) / 郝玉岐 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
草原 巡邏兵 / 曾永清, 馬光陸 曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
奪 丰收 / 李民雄 曲 ; 李民雄 等 演奏
Related names:浙江省歌舞團 [創作]  Che-chaing sheng ko-wu-t'uan [comp.]
李民雄 [演奏]  Li Min-hsiung [perf.]
閆學敏 [演奏]  Yen Hsüeh-min [perf.]
王莉 [演奏]  Wang Li [perf.]
Parallel Title:Fishermen's triumphant song : orchestral and solo pieces played on Chinese folk instruments
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:漁舟凱歌 : 民族器樂合奏,獨奏 / 浙江省歌舞團 集体 創作 ; 李民雄, 閆學敏 等 演奏
Yü-chou k'ai-ko : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh ho-tsou, tu-tsou / Che-chiang sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i ch'uang-tso ; Li Min-hsiung, Yen Hsüeh-min teng yen-tsou
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, [s.a.]
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, [s.a.]
Description:1 mp3 file (xx:xx min ; xxx KB) : digital, 78 rpm, stereo
Series:中國 唱片 ; M-2036 (M-33/74111 ; M-33/74112)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2036 (M-33/74111 ; M-33/74112)
Series:Liu Yuan collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF. Same recordings as -3075 LP, only with English titles
Contents/Access:漁舟 凱 歌 / 浙江省歌舞團 集体 創作 ; 李民雄, 閆學敏 等 演奏 -- play
鬧 元宵 (民間 樂曲) / 王莉 演奏 -- play
蔭 中 鳥 / 劉管樂 曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
台灣 人民 盼 解放 / 王國潼 編曲 并 演奏 ; 魏鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏 -- play
二八板 (根据 豫劇 曲牌 改編) / 郝玉岐 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
草原 巡邏兵 / 曾永清, 馬光陸 曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
奪 丰收 / 李民雄 曲 ; 李民雄 等 演奏 -- play
Related names:浙江省歌舞團 [創作]  Che-chaing sheng ko-wu-t'uan [comp.]
李民雄 [演奏]  Li Min-hsiung [perf.]
閆學敏 [演奏]  Yen Hsüeh-min [perf.]
王莉 [演奏]  Wang Li [perf.]
Parallel Title:Fishermen's triumphant song : orchestral and solo pieces played on Chinese folk instruments
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4263-3074 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:漁舟凱歌 : 民族器樂合奏,獨奏 / 浙江省歌舞團 集体 創作 ; 李民雄, 閆學敏 等 演奏
Yü-chou k'ai-ko : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh ho-tsou, tu-tsou / Che-chiang sheng ko-wu-t'uan chi-t'i ch'uang-tso ; Li Min-hsiung, Yen Hsüeh-min teng yen-tsou
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, [s.a.]
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, [s.a.]
Description:1 sound disc (xx:xx min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國 唱片 ; M-2036 (M-33/74111 ; M-33/74112)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2036 (M-33/74111 ; M-33/74112)
Series:Liu Yuan Collection. Sound recording
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF. Same recordings as -3075 LP, only with English titles
Contents/Access:漁舟 凱 歌 / 浙江省歌舞團 集体 創作 ; 李民雄, 閆學敏 等 演奏
鬧 元宵 (民間 樂曲) / 王莉 演奏
蔭 中 鳥 / 劉管樂 曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
台灣 人民 盼 解放 / 王國潼 編曲 并 演奏 ; 魏鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏
二八板 (根据 豫劇 曲牌 改編) / 郝玉岐 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
草原 巡邏兵 / 曾永清, 馬光陸 曲 ; 曾永清 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
奪 丰收 / 李民雄 曲 ; 李民雄 等 演奏
Related names:浙江省歌舞團 [創作]  Che-chaing sheng ko-wu-t'uan [comp.]
李民雄 [演奏]  Li Min-hsiung [perf.]
閆學敏 [演奏]  Yen Hsüeh-min [perf.]
王莉 [演奏]  Wang Li [perf.]
Parallel Title:Fishermen's triumphant song : orchestral and solo pieces played on Chinese folk instruments
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:歲月流韻 : 上海音樂學院建校七十周年紀念唱片集(一)鋼琴曲集
Sui-yüeh liu-yün : Shang-hai yin-yüeh hsüeh-yüan chien-hsiao ch'i-shih chou-nien chi-nien ch'ang-p'ien chi (i) kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi
Published:上海 : 上市海文音像出版社, 1997
Shang-hai : Shang-hai hai-wen yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1997
Description:1 MP3 file (62:34 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:上海 音樂學院 建校 七十 周年 紀念 唱片 集 (1) 鋼琴 曲集
Shang-hai yin-yüeh-hsüeh-yüan chien-hsiao ch'i-shih chou-nien chi-nien ch'ang-p'ien chi (1) kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For further information see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:牧童 短笛 / 作曲: 賀綠汀 ; 演奏: 石叔誠 -- play
小 玩意, 騎 竹馬 : 選自 "兒童 鋼琴曲 四 首" / 作曲: 鄧爾敬 ; 演奏: 王寅飛 -- play
扑 蝴蝶, 跳繩, 節日舞 : 選自 兒童 組曲 "快樂 的 節日" / 作曲: 丁善德 ; 演奏: 丁柬諾 -- play
草原 情歌, 哀思, 舞曲 : 選自 "內蒙古 民歌 主題 小曲 七 首" / 作曲: 桑桐 ; 演奏: 孔祥東 -- play
藍 花 花 / 作曲: 汪立三 ; 演奏: 顧國權 -- play
老人 的 故事, 笙舞 : 選自 "廟會 組曲" / 作曲: 蔣祖馨 ; 演奏: 孔祥東 -- play
變奏曲 / 作曲: 劉莊 ; 演奏: 王魯 -- play
號子, 白族 夜歌, 放馬 山歌 : 選自 "雲南 民歌 五 首" / 作曲: 沈傳薪 ; 演奏: 顧國權 -- play
百 鳥 朝 鳳 / 作曲: 王建中 ; 演奏: 石叔誠 -- play
梅花 三 弄 / 作曲: 王建中 ; 演奏: 石叔誠 -- play
長短 的 組合 / 作曲: 權吉浩 ; 演奏: 陳韻劼 -- play
遙 謠 / 作曲: 陸培 ; 演奏: 鄒翔 -- play
太極 / 作曲: 趙曉生 ; 演奏: 鄒翔 -- play
Related names:賀綠汀 [作曲]  Ho Lu-t'ing [comp.]
石叔誠 [演奏]  Shih Shu-ch'eng [perf.]
鄧爾敬 [作曲]  Teng Erh-ching [comp.]
王寅飛 [演奏]  Wang Yin-fei [perf.]
Parallel Title:Shanghai Conservatory of Music seventieth anniversary gala album
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4261-1648 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:歲月流韻 : 上海音樂學院建校七十周年紀念唱片集(一)鋼琴曲集
Sui-yüeh liu-yün : Shang-hai yin-yüeh-hsüeh-yüan chien-hsiao ch'i-shih chou-nien chi-nien ch'ang-p'ien chi (i) kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi
Published:上海 : 上市海文音像出版社, 1997
Shang-hai : Shang-hai hai-wen yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1997
Description:1 sound disc (62:34 min) : digital, stereo
Series:上海 音樂學院 建校 七十 周年 紀念 唱片 集 (1) 鋼琴 曲集
Shang-hai yin-yüeh-hsüeh-yüan chien-hsiao ch'i-shih chou-nien chi-nien ch'ang-p'ien chi (1) kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For further information see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:牧童 短笛 / 作曲: 賀綠汀 ; 演奏: 石叔誠
小 玩意, 騎 竹馬 : 選自 "兒童 鋼琴曲 四 首" / 作曲: 鄧爾敬 ; 演奏: 王寅飛
扑 蝴蝶, 跳繩, 節日舞 : 選自 兒童 組曲 "快樂 的 節日" / 作曲: 丁善德 ; 演奏: 丁柬諾
草原 情歌, 哀思, 舞曲 : 選自 "內蒙古 民歌 主題 小曲 七 首" / 作曲: 桑桐 ; 演奏: 孔祥東
藍 花 花 / 作曲: 汪立三 ; 演奏: 顧國權
老人 的 故事, 笙舞 : 選自 "廟會 組曲" / 作曲: 蔣祖馨 ; 演奏: 孔祥東
變奏曲 / 作曲: 劉莊 ; 演奏: 王魯
號子, 白族 夜歌, 放馬 山歌 : 選自 "雲南 民歌 五 首" / 作曲: 沈傳薪 ; 演奏: 顧國權
百 鳥 朝 鳳 / 作曲: 王建中 ; 演奏: 石叔誠
梅花 三 弄 / 作曲: 王建中 ; 演奏: 石叔誠
長短 的 組合 / 作曲: 權吉浩 ; 演奏: 陳韻劼
遙 謠 / 作曲: 陸培 ; 演奏: 鄒翔
太極 / 作曲: 趙曉生 ; 演奏: 鄒翔
Related names:賀綠汀 [作曲]  Ho Lu-t'ing [comp.]
石叔誠 [演奏]  Shih Shu-ch'eng [perf.]
鄧爾敬 [作曲]  Teng Erh-ching [comp.]
王寅飛 [演奏]  Wang Yin-fei [perf.]
Parallel Title:Shanghai conservatory of music seventieth anniversary gala album
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4261-1648 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:歲月流韻 : 上海音樂學院建校七十周年紀念唱片集(一)鋼琴曲集
Sui-yüeh liu-yün : Shang-hai yin-yüeh-hsüeh-yüan chien-hsiao ch'i-shih chou-nien chi-nien ch'ang-p'ien chi (i) kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi
Published:上海 : 上市海文音像出版社, 1997
Shang-hai : Shang-hai hai-wen yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1997
Description:1 sound disc (62:34 min) : digital, stereo
Series:上海 音樂學院 建校 七十 周年 紀念 唱片 集 (1) 鋼琴 曲集
Shang-hai yin-yüeh-hsüeh-yüan chien-hsiao ch'i-shih chou-nien chi-nien ch'ang-p'ien chi (1) kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For further information see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:牧童 短笛 / 作曲: 賀綠汀 ; 演奏: 石叔誠
小 玩意, 騎 竹馬 : 選自 "兒童 鋼琴曲 四 首" / 作曲: 鄧爾敬 ; 演奏: 王寅飛
扑 蝴蝶, 跳繩, 節日舞 : 選自 兒童 組曲 "快樂 的 節日" / 作曲: 丁善德 ; 演奏: 丁柬諾
草原 情歌, 哀思, 舞曲 : 選自 "內蒙古 民歌 主題 小曲 七 首" / 作曲: 桑桐 ; 演奏: 孔祥東
藍 花 花 / 作曲: 汪立三 ; 演奏: 顧國權
老人 的 故事, 笙舞 : 選自 "廟會 組曲" / 作曲: 蔣祖馨 ; 演奏: 孔祥東
變奏曲 / 作曲: 劉莊 ; 演奏: 王魯
號子, 白族 夜歌, 放馬 山歌 : 選自 "雲南 民歌 五 首" / 作曲: 沈傳薪 ; 演奏: 顧國權
百 鳥 朝 鳳 / 作曲: 王建中 ; 演奏: 石叔誠
梅花 三 弄 / 作曲: 王建中 ; 演奏: 石叔誠
長短 的 組合 / 作曲: 權吉浩 ; 演奏: 陳韻劼
遙 謠 / 作曲: 陸培 ; 演奏: 鄒翔
太極 / 作曲: 趙曉生 ; 演奏: 鄒翔
Related names:賀綠汀 [作曲]  Ho Lu-t'ing [comp.]
石叔誠 [演奏]  Shih Shu-ch'eng [perf.]
鄧爾敬 [作曲]  Teng Erh-ching [comp.]
王寅飛 [演奏]  Wang Yin-fei [perf.]
Parallel Title:Shanghai conservatory of music seventieth anniversary gala album
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:歲月流韻 : 上海音樂學院建校七十周年紀念唱片集(一)鋼琴曲集
Sui-yüeh liu-yün : Shang-hai yin-yüeh hsüeh-yüan chien-hsiao ch'i-shih chou-nien chi-nien ch'ang-p'ien chi (i) kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi
Published:上海 : 上市海文音像出版社, 1997
Shang-hai : Shang-hai hai-wen yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1997
Description:1 MP3 file (62:34 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:上海 音樂學院 建校 七十 周年 紀念 唱片 集 (1) 鋼琴 曲集
Shang-hai yin-yüeh-hsüeh-yüan chien-hsiao ch'i-shih chou-nien chi-nien ch'ang-p'ien chi (1) kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For further information see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:牧童 短笛 / 作曲: 賀綠汀 ; 演奏: 石叔誠 -- play
小 玩意, 騎 竹馬 : 選自 "兒童 鋼琴曲 四 首" / 作曲: 鄧爾敬 ; 演奏: 王寅飛 -- play
扑 蝴蝶, 跳繩, 節日舞 : 選自 兒童 組曲 "快樂 的 節日" / 作曲: 丁善德 ; 演奏: 丁柬諾 -- play
草原 情歌, 哀思, 舞曲 : 選自 "內蒙古 民歌 主題 小曲 七 首" / 作曲: 桑桐 ; 演奏: 孔祥東 -- play
藍 花 花 / 作曲: 汪立三 ; 演奏: 顧國權 -- play
老人 的 故事, 笙舞 : 選自 "廟會 組曲" / 作曲: 蔣祖馨 ; 演奏: 孔祥東 -- play
變奏曲 / 作曲: 劉莊 ; 演奏: 王魯 -- play
號子, 白族 夜歌, 放馬 山歌 : 選自 "雲南 民歌 五 首" / 作曲: 沈傳薪 ; 演奏: 顧國權 -- play
百 鳥 朝 鳳 / 作曲: 王建中 ; 演奏: 石叔誠 -- play
梅花 三 弄 / 作曲: 王建中 ; 演奏: 石叔誠 -- play
長短 的 組合 / 作曲: 權吉浩 ; 演奏: 陳韻劼 -- play
遙 謠 / 作曲: 陸培 ; 演奏: 鄒翔 -- play
太極 / 作曲: 趙曉生 ; 演奏: 鄒翔 -- play
Related names:賀綠汀 [作曲]  Ho Lu-t'ing [comp.]
石叔誠 [演奏]  Shih Shu-ch'eng [perf.]
鄧爾敬 [作曲]  Teng Erh-ching [comp.]
王寅飛 [演奏]  Wang Yin-fei [perf.]
Parallel Title:Shanghai Conservatory of Music seventieth anniversary gala album
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 MP3 file (37:05 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板 -- play
長笛 獨奏 : 盲 -- play
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲 -- play
抒情 的 悠 ... 板, 小提琴, 鋼琴 -- play
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Material:Computer file
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 MP3 file (37:05 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板 -- play
長笛 獨奏 : 盲 -- play
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲 -- play
抒情 的 悠慢板, 小提琴, 鋼琴 -- play
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Material:Computer file
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 MP3 file (37:05 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板 -- play
長笛 獨奏 : 盲 -- play
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲 -- play
抒情 的 悠 ... 板, 小提琴, 鋼琴 -- play
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Material:Computer file
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 MP3 file (37:05 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板 -- play
長笛 獨奏 : 盲 -- play
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲 -- play
抒情 的 悠慢板, 小提琴, 鋼琴 -- play
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Shelfmark:4252-6199 MC
Material:Sound recording
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 sound cassette (37:05 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板
長笛 獨奏 : 盲
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲
抒情 的 悠慢板, 小提琴, 鋼琴
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Shelfmark:4252-6199 MC
Material:Sound recording
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 sound cassette (37:05 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板
長笛 獨奏 : 盲
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲
抒情 的 悠慢板, 小提琴, 鋼琴
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Material:Computer file
Title:Naxi-Music / s.n.
Description:1 MP3 file (83:04 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Instrumental piece with short introduction -- play
Instrumental piece with short introduction -- play
Instrumental piece with short introduction -- play
Instrumental piece / live -- play
Instrumental piece / live -- play
Instrumental piece / live -- play
Interview and live demos of vocal pieces -- play
Samples of various melodies and musical styles with commentary / radio recording -- play

Shelfmark:4260-9446 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Naxi-Music / s.n.
Description:1 sound cassette (83:04 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Instrumental piece with short introduction
Instrumental piece with short introduction
Instrumental piece with short introduction
Instrumental piece / live
Instrumental piece / live
Instrumental piece / live
Interview and live demos of vocal pieces
Samples of various melodies and musical styles with commentary / radio recording

Shelfmark:4260-9446 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Naxi-Music / s.n.
Description:1 sound cassette (83:04 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Instrumental piece with short introduction
Instrumental piece with short introduction
Instrumental piece with short introduction
Instrumental piece / live
Instrumental piece / live
Instrumental piece / live
Interview and live demos of vocal pieces
Samples of various melodies and musical styles with commentary / radio recording

Material:Computer file
Title:Naxi-Music / s.n.
Description:1 MP3 file (83:04 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Instrumental piece with short introduction -- play
Instrumental piece with short introduction -- play
Instrumental piece with short introduction -- play
Instrumental piece / live -- play
Instrumental piece / live -- play
Instrumental piece / live -- play
Interview and live demos of vocal pieces -- play
Samples of various melodies and musical styles with commentary / radio recording -- play

Material:Sound recording
Title:音詩三首 / 金湘 [指揮]
Yin shih san shou / Chin Hsiang [chih-hui]
Published:Bailey record Co., Ltd., 1992
Description:1 sound disc (compact disc) : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in.. + 1 lyric booklet
Performed:Central Orchestra Symphony Orchestra
Related names:金湘 [指揮]  Chin Hsiang [conductor]
Parallel Title:Three Pieces of poetic Music

Material:Sound recording
Title:音詩三首 / 金湘 [指揮]
Yin shih san shou / Chin Hsiang [chih-hui]
Published:Bailey record Co., Ltd., 1992
Description:1 sound disc (compact disc) : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in.. + 1 lyric booklet
Performed:Central Orchestra Symphony Orchestra
Related names:金湘 [指揮]  Chin Hsiang [conductor]
Parallel Title:Three Pieces of poetic Music

Shelfmark:4252-6226 MC
Material:Sound recording
[Pieces by Lam Bunching, Xu Shuya and Tung Laishing]
Description:1 sound cassette (42 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:Very soft recording. First piece on Side B continuation of "Songs of the Miao"
Contents/Access:Lü (1983)
旅 (1983)
Four pieces
Related names:林品晶 [作曲]  Lam Bunching [comp.]
許舒亞 [作曲]  Xu Shuya [comp.]
童麗誠 [作曲]  Tung Laishing [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:[Four pieces by Law Wingfai, Hsü Chi-hsing, Kuan Nai-chung and Chou Lung]
Description:1 MP3 file (45:27 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Live recording. Each piece has a short prelude
-- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:徐紀星  關迺忠  Lai Wingfai
Hsü Chi-hsing
Kuan Nai-chung

Shelfmark:4252-6226 MC
Material:Sound recording
[Pieces by Lam Bunching, Xu Shuya and Tung Laishing]
Description:1 sound cassette (42 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:Very soft recording. First piece on Side B continuation of "Songs of the Miao"
Contents/Access:Lü (1983)
旅 (1983)
Four pieces
Related names:林品晶 [作曲]  Lam Bunching [comp.]
許舒亞 [作曲]  Xu Shuya [comp.]
童麗誠 [作曲]  Tung Laishing [comp.]

Shelfmark:4252-6224 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Four pieces by Law Wingfai, Hsü Chi-hsing, Kuan Nai-chung and Chou Lung]
Description:1 sound cassette (45:27 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:Live recording. Each piece has a short prelude
Related names:徐紀星  關迺忠  Lai Wingfai
Hsü Chi-hsing
Kuan Nai-chung

Shelfmark:4252-6224 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Four pieces by Law Wingfai, Hsü Chi-hsing, Kuan Nai-chung and Chou Lung]
Description:1 sound cassette (45:27 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:Live recording. Each piece has a short prelude
Related names:徐紀星  關迺忠  Lai Wingfai
Hsü Chi-hsing
Kuan Nai-chung

Material:Computer file
Title:[Four pieces by Law Wingfai, Hsü Chi-hsing, Kuan Nai-chung and Chou Lung]
Description:1 MP3 file (45:27 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Live recording. Each piece has a short prelude
-- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:徐紀星  關迺忠  Lai Wingfai
Hsü Chi-hsing
Kuan Nai-chung

Shelfmark:4260-9373 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Chen Xiaoyong and Ye Xiaogang] / Ch'en Hsiao-yung, Yeh Hsiao-kang
Description:1 sound cassette (79:52 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Klavierkonzert (1984)
Violinkonzert (1985)
Duett für Violine und Zheng (1989)
Streichquartett No.1 (1986/87)
Streichtrio (1987/88)
Streichtrio Cot'd (1987/88)
"Da Lai Vi" (1988)
"Gallade" (1987)
Related names:陳曉勇, 1955-  Ch'en Hsiao-yung, 1955-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9373 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Chen Xiaoyong and Ye Xiaogang] / Ch'en Hsiao-yung, Yeh Hsiao-kang
Description:1 sound cassette (79:52 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Klavierkonzert (1984)
Violinkonzert (1985)
Duett für Violine und Zheng (1989)
Streichquartett No.1 (1986/87)
Streichtrio (1987/88)
Streichtrio Cot'd (1987/88)
"Da Lai Vi" (1988)
"Gallade" (1987)
Related names:陳曉勇, 1955-  Ch'en Hsiao-yung, 1955-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9514 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:2
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-343
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-343
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For a short preface by Liu Senmin 劉森民 see ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:陽春 據 "松弦館 琴譜", "大還閣 琴譜" 合參 / 演奏: 吳景略
墨子 悲 絲 據 "五知齋 琴譜", "自遠堂 琴譜" 合參 / 演奏: 吳景略
瀟湘 水 雲 據 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 吳景略
梧業 舞 秋風 據 "琴學 入門" / 演奏: 吳景略
憶 古人 據 "今 虞 琴刊" / 演奏: 吳景略
秋 塞 吟 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 吳景略
漁 樵 問答 據 "琴學 入門" / 演奏: 吳景略
Related names:吳景略 [演奏]  Wu Ching-lüeh [perf.]
王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9518 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:6
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-347
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-347
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. See also ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:韋 編 三 絕 據 "抄本 琴譜" / 演奏: 樂瑛
滄海 龍 吟 據 "琴譜 協聲" / 演奏: 樂瑛
岳陽 三 醉 據 "琴學 入門" / 演奏: 樂瑛
列子 御 風 據 "抄本 琴譜" / 演奏: 樂瑛
鹿 鳴 據 "琴學 叢書 琴譜" / 演奏: 楊葆元
伐檀 據 "琴學 叢書 琴譜" / 演奏: 楊葆元
歸 去 來 辭 據 "琴學 叢書 琴譜" / 演奏: 楊葆元
平沙 落雁 據 "琴學 叢書 琴譜" / 演奏: 楊葆元
靜觀 吟 據 "抄本 琴譜" / 演奏: 夏一峰
秋江 夜泊 據 "梅庵 琴譜" / 演奏: 程午加
Related names:王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
樂瑛 [演奏]  Le Ying [perf.]
楊葆元 [演奏]  Yang Pao-yüan [perf.]
夏一峰 [演奏]  Hsia I-feng [perf.]
程午加 [演奏]  Ch'eng Wu-chia [perf.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9517 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:5
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-346
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-346
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For a short preface by Liu Senmin 劉森民 see ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:高山 據 "琴學 入門" / 演奏: 姚炳炎
華胥 引 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 姚炳炎
灑狂 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 姚炳炎
大 胡笳 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 姚炳炎
楚歌 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 姚炳炎
良宵 引 據 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 溥雪齋
鷗鷺忘機 據 "自遠堂 琴譜" / 演奏: 溥雪齋
梅花 三 弄 據 "琴 蕭 合譜" / 演奏: 溥雪齋
普庵 咒 據 "抄本 琴譜" / 演奏: 溥雪齋
Related names:王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
姚炳炎 [演奏]  Yao Ping-yen [perf.]
溥雪齋 [演奏]  P'u Hsüeh-chai [perf.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9519 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:7
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-348
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-348
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. See also ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:搔首 問天 據 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 吳兆基
漁歌 據 "五知齋 琴譜" 據 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 吳兆基
石上 流泉 據 "玉鶴軒 琴譜" / 演奏: 詹澄秋
憶 故人 據 "今玉 琴刊" / 演奏: 吳兆基
流水 據 "天聞閣 琴譜" / 演奏: 顧梅羹
搗 衣 據 "梅庵 琴譜" / 演奏: 徐立蓀
Related names:王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
吳兆基 [演奏]  Wu Chao-chi [perf.]
詹澄秋 [演奏]  Chan Ch'eng-ch'iu [perf.]
顧梅羹 [演奏]  Ku Mei-keng [perf.]
徐立蓀 [演奏]  Hsü Li-sun [perf.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9513 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:1
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-342
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-342
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For a short preface by Liu Senmin 劉森民 see ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:喝石 調 幽蘭 據 "古逸 叢書" / 演奏: 管平湖
離騷 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 管平湖
廣陵 散 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 管平湖
Related names:管平湖 [演奏]  Kuan P'ing-hu [perf.]
王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Yu [ed.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9517 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:5
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-346
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-346
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For a short preface by Liu Senmin 劉森民 see ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:高山 據 "琴學 入門" / 演奏: 姚炳炎
華胥 引 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 姚炳炎
灑狂 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 姚炳炎
大 胡笳 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 姚炳炎
楚歌 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 姚炳炎
良宵 引 據 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 溥雪齋
鷗鷺忘機 據 "自遠堂 琴譜" / 演奏: 溥雪齋
梅花 三 弄 據 "琴 蕭 合譜" / 演奏: 溥雪齋
普庵 咒 據 "抄本 琴譜" / 演奏: 溥雪齋
Related names:王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
姚炳炎 [演奏]  Yao Ping-yen [perf.]
溥雪齋 [演奏]  P'u Hsüeh-chai [perf.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9518 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:6
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-347
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-347
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. See also ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:韋 編 三 絕 據 "抄本 琴譜" / 演奏: 樂瑛
滄海 龍 吟 據 "琴譜 協聲" / 演奏: 樂瑛
岳陽 三 醉 據 "琴學 入門" / 演奏: 樂瑛
列子 御 風 據 "抄本 琴譜" / 演奏: 樂瑛
鹿 鳴 據 "琴學 叢書 琴譜" / 演奏: 楊葆元
伐檀 據 "琴學 叢書 琴譜" / 演奏: 楊葆元
歸 去 來 辭 據 "琴學 叢書 琴譜" / 演奏: 楊葆元
平沙 落雁 據 "琴學 叢書 琴譜" / 演奏: 楊葆元
靜觀 吟 據 "抄本 琴譜" / 演奏: 夏一峰
秋江 夜泊 據 "梅庵 琴譜" / 演奏: 程午加
Related names:王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
樂瑛 [演奏]  Le Ying [perf.]
楊葆元 [演奏]  Yang Pao-yüan [perf.]
夏一峰 [演奏]  Hsia I-feng [perf.]
程午加 [演奏]  Ch'eng Wu-chia [perf.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9516 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:4
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-345
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-345
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For a short preface by Liu Senmin 劉森民 see ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:流水 據 "天聞閣 琴書" / 演奏: 管平湖
欸乃 據 "天聞閣 琴譜" / 演奏: 管平湖
胡笳 十八 拍 據 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 管平湖
Related names:管平湖 [演奏]  Kuan P'ing-hu [perf.]
王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9513 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:1
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-342
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-342
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For a short preface by Liu Senmin 劉森民 see ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:喝石 調 幽蘭 據 "古逸 叢書" / 演奏: 管平湖
離騷 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 管平湖
廣陵 散 據 "神奇 秘譜" / 演奏: 管平湖
Related names:管平湖 [演奏]  Kuan P'ing-hu [perf.]
王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Yu [ed.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9514 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:2
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-343
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-343
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For a short preface by Liu Senmin 劉森民 see ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:陽春 據 "松弦館 琴譜", "大還閣 琴譜" 合參 / 演奏: 吳景略
墨子 悲 絲 據 "五知齋 琴譜", "自遠堂 琴譜" 合參 / 演奏: 吳景略
瀟湘 水 雲 據 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 吳景略
梧業 舞 秋風 據 "琴學 入門" / 演奏: 吳景略
憶 古人 據 "今 虞 琴刊" / 演奏: 吳景略
秋 塞 吟 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 吳景略
漁 樵 問答 據 "琴學 入門" / 演奏: 吳景略
Related names:吳景略 [演奏]  Wu Ching-lüeh [perf.]
王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9516 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:4
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-345
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-345
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For a short preface by Liu Senmin 劉森民 see ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:流水 據 "天聞閣 琴書" / 演奏: 管平湖
欸乃 據 "天聞閣 琴譜" / 演奏: 管平湖
胡笳 十八 拍 據 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 管平湖
Related names:管平湖 [演奏]  Kuan P'ing-hu [perf.]
王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9519 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:7
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-348
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-348
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. See also ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:搔首 問天 據 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 吳兆基
漁歌 據 "五知齋 琴譜" 據 "五知齋 琴譜" / 演奏: 吳兆基
石上 流泉 據 "玉鶴軒 琴譜" / 演奏: 詹澄秋
憶 故人 據 "今玉 琴刊" / 演奏: 吳兆基
流水 據 "天聞閣 琴譜" / 演奏: 顧梅羹
搗 衣 據 "梅庵 琴譜" / 演奏: 徐立蓀
Related names:王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
吳兆基 [演奏]  Wu Chao-chi [perf.]
詹澄秋 [演奏]  Chan Ch'eng-ch'iu [perf.]
顧梅羹 [演奏]  Ku Mei-keng [perf.]
徐立蓀 [演奏]  Hsü Li-sun [perf.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Chang Hui-li tso-p'in hsüan / Zhang Huili
Description:1 MP3 file (12:08 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM20). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Brief aus dem Herbst für Flötensolo (1987) -- play
Altura für Sopranflöte, Bassklarinette, Schlagzeug und Kontrabass (1991) -- play
Related names:張惠莉, 1956-  Chang Hui-li, 1956-
Parallel Title:Zhang Huili Pieces

Shelfmark:4260-9302 MC
Material:Sound recording
Chang Hui-li tso-p'in hsüan / Zhang Huili
Description:1 sound cassette (12:08 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM20). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Post aus dem Herbst für Flötensolo (1987)
Altura für Sopranflöte, Bassklarinette, Schlagzeug und Kontrabass (1991)
Related names:張惠莉, 1956-  Chang Hui-li, 1956-
Parallel Title:Zhang Huili Pieces

Shelfmark:4260-9302 MC
Material:Sound recording
Chang Hui-li tso-p'in hsüan / Zhang Huili
Description:1 sound cassette (12:08 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM20). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Post aus dem Herbst für Flötensolo (1987)
Altura für Sopranflöte, Bassklarinette, Schlagzeug und Kontrabass (1991)
Related names:張惠莉, 1956-  Chang Hui-li, 1956-
Parallel Title:Zhang Huili Pieces

Material:Computer file
Chang Hui-li tso-p'in hsüan / Zhang Huili
Description:1 MP3 file (12:08 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM20). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Brief aus dem Herbst für Flötensolo (1987) -- play
Altura für Sopranflöte, Bassklarinette, Schlagzeug und Kontrabass (1991) -- play
Related names:張惠莉, 1956-  Chang Hui-li, 1956-
Parallel Title:Zhang Huili Pieces

Shelfmark:4263-3071 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:十面埋伏 : 民族器樂獨奏 / 湯良興 演奏
Shih mien mai-fu : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh tu-tsou / Yang Liang-hsing yen-tsou
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, s.a.
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, s.a.
Description:1 sound disc (xx:xx min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2037 (M-33/74113 ; M-33/74114)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2037 (M-33/74113 ; M-33/74114)
Series:Liu Yuan Collection. Sound recording
Contents/Access:草原 紅衛兵 (爭 獨奏) / 李德全 曲 ; 王莉 改編 ; 王莉 演奏
翻身 歌 (二胡 獨奏) / 張擷誠 曲 ; 王國潼 改編 ; 王國潼 演奏 ; 魏鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏
流水 歡歌 唱 丰收 (笙 獨奏) / 王慶琛, 高揚 曲 ; 王慶琛 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
十 面 埋伏 (琵琶 獨奏 ; 古曲) / 湯良興 演奏
百 鳥 爭 鳴 (嗩吶 獨奏 ; 民間 樂曲) / 郝玉岐 演奏 ; 民間樂隊 伴奏
Related names:李德全 [作曲]  Li Te-ch'üan [comp.]
王莉 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Li [adap., perf.]
張擷誠 [作曲]  Chang Hsieh-ch'eng [comp.]
王國潼 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Kuo-t'ung [adap., perf.]
Parallel Title:Ambush from all sides : solo pieces played on Chinese folk instruments
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:十面埋伏 : 民族器樂獨奏 / 湯良興 演奏
Shih mien mai-fu : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh tu-tsou / Yang Liang-hsing yen-tsou
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, [s.a.]
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, [s.a.]
Description:1 mp3 file (xx:xx min ; xxx KB) : digital, 78 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2037 (M-33/74113 ; M-33/74114)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2037 (M-33/74113 ; M-33/74114)
Series:Liu Yuan collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:草原 紅衛兵 (爭 獨奏) / 李德全 曲 ; 王莉 改編 ; 王莉 演奏 -- play
翻身 歌 (二胡 獨奏) / 張擷誠 曲 ; 王國潼 改編 ; 王國潼 演奏 ; 魏鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏 -- play
流水 歡歌 唱 丰收 (笙 獨奏) / 王慶琛, 高揚 曲 ; 王慶琛 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
十 面 埋伏 (琵琶 獨奏 ; 古曲) / 湯良興 演奏 -- play
百 鳥 爭 鳴 (嗩吶 獨奏 ; 民間 樂曲) / 郝玉岐 演奏 ; 民間樂隊 伴奏 -- play
Related names:李德全 [作曲]  Li Te-ch'üan [comp.]
王莉 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Li [adap., perf.]
張擷誠 [作曲]  Chang Hsieh-ch'eng [comp.]
王國潼 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Kuo-t'ung [arr., perf.]
Parallel Title:Ambush from all sides : solo pieces played on Chinese folk instruments
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4263-3071 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:十面埋伏 : 民族器樂獨奏 / 湯良興 演奏
Shih mien mai-fu : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh tu-tsou / Yang Liang-hsing yen-tsou
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, [s.a.]
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, [s.a.]
Description:1 sound disc (xx:xx min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2037 (M-33/74113 ; M-33/74114)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2037 (M-33/74113 ; M-33/74114)
Series:Liu Yuan Collection. Sound recording
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:草原 紅衛兵 (爭 獨奏) / 李德全 曲 ; 王莉 改編 ; 王莉 演奏
翻身 歌 (二胡 獨奏) / 張擷誠 曲 ; 王國潼 改編 ; 王國潼 演奏 ; 魏鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏
流水 歡歌 唱 丰收 (笙 獨奏) / 王慶琛, 高揚 曲 ; 王慶琛 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
十 面 埋伏 (琵琶 獨奏 ; 古曲) / 湯良興 演奏
百 鳥 爭 鳴 (嗩吶 獨奏 ; 民間 樂曲) / 郝玉岐 演奏 ; 民間樂隊 伴奏
Related names:李德全 [作曲]  Li Te-ch'üan [comp.]
王莉 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Li [adap., perf.]
張擷誠 [作曲]  Chang Hsieh-ch'eng [comp.]
王國潼 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Kuo-t'ung [arr., perf.]
Parallel Title:Ambush from all sides : solo pieces played on Chinese folk instruments
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Chen Xiaoyong and Ye Xiaogang] / Ch'en Hsiao-yung, Yeh Hsiao-kang
Description:1 MP3 file (79:52 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Klavierkonzert (1984) -- play
Violinkonzert (1985) -- play
Duett für Violine und Zheng (1989) -- play
Streichquartett No.1 (1986/87) -- play
Streichtrio (1987/88) -- play
Streichtrio Cot'd (1987/88) -- play
"Da Lai Vi" (1988) -- play
"Gallade" (1987) -- play
Related names:陳曉勇, 1955-  Ch'en Hsiao-yung, 1955-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Chen Xiaoyong and Ye Xiaogang] / Ch'en Hsiao-yung, Yeh Hsiao-kang
Description:1 MP3 file (79:52 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Klavierkonzert (1984) -- play
Violinkonzert (1985) -- play
Duett für Violine und Zheng (1989) -- play
Streichquartett No.1 (1986/87) -- play
Streichtrio (1987/88) -- play
Streichtrio Cot'd (1987/88) -- play
"Da Lai Vi" (1988) -- play
"Gallade" (1987) -- play
Related names:陳曉勇, 1955-  Ch'en Hsiao-yung, 1955-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]

Shelfmark:M1.C5 C3 v.1 MAG
Ta-t'i-ch'in ch'uang-tso-ch'ü hsüan
Avail. vol.:1
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Collections of Several Composers
Parallel Title:Chinese Pieces for the Cello

Shelfmark:M1.C5 C3 v.1 MAG
Ta-t'i-ch'in ch'uang-tso-ch'ü hsüan
Avail. vol.:1
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Collections of Several Composers
Parallel Title:Chinese Pieces for the Cello

Shelfmark:M1.C5 C3 v.1 MAG
Ta-t'i-ch'in ch'uang-tso-ch'ü hsüan
Avail. vol.:1
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Collections of Several Composers
Parallel Title:Chinese Pieces for the Cello

Shelfmark:M1.C5 C3 v.1 MAG
Ta-t'i-ch'in ch'uang-tso-ch'ü hsüan
Avail. vol.:1
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Collections of Several Composers
Parallel Title:Chinese Pieces for the Cello

Shelfmark:4260-9309 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Tsang Yin Kwan pieces / Tsang Yin Kuan
Description:1 sound cassette (49:32 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM27). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Tunnel : Dream in summer
Related names:[曾興魁, 1946-]  Tsang Yin Kuan, 1946-

Shelfmark:4260-9309 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Tsang Yin Kwan pieces / Tsang Yin Kuan
Description:1 sound cassette (49:32 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM27). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Tunnel : Dream in summer
Related names:[曾興魁, 1946-]  Tsang Yin Kuan, 1946-

Material:Computer file
Title:打起漁鼓慶丰收 : 民族器樂曲八首 / 何化鈞 編曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 演奏 ; 柳方保 領奏 ; 董宏德 指揮
Ta-chi yü-ku ch'ing feng-shou : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh-ch'ü pa shou / Ho Hua-chün pien-ch'ü ; Chung-kuo jen-min chieh-fang-chün ch'ien-wei ko-wu-t'uan min-tsu yüeh-tui yen-tsou ; Liu Fang-pao ling-tsou ; T'ung Hung-te chih-hui
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, 1964
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, 1964
Description: 1964 rec.
1 mp3 file (xx:xx min ; xxx KB) : digital, 78 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-637 (M-33/1831 ; M-33/1832)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-637 (M-33/1831 ; M-33/1832)
Series:Liu Yuan collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:歡慶 四 好 / 馬德鑫, 劉漢林, 王維民 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 演奏 -- play
我 是 一 個 兵 / 胡結續 編曲 并 演奏 ; 中國人民解放軍戰旗歌舞團 李榮, 張忠遠 伴奏 -- play
茶山 新 歌 / 黃振中 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前鋒文工團民族樂隊 演奏 -- play
家鄉 的 喜訊 / 馬光陸, 東健 編曲 ; 馬光陸 演奏 ; 中國人民解放軍總政文工團歌舞團民族樂隊 伴奏 ; 王昭琪 指揮 -- play
社 慶 / 葛禮道, 尹開先 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前鋒文工團民族樂隊 演奏 -- play
家鄉 小 曲 / 王竹林 作曲 ; 許講德 演奏 ; 中國人民解放軍戰友文工團歌舞團民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
打起 漁鼓 慶 丰收 / 何化鈞 編曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 演奏 ; 柳方保 領奏 ; 董宏德 指揮 -- play
喜 慶 丰收 / 楊平, 王昭琪 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍總政文工團歌舞團民族樂隊 伴奏 ; 王昭琪 指揮 -- play
Related names:馬德鑫 [作曲]  Ma Te-hsin [comp.]
劉漢林 [作曲]  Liu Han-lin [comp.]
王維民 [作曲]  Wang Wei-min [comp.]
中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 [演奏]  Chung-kuo jen-min chieh-fang-chün ch'ien-wei ko-wu-t'uan min-tsu yüeh-tui [perf.]
Parallel Title:Fish-drums are beating for the celebration of bumper harvest : eight pieces of traditional instrumental music
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4263-3116 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:打起漁鼓慶丰收 : 民族器樂曲八首 / 何化鈞 編曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 演奏 ; 柳方保 領奏 ; 董宏德 指揮
Ta-chi yü-ku ch'ing feng-shou : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh-ch'ü pa shou / Ho Hua-chün pien-ch'ü ; Chung-kuo jen-min chieh-fang-chün ch'ien-wei ko-wu-t'uan min-tsu yüeh-tui yen-tsou ; Liu Fang-pao ling-tsou ; T'ung Hung-te chih-hui
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, 1964
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, 1964
Description: 1964 rec.
1 sound disc (xx:xx min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-637 (M-33/1831 ; M-33/1832)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-637 (M-33/1831 ; M-33/1832)
Series:Liu Yuan Collection. Sound recording
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:歡慶 四 好 / 馬德鑫, 劉漢林, 王維民 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 演奏
我 是 一 個 兵 / 胡結續 編曲 并 演奏 ; 中國人民解放軍戰旗歌舞團 李榮, 張忠遠 伴奏
茶山 新 歌 / 黃振中 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前鋒文工團民族樂隊 演奏
家鄉 的 喜訊 / 馬光陸, 東健 編曲 ; 馬光陸 演奏 ; 中國人民解放軍總政文工團歌舞團民族樂隊 伴奏 ; 王昭琪 指揮
社 慶 / 葛禮道, 尹開先 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前鋒文工團民族樂隊 演奏
家鄉 小 曲 / 王竹林 作曲 ; 許講德 演奏 ; 中國人民解放軍戰友文工團歌舞團民族樂隊 伴奏
打起 漁鼓 慶 丰收 / 何化鈞 編曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 演奏 ; 柳方保 領奏 ; 董宏德 指揮
喜 慶 丰收 / 楊平, 王昭琪 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍總政文工團歌舞團民族樂隊 伴奏 ; 王昭琪 指揮
Related names:馬德鑫 [作曲]  Ma Te-hsin [comp.]
劉漢林 [作曲]  Liu Han-lin [comp.]
王維民 [作曲]  Wang Wei-min [comp.]
中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 [演奏]  Chung-kuo jen-min chieh-fang-chün ch'ien-wei ko-wu-t'uan min-tsu yüeh-tui [perf.]
Parallel Title:Fish-drums are beating for the celebration of bumper harvest : eight pieces of traditional instrumental music
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4263-3116 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:打起漁鼓慶丰收 : 民族器樂曲八首 / 何化鈞 編曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 演奏 ; 柳方保 領奏 ; 董宏德 指揮
Ta-chi yü-ku ch'ing feng-shou : min-tsu ch'i-yüeh-ch'ü pa shou / Ho Hua-chün pien-ch'ü ; Chung-kuo jen-min chieh-fang-chün ch'ien-wei ko-wu-t'uan min-tsu yüeh-tui yen-tsou ; Liu Fang-pao ling-tsou ; T'ung Hung-te chih-hui
Published:北京 : 中國唱片厂, 1964
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ch'ang, 1964
Description: 1964 rec.
1 sound disc (xx:xx min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-637 (M-33/1831 ; M-33/1832)
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-637 (M-33/1831 ; M-33/1832)
Series:Liu Yuan Collection. Sound recording
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possesion of Liu Yuan. See also catalogue M1.L58y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:歡慶 四 好 / 馬德鑫, 劉漢林, 王維民 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 演奏
我 是 一 個 兵 / 胡結續 編曲 并 演奏 ; 中國人民解放軍戰旗歌舞團 李榮, 張忠遠 伴奏
茶山 新 歌 / 黃振中 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前鋒文工團民族樂隊 演奏
家鄉 的 喜訊 / 馬光陸, 東健 編曲 ; 馬光陸 演奏 ; 中國人民解放軍總政文工團歌舞團民族樂隊 伴奏 ; 王昭琪 指揮
社 慶 / 葛禮道, 尹開先 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前鋒文工團民族樂隊 演奏
家鄉 小 曲 / 王竹林 作曲 ; 許講德 演奏 ; 中國人民解放軍戰友文工團歌舞團民族樂隊 伴奏
打起 漁鼓 慶 丰收 / 何化鈞 編曲 ; 中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 演奏 ; 柳方保 領奏 ; 董宏德 指揮
喜 慶 丰收 / 楊平, 王昭琪 作曲 ; 中國人民解放軍總政文工團歌舞團民族樂隊 伴奏 ; 王昭琪 指揮
Related names:馬德鑫 [作曲]  Ma Te-hsin [comp.]
劉漢林 [作曲]  Liu Han-lin [comp.]
王維民 [作曲]  Wang Wei-min [comp.]
中國人民解放軍前衛歌舞團民族樂隊 [演奏]  Chung-kuo jen-min chieh-fang-chün ch'ien-wei ko-wu-t'uan min-tsu yüeh-tui [perf.]
Parallel Title:Fish-drums are beating for the celebration of bumper harvest : eight pieces of traditional instrumental music
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:M1.C56 H1 v.6 MAG
Author:Tung Lai-shing
Title:Four Pieces for Woodwind and Percussion
Avail. vol.:6
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Hong Kong Composers

Shelfmark:M1.C56 H1 v.6 MAG
Author:Tung Lai-shing
Title:Four Pieces for Woodwind and Percussion
Avail. vol.:6
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Hong Kong Composers

Shelfmark:M1.C56 H1 v.6 MAG
Author:Tung Lai-shing
Title:Four Pieces for Woodwind and Percussion
Avail. vol.:6
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Hong Kong Composers

Shelfmark:M1.C56 H1 v.6 MAG
Author:Tung Lai-shing
Title:Four Pieces for Woodwind and Percussion
Avail. vol.:6
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Hong Kong Composers

Material:Computer file
Title:Chinese Violin Pieces : 1949 - 1979
Description:1 MP3 file (62:97 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Diverse pieces for violin and piano. Bad recordings
-- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play

Material:Computer file
Title:Chinese Violin Pieces : 1949 - 1979
Description:1 MP3 file (62:97 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Diverse pieces for violin and piano. Bad recordings
-- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play

Material:Computer file
Title:Chinese Violin Pieces : 1949 - 1979
Description:1 MP3 file (62:97 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Diverse pieces for violin and piano. Bad recordings
-- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play

Material:Computer file
Title:Chinese Violin Pieces : 1949 - 1979
Description:1 MP3 file (62:97 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Diverse pieces for violin and piano. Bad recordings
-- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play

Shelfmark:4260-9365 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Qu Xiaosong and Luo Zhongrong] / [Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, Lo Chung-jung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 sound cassette (73:16 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Huang for strings and piano (1985)
Yaya for six musicians, score (1990)
String Quartet No. 2 Op. 48 (1985) in eight movements: 1. Introduction 2. Ten, Eight, Six, Four, Two 3. Adagio 4. The Time's always eight 5. Adagio 6. Intermezzo 7. Snake Casts its Skin 8. Epilogue
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico
Related names:[瞿小松, 1952-]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Qu Xiaosong and Luo Zhongrong] / [Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, Lo Chung-jung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 MP3 file (73:16 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Huang for strings and piano (1985) -- play
Yaya for six musicians, score (1990) -- play
String Quartet No. 2 Op. 48 (1985) in eight movements: 1. Introduction 2. Ten, Eight, Six, Four, Two 3. Adagio 4. The Time's always eight 5. Adagio 6. Intermezzo 7. Snake Casts its Skin 8. Epilogue -- play
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco -- play -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico -- play -- play -- play
Related names:[瞿小松, 1952-]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9365 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Qu Xiaosong and Luo Zhongrong] / [Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, Lo Chung-jung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 sound cassette (73:16 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Huang for strings and piano (1985)
Yaya for six musicians, score (1990)
String Quartet No. 2 Op. 48 (1985) in eight movements: 1. Introduction 2. Ten, Eight, Six, Four, Two 3. Adagio 4. The Time's always eight 5. Adagio 6. Intermezzo 7. Snake Casts its Skin 8. Epilogue
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico
Related names:[瞿小松, 1952-]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Qu Xiaosong and Luo Zhongrong] / [Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, Lo Chung-jung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 MP3 file (73:16 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Huang for strings and piano (1985) -- play
Yaya for six musicians, score (1990) -- play
String Quartet No. 2 Op. 48 (1985) in eight movements: 1. Introduction 2. Ten, Eight, Six, Four, Two 3. Adagio 4. The Time's always eight 5. Adagio 6. Intermezzo 7. Snake Casts its Skin 8. Epilogue -- play
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco -- play -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico -- play -- play -- play
Related names:[瞿小松, 1952-]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:中國中央樂團"愛樂女"室內樂團 / 鄭小英 [指揮]
Chung-kuo chung-yang yüeh-t'uan "Ai-yüeh nü" shih-nei yüeh-t'uan / Cond. Zheng Xiao Ying
Description:1 MP3 file (xxx min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. For song texts see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:劉二華 二胡 獨奏曲 三 首 -- play
悲歌 -- play
充山 鳥 語 -- play
燭影 搖紅 -- play
室內樂 隊 全奏 -- play
白毛女 選曲 -- play
西藏 舞曲 -- play
琵琶 行 -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:鄭小英 [指揮]  Cheng Hsiao-ying [cond.]
宋飛 [二胡 獨奏]  Song Fei [erhu solo]
Parallel Title:Women Chamber Music Society China

Shelfmark:4260-9443 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國中央樂團"愛樂女"室內樂團 / 鄭小英 [指揮]
Chung-kuo chung-yang yüeh-t'uan "Ai-yüeh nü" shih-nei yüeh-t'uan / Cond. Zheng Xiao Ying
Description:1 sound cassette (xxx min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. For song texts see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:劉二華 二胡 獨奏曲 三 首
充山 鳥 語
燭影 搖紅
室內樂 隊 全奏
白毛女 選曲
西藏 舞曲
琵琶 行
Related names:鄭小英 [指揮]  Cheng Hsiao-ying [cond.]
宋飛 [二胡 獨奏]  Song Fei [erhu solo]
Parallel Title:Women Chamber Music Society China

Shelfmark:4260-9443 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國中央樂團"愛樂女"室內樂團 / 鄭小英 [指揮]
Chung-kuo chung-yang yüeh-t'uan "Ai-yüeh nü" shih-nei yüeh-t'uan / Cond. Zheng Xiao Ying
Description:1 sound cassette (xxx min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. For song texts see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:劉二華 二胡 獨奏曲 三 首
充山 鳥 語
燭影 搖紅
室內樂 隊 全奏
白毛女 選曲
西藏 舞曲
琵琶 行
Related names:鄭小英 [指揮]  Cheng Hsiao-ying [cond.]
宋飛 [二胡 獨奏]  Song Fei [erhu solo]
Parallel Title:Women Chamber Music Society China

Material:Computer file
Title:中國中央樂團"愛樂女"室內樂團 / 鄭小英 [指揮]
Chung-kuo chung-yang yüeh-t'uan "Ai-yüeh nü" shih-nei yüeh-t'uan / Cond. Zheng Xiao Ying
Description:1 MP3 file (xxx min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. For song texts see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:劉二華 二胡 獨奏曲 三 首 -- play
悲歌 -- play
充山 鳥 語 -- play
燭影 搖紅 -- play
室內樂 隊 全奏 -- play
白毛女 選曲 -- play
西藏 舞曲 -- play
琵琶 行 -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:鄭小英 [指揮]  Cheng Hsiao-ying [cond.]
宋飛 [二胡 獨奏]  Song Fei [erhu solo]
Parallel Title:Women Chamber Music Society China

Shelfmark:4260-9391 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Ge Gan-Ru's Chamber Music / Ge Gan-Ru
Description:1 sound cassette (82:22 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Yi Feng for Cello without Accompaniment
Gu Yue (Ancient Music) Four Pieces for Piano: 1. Gong 2. Qin 3. Pipa 4. Drum
Fu - String Quartet No. 1
String Quartet No. 4 (1998) - Angel Suite : Cherub: Andante; Peculiar Dance: Largo; Prayer: Adagio; Angel's March Moderato
Si for Violin, Clarinette & Piano
Related names:葛甘如, 1954-  Ko Kan-ju, 1954-
Su Huang, Cello
Margaret Leng Tan, Piano (Mode 15)
The Kronos Quartet
Miami String Quartet

Material:Computer file
Title:Ge Gan-Ru's Chamber Music / Ge Gan-Ru
Description:1 MP3 file (82:22 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Yi Feng for Cello without Accompaniment -- play
Gu Yue (Ancient Music) Four Pieces for Piano: 1. Gong 2. Qin 3. Pipa 4. Drum -- play
Fu - String Quartet No. 1 -- play
String Quartet No. 4 (1998) - Angel Suite : Cherub: Andante; Peculiar Dance: Largo; Prayer: Adagio; Angel's March Moderato -- play
Si for Violin, Clarinette & Piano -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:葛甘如, 1954-  Ko Kan-ju, 1954-
Su Huang, Cello
Margaret Leng Tan, Piano (Mode 15)
The Kronos Quartet
Miami String Quartet

Material:Computer file
Title:Ge Gan-Ru's Chamber Music / Ge Gan-Ru
Description:1 MP3 file (82:22 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Yi Feng for Cello without Accompaniment -- play
Gu Yue (Ancient Music) Four Pieces for Piano: 1. Gong 2. Qin 3. Pipa 4. Drum -- play
Fu - String Quartet No. 1 -- play
String Quartet No. 4 (1998) - Angel Suite : Cherub: Andante; Peculiar Dance: Largo; Prayer: Adagio; Angel's March Moderato -- play
Si for Violin, Clarinette & Piano -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:葛甘如, 1954-  Ko Kan-ju, 1954-
Su Huang, Cello
Margaret Leng Tan, Piano (Mode 15)
The Kronos Quartet
Miami String Quartet

Shelfmark:4260-9391 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Ge Gan-Ru's Chamber Music / Ge Gan-Ru
Description:1 sound cassette (82:22 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Yi Feng for Cello without Accompaniment
Gu Yue (Ancient Music) Four Pieces for Piano: 1. Gong 2. Qin 3. Pipa 4. Drum
Fu - String Quartet No. 1
String Quartet No. 4 (1998) - Angel Suite : Cherub: Andante; Peculiar Dance: Largo; Prayer: Adagio; Angel's March Moderato
Si for Violin, Clarinette & Piano
Related names:葛甘如, 1954-  Ko Kan-ju, 1954-
Su Huang, Cello
Margaret Leng Tan, Piano (Mode 15)
The Kronos Quartet
Miami String Quartet

Shelfmark:4260-9520 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:8
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-349
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-349
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For a musical preface by Liu Senmin 劉森民 see ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:烏 夜 啼 / 演奏: 楊新倫
平沙 落雁 / 演奏: 沈草衣
搗衣 據 "梅庵 琴譜" / 演奏: 龍琴舫
高山 流水 據 "天聞閣 琴譜" / 演奏: 候作吾
佩蘭 據 "春草堂 琴譜" / 演奏: 喻紹澤
漁 樵 問答 據 "琴學 叢書 琴譜" / 演奏: 關仲航
醉漁 唱晚 據 "李子昭 傳譜" / 演奏: 韋仲樂
流水 據 "琴學 入門" / 演奏: 韋仲樂
Related names:王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
楊新倫 [演奏]  Yang Hsin-lun [perf.]
沈草衣 [演奏]  Shen Ts'ao-i [perf.]
龍琴舫 [演奏]  Lung Ch'in-fang [perf.]
候作吾 [演奏]  Hou Tso-wu [perf.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9520 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國音樂大全 : 古琴卷 / 中國唱片總公司 出版
Chung-kuo yin-yüeh ta ch'üan : ku-ch'in chüan / Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien tsung kung-ssu ch'u-pan
Avail. vol.:8
Published:上海 : 中國唱片總公司, 1994
Shang-hai : China Record Company, 1994
Description:1 sound disc (8 discs) (xxx min) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; CCD-349
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; CCD-349
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Hanno Lecher. For a musical preface by Liu Senmin 劉森民 see ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:烏 夜 啼 / 演奏: 楊新倫
平沙 落雁 / 演奏: 沈草衣
搗衣 據 "梅庵 琴譜" / 演奏: 龍琴舫
高山 流水 據 "天聞閣 琴譜" / 演奏: 候作吾
佩蘭 據 "春草堂 琴譜" / 演奏: 喻紹澤
漁 樵 問答 據 "琴學 叢書 琴譜" / 演奏: 關仲航
醉漁 唱晚 據 "李子昭 傳譜" / 演奏: 韋仲樂
流水 據 "琴學 入門" / 演奏: 韋仲樂
Related names:王迪 [特約 編輯]  Wang Ti [ed.]
楊新倫 [演奏]  Yang Hsin-lun [perf.]
沈草衣 [演奏]  Shen Ts'ao-i [perf.]
龍琴舫 [演奏]  Lung Ch'in-fang [perf.]
候作吾 [演奏]  Hou Tso-wu [perf.]
Parallel Title:An anthology of Chinese traditional and folk music : a collection of musical played on the guqin
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9368 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Tan Dun, Ye Xiaogang, Zhou Long and Qu Xiaosong] / T'an Tun, Yeh Hsiao-kang, Chou Lung, Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 sound cassette (74:25 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:String Quartet No. 2 (1986-88)
On Taiwan for voice and orchestra
In Distance for piccolo, harp and drum
The Masks of Sakya (Op.29) for shakuhachi and orchestra (1980)
Su for flute and guqin (harp)
Yi for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, viola and bass
Related names:譚盾, 1957-  T'an Tun, 1957-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
周龍, 1953-  Chou Lung, 1953-
瞿小鋼, 1952-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
葉小鋼 作曲  Yeh Hsiao-kang tso-ch'ü

Material:Computer file
Title:Frankie Ho pieces / Frankie Ho
Description:1 MP3 file (3:37 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM28). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 Ref. No recording on Side B
Contents/Access:Hong Kong's awake (with Exit Music) / new -- play
Sinfonie in Midi -- play
Related names:Frankie Ho [comp.]
Exit Music

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Tan Dun, Ye Xiaogang, Zhou Long and Qu Xiaosong] / T'an Tun, Yeh Hsiao-kang, Chou Lung, Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 MP3 file (74:25 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:String Quartet No. 2 (1986-88) -- play
On Taiwan for voice and orchestra -- play
In Distance for piccolo, harp and drum -- play
The Masks of Sakya (Op.29) for shakuhachi and orchestra (1980) -- play
Su for flute and guqin (harp) -- play
Yi for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, viola and bass -- play
Related names:譚盾, 1957-  T'an Tun, 1957-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
周龍, 1953-  Chou Lung, 1953-
瞿小鋼, 1952-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
葉小鋼 作曲  Yeh Hsiao-kang tso-ch'ü

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Tan Dun, Ye Xiaogang, Zhou Long and Qu Xiaosong] / T'an Tun, Yeh Hsiao-kang, Chou Lung, Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 MP3 file (74:25 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:String Quartet No. 2 (1986-88) -- play
On Taiwan for voice and orchestra -- play
In Distance for piccolo, harp and drum -- play
The Masks of Sakya (Op.29) for shakuhachi and orchestra (1980) -- play
Su for flute and guqin (harp) -- play
Yi for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, viola and bass -- play
Related names:譚盾, 1957-  T'an Tun, 1957-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
周龍, 1953-  Chou Lung, 1953-
瞿小鋼, 1952-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
葉小鋼 作曲  Yeh Hsiao-kang tso-ch'ü

Material:Computer file
Title:Frankie Ho pieces / Frankie Ho
Description:1 MP3 file (3:37 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM28). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 Ref. No recording on Side B
Contents/Access:Hong Kong's awake (with Exit Music) / new -- play
Sinfonie in Midi -- play
Related names:Frankie Ho [comp.]
Exit Music

Shelfmark:4260-9368 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Tan Dun, Ye Xiaogang, Zhou Long and Qu Xiaosong] / T'an Tun, Yeh Hsiao-kang, Chou Lung, Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 sound cassette (74:25 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:String Quartet No. 2 (1986-88)
On Taiwan for voice and orchestra
In Distance for piccolo, harp and drum
The Masks of Sakya (Op.29) for shakuhachi and orchestra (1980)
Su for flute and guqin (harp)
Yi for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, viola and bass
Related names:譚盾, 1957-  T'an Tun, 1957-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
周龍, 1953-  Chou Lung, 1953-
瞿小鋼, 1952-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
葉小鋼 作曲  Yeh Hsiao-kang tso-ch'ü

Shelfmark:M1.C56 H3 v.1 MAG
Kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi : Chinese Contemporary Piano Pieces Part 1
Series:C.C. Liu Collection

Shelfmark:M1.C56 H3 v.1 MAG
Chung-kuo kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi : Chinese Piano Pieces
Avail. vol.:1
Series:C.C. Liu Collection

Shelfmark:M1.C56 H3 v.2 MAG
Chung-kuo hsiao-t'i-ch'in ch'ü-chi
Series:C.C. Liu Collection
Parallel Title:Chinese Pieces for the Violin

Shelfmark:M1.C56 H3 v.1 MAG
Kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi : Chinese Contemporary Piano Pieces Part 1
Series:C.C. Liu Collection

Shelfmark:M1.C56 H3 v.1 MAG
Chung-kuo kang-ch'in ch'ü-chi : Chinese Piano Pieces
Avail. vol.:1
Series:C.C. Liu Collection

Shelfmark:M1.C56 H3 v.2 MAG
Chung-kuo hsiao-t'i-ch'in ch'ü-chi
Series:C.C. Liu Collection
Parallel Title:Chinese Pieces for the Violin

Material:Computer file
Title:Hao Weiya Pieces ; He Xuntian, Zhu Shirui Pieces / Hao Wei-ya, Ho Hsün-t'ian, Chu Shih-jui
Description:1 MP3 file (48:13 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Rondo for the violin and piano + - (Plus Minus) (1991) -- play
陝北 民歌 ?-提 變奏 (1991/92) -- play
Trio for violin, clarinette and piano - First movement (1992) -- play
兩個 時辰 -- play
電子 合成器 與 打擊樂 "神女" -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:郝維亞, 1971-  Hao Wei-ya, 1971-
何訓天, 1954-  Ho Hsün-t'ien, 1954-
朱世瑞, 1954-  Chu Shih-jui, 1954-
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
何訓天 [作曲]  Ho Hsün-t'ien [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9435 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Hao Weiya Pieces ; He Xuntian, Zhu Shirui Pieces / Hao Wei-ya, Ho Hsün-t'ian, Chu Shih-jui
Description:1 sound cassette (48:13 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Rondo for the violin and piano + - (Plus Minus) (1991)
陝北 民歌 ?-提 變奏 (1991/92)
Trio for violin, clarinette and piano - First movement (1992)
兩個 時辰
電子 合成器 與 打擊樂 "神女"
Related names:郝維亞, 1971-  Hao Wei-ya, 1971-
何訓天, 1954-  Ho Hsün-t'ien, 1954-
朱世瑞, 1954-  Chu Shih-jui, 1954-
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
何訓天 [作曲]  Ho Hsün-t'ien [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:Hao Weiya Pieces ; He Xuntian, Zhu Shirui Pieces / Hao Wei-ya, Ho Hsün-t'ian, Chu Shih-jui
Description:1 MP3 file (48:13 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Rondo for the violin and piano + - (Plus Minus) (1991) -- play
陝北 民歌 ?-提 變奏 (1991/92) -- play
Trio for violin, clarinette and piano - First movement (1992) -- play
兩個 時辰 -- play
電子 合成器 與 打擊樂 "神女" -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:郝維亞, 1971-  Hao Wei-ya, 1971-
何訓天, 1954-  Ho Hsün-t'ien, 1954-
朱世瑞, 1954-  Chu Shih-jui, 1954-
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
何訓天 [作曲]  Ho Hsün-t'ien [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9435 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Hao Weiya Pieces ; He Xuntian, Zhu Shirui Pieces / Hao Wei-ya, Ho Hsün-t'ian, Chu Shih-jui
Description:1 sound cassette (48:13 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Rondo for the violin and piano + - (Plus Minus) (1991)
陝北 民歌 ?-提 變奏 (1991/92)
Trio for violin, clarinette and piano - First movement (1992)
兩個 時辰
電子 合成器 與 打擊樂 "神女"
Related names:郝維亞, 1971-  Hao Wei-ya, 1971-
何訓天, 1954-  Ho Hsün-t'ien, 1954-
朱世瑞, 1954-  Chu Shih-jui, 1954-
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
郝維亞 [作曲]  Hao Wei-ya [comp.]
何訓天 [作曲]  Ho Hsün-t'ien [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9322 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Xiang Min pieces / Hsiang Min
Description:1 sound cassette (33:21 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM40). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Piano quintet (1988) performed in Beijing Concert Hall
為 小型營絃樂隊居派 琵琶曲 (1990, uses 琴-piece "瀟湘水 亡"
序曲 之 一 "海天" (1992)
序曲 之 二 "節日 的 慶典" (1992)
Related names:向民, 1967-  Hsiang Min, 1967-

Material:Computer file
Title:Xiang Min pieces / Hsiang Min
Description:1 MP3 file (33:21 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM40). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Piano quintet (1988) performed in Beijing Concert Hall -- play
為 小型營絃樂隊居派 琵琶曲 (1990, uses 琴-piece "瀟湘水 亡" -- play
序曲 之 一 "海天" (1992) -- play
序曲 之 二 "節日 的 慶典" (1992) -- play
Related names:向民, 1967-  Hsiang Min, 1967-

Shelfmark:4260-9322 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Xiang Min pieces / Hsiang Min
Description:1 sound cassette (33:21 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM40). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Piano quintet (1988) performed in Beijing Concert Hall
為 小型營絃樂隊居派 琵琶曲 (1990, uses 琴-piece "瀟湘水 亡"
序曲 之 一 "海天" (1992)
序曲 之 二 "節日 的 慶典" (1992)
Related names:向民, 1967-  Hsiang Min, 1967-

Material:Computer file
Title:Xiang Min pieces / Hsiang Min
Description:1 MP3 file (33:21 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM40). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Piano quintet (1988) performed in Beijing Concert Hall -- play
為 小型營絃樂隊居派 琵琶曲 (1990, uses 琴-piece "瀟湘水 亡" -- play
序曲 之 一 "海天" (1992) -- play
序曲 之 二 "節日 的 慶典" (1992) -- play
Related names:向民, 1967-  Hsiang Min, 1967-

Shelfmark:4260-9441 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Diverse pieces by Chinese composers / Yen Hui-ch'ang, Ting Shan-te, Lu P'ei, Chao Hsiao-sheng
Description:1 sound cassette (80:46 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access: / 為 二胡 與 大型 民族 樂隊 : 一 幻想 的 二 沉重, 壓抑 的 三 樂觀, 自豪 的
序曲 之 三
笛 家 郎 景
交響 舞詩 No. 3 " 天祭" (1990/91)
鋼琴 協奏曲 "遼音" (1991)
喚 鳳 / 笙 獨奏 (1989)
匯流 四重奏 (1989) (Extract)
Related names:閻惠昌, 1945-  Yen Hui-ch'ang [comp.]
丁善德, 1911-  Ting Shan-te, 1911-
陸培, 1956-  Lu P'ei, 1956-
趙曉生, 1945-  Chao Hsiao-sheng, 1945-

Shelfmark:4260-9441 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Diverse pieces by Chinese composers / Yen Hui-ch'ang, Ting Shan-te, Lu P'ei, Chao Hsiao-sheng
Description:1 sound cassette (80:46 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access: / 為 二胡 與 大型 民族 樂隊 : 一 幻想 的 二 沉重, 壓抑 的 三 樂觀, 自豪 的
序曲 之 三
笛 家 郎 景
交響 舞詩 No. 3 " 天祭" (1990/91)
鋼琴 協奏曲 "遼音" (1991)
喚 鳳 / 笙 獨奏 (1989)
匯流 四重奏 (1989) (Extract)
Related names:閻惠昌, 1945-  Yen Hui-ch'ang [comp.]
丁善德, 1911-  Ting Shan-te, 1911-
陸培, 1956-  Lu P'ei, 1956-
趙曉生, 1945-  Chao Hsiao-sheng, 1945-

Material:Computer file
Title:Diverse pieces by Chinese composers / Yen Hui-ch'ang, Ting Shan-te, Lu P'ei, Chao Hsiao-sheng
Description:1 MP3 file (80:46 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access: / 為 二胡 與 大型 民族 樂隊 : 一 幻想 的 二 沉重, 壓抑 的 三 樂觀, 自豪 的 -- play
舟中 -- play
序曲 之 三 -- play
笛 家 郎 景 -- play
交響 舞詩 No. 3 " 天祭" (1990/91) -- play
鋼琴 協奏曲 "遼音" (1991) -- play
喚 鳳 / 笙 獨奏 (1989)
匯流 四重奏 (1989) (Extract)
Related names:閻惠昌, 1945-  Yen Hui-ch'ang [comp.]
丁善德, 1911-  Ting Shan-te, 1911-
陸培, 1956-  Lu P'ei, 1956-
趙曉生, 1945-  Chao Hsiao-sheng, 1945-

Material:Computer file
Title:Diverse pieces by Chinese composers / Yen Hui-ch'ang, Ting Shan-te, Lu P'ei, Chao Hsiao-sheng
Description:1 MP3 file (80:46 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access: / 為 二胡 與 大型 民族 樂隊 : 一 幻想 的 二 沉重, 壓抑 的 三 樂觀, 自豪 的 -- play
舟中 -- play
序曲 之 三 -- play
笛 家 郎 景 -- play
交響 舞詩 No. 3 " 天祭" (1990/91) -- play
鋼琴 協奏曲 "遼音" (1991) -- play
喚 鳳 / 笙 獨奏 (1989)
匯流 四重奏 (1989) (Extract)
Related names:閻惠昌, 1945-  Yen Hui-ch'ang [comp.]
丁善德, 1911-  Ting Shan-te, 1911-
陸培, 1956-  Lu P'ei, 1956-
趙曉生, 1945-  Chao Hsiao-sheng, 1945-

Shelfmark:4260-9475 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:十面埋伏 : 民族器樂獨奏 / 李德全 曲 等
Shih mien mai-fu : min-tsi ch'i-yüeh tu-tsou / Li Te-ch'üan ch'ü teng
Published:北京 : 中國唱片社
Pei-ching : China Record Company
Description:1 sound disc (21:54 min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2037
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2037
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Sound discs
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Wilfried Spaar. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:草原 紅韋兵 (箏 獨奏) / 李德全 曲 ; 王莉 改編 ; 王莉 演奏
翻身 歌 (二胡 獨奏) / 張擷誠 曲 ; 王國潼 改編 ; 王國潼 演奏 ; 巍鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏
流水 歡 歌唱 豐收 (箏 獨奏) / 王慶琛, 高揚 曲 ; 王慶琛 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
十 面 埋伏 : 古曲 (琵琶 獨奏) / 湯良興 演奏
百鳥 爭鳴 : 民間 樂曲 (嗩吶 獨奏) / 郝玉峻 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
Related names:李德全 [作曲]  Li Te-ch'üan [comp.]
王莉 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Li [arr., perf.]
張擷誠 [作曲]  Chang Hsieh-ch'eng [comp.]
王國潼 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Kuo-t'ng [arr., perf.]
Parallel Title:Ambush from all sides
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:十面埋伏 : 民族器樂獨奏 / 李德全 曲 等
Shih mien mai-fu : min-tsi ch'i-yüeh tu-tsou / Li Te-ch'üan ch'ü teng
Published:北京 : 中國唱片社
Pei-ching : China Record Company
Description:1 MP3 file (21:54 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2037
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2037
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Wilfried Spaar. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:草原 紅韋兵 (箏 獨奏) / 李德全 曲 ; 王莉 改編 ; 王莉 演奏 -- play
翻身 歌 (二胡 獨奏) / 張擷誠 曲 ; 王國潼 改編 ; 王國潼 演奏 ; 巍鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏 -- play
流水 歡 歌唱 豐收 (箏 獨奏) / 王慶琛, 高揚 曲 ; 王慶琛 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
十 面 埋伏 : 古曲 (琵琶 獨奏) / 湯良興 演奏 -- play
百鳥 爭鳴 : 民間 樂曲 (嗩吶 獨奏) / 郝玉峻 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
Related names:李德全 [作曲]  Li Te-ch'üan [comp.]
王莉 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Li [arr., perf.]
張擷誠 [作曲]  Chang Hsieh-ch'eng [comp.]
王國潼 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Kuo-t'ng [arr., perf.]
Parallel Title:Ambush from all sides
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4260-9475 LP
Material:Sound recording
Title:十面埋伏 : 民族器樂獨奏 / 李德全 曲 等
Shih mien mai-fu : min-tsi ch'i-yüeh tu-tsou / Li Te-ch'üan ch'ü teng
Published:北京 : 中國唱片社
Pei-ching : China Record Company
Description:1 sound disc (21:54 min) : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2037
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2037
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Sound discs
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Wilfried Spaar. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:草原 紅韋兵 (箏 獨奏) / 李德全 曲 ; 王莉 改編 ; 王莉 演奏
翻身 歌 (二胡 獨奏) / 張擷誠 曲 ; 王國潼 改編 ; 王國潼 演奏 ; 巍鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏
流水 歡 歌唱 豐收 (箏 獨奏) / 王慶琛, 高揚 曲 ; 王慶琛 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
十 面 埋伏 : 古曲 (琵琶 獨奏) / 湯良興 演奏
百鳥 爭鳴 : 民間 樂曲 (嗩吶 獨奏) / 郝玉峻 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏
Related names:李德全 [作曲]  Li Te-ch'üan [comp.]
王莉 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Li [arr., perf.]
張擷誠 [作曲]  Chang Hsieh-ch'eng [comp.]
王國潼 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Kuo-t'ng [arr., perf.]
Parallel Title:Ambush from all sides
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:十面埋伏 : 民族器樂獨奏 / 李德全 曲 等
Shih mien mai-fu : min-tsi ch'i-yüeh tu-tsou / Li Te-ch'üan ch'ü teng
Published:北京 : 中國唱片社
Pei-ching : China Record Company
Description:1 MP3 file (21:54 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:中國唱片 ; M-2037
Chung-kuo ch'ang-p'ien ; M-2037
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original sound disc is in the possession of Wilfried Spaar. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:草原 紅韋兵 (箏 獨奏) / 李德全 曲 ; 王莉 改編 ; 王莉 演奏 -- play
翻身 歌 (二胡 獨奏) / 張擷誠 曲 ; 王國潼 改編 ; 王國潼 演奏 ; 巍鐵柱 揚琴 伴奏 -- play
流水 歡 歌唱 豐收 (箏 獨奏) / 王慶琛, 高揚 曲 ; 王慶琛 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
十 面 埋伏 : 古曲 (琵琶 獨奏) / 湯良興 演奏 -- play
百鳥 爭鳴 : 民間 樂曲 (嗩吶 獨奏) / 郝玉峻 演奏 ; 民族樂隊 伴奏 -- play
Related names:李德全 [作曲]  Li Te-ch'üan [comp.]
王莉 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Li [arr., perf.]
張擷誠 [作曲]  Chang Hsieh-ch'eng [comp.]
王國潼 [改編, 演奏]  Wang Kuo-t'ng [arr., perf.]
Parallel Title:Ambush from all sides
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Fu-ts'ung kang-ch'in hsieh-tsou-ch'ü yin-yüeh-hui
Description:1 MP3 file (61:07 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Parts of the recordings on Side B defect
Contents/Access:Piece for piano and orchestra -- play
Comment on the above piece -- play
Piano-concert 1st movement -- play
Piano-concert 2nd movement -- play
Piano-concent 3rd movement -- play
Comments on the above pieces -- play
Piano-concert 1st movement - part of the recording defect -- play
Continuation of 1st movement -- play
Piano-concert 2nd movement - second half of the recording also defect -- play

Shelfmark:4252-6304 MC
Material:Sound recording
Fu-ts'ung kang-ch'in hsieh-tsou-ch'ü yin-yüeh-hui
Description:1 sound cassette (61:07 min ; xxx KB) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:Parts of the recordings on Side B defect
Contents/Access:Piece for piano and orchestra
Comment on the above piece
Piano-concert 1st movement
Piano-concert 2nd movement
Piano-concent 3rd movement
Comments on the above pieces
Piano-concert 1st movement - part of the recording defect
Continuation of 1st movement
Piano-concert 2nd movement - second half of the recording also defect

Shelfmark:4252-6304 MC
Material:Sound recording
Fu-ts'ung kang-ch'in hsieh-tsou-ch'ü yin-yüeh-hui
Description:1 sound cassette (61:07 min ; xxx KB) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:Parts of the recordings on Side B defect
Contents/Access:Piece for piano and orchestra
Comment on the above piece
Piano-concert 1st movement
Piano-concert 2nd movement
Piano-concent 3rd movement
Comments on the above pieces
Piano-concert 1st movement - part of the recording defect
Continuation of 1st movement
Piano-concert 2nd movement - second half of the recording also defect

Material:Computer file
Fu-ts'ung kang-ch'in hsieh-tsou-ch'ü yin-yüeh-hui
Description:1 MP3 file (61:07 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Parts of the recordings on Side B defect
Contents/Access:Piece for piano and orchestra -- play
Comment on the above piece -- play
Piano-concert 1st movement -- play
Piano-concert 2nd movement -- play
Piano-concent 3rd movement -- play
Comments on the above pieces -- play
Piano-concert 1st movement - part of the recording defect -- play
Continuation of 1st movement -- play
Piano-concert 2nd movement - second half of the recording also defect -- play

Shelfmark:4252-6204 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Diverse pieces of Lam Bun-Ching from the Eighties]
Description:1 sound cassette (54:51 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Contents/Access:春 候 : 雙陽亭 (1983)
秋 聲 (1982)
旅 : (鼓聲樂 演奏)
達達 之 詠 (1985)
Related names:林品晶 [作曲]  Lam Bun-ching [comp.]

Shelfmark:4252-6204 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Diverse pieces of Lam Bun-Ching from the Eighties]
Description:1 sound cassette (54:51 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Contents/Access:春 候 : 雙陽亭 (1983)
秋 聲 (1982)
旅 : (鼓聲樂 演奏)
達達 之 詠 (1985)
Related names:林品晶 [作曲]  Lam Bun-ching [comp.]

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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