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Shelfmark:4252-6199 MC
Material:Sound recording
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 sound cassette (37:05 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板
長笛 獨奏 : 盲
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲
抒情 的 悠慢板, 小提琴, 鋼琴
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Shelfmark:4252-6199 MC
Material:Sound recording
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 sound cassette (37:05 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板
長笛 獨奏 : 盲
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲
抒情 的 悠慢板, 小提琴, 鋼琴
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Material:Computer file
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 MP3 file (37:05 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板 -- play
長笛 獨奏 : 盲 -- play
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲 -- play
抒情 的 悠 ... 板, 小提琴, 鋼琴 -- play
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Material:Computer file
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 MP3 file (37:05 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板 -- play
長笛 獨奏 : 盲 -- play
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲 -- play
抒情 的 悠慢板, 小提琴, 鋼琴 -- play
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Material:Computer file
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 MP3 file (37:05 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板 -- play
長笛 獨奏 : 盲 -- play
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲 -- play
抒情 的 悠 ... 板, 小提琴, 鋼琴 -- play
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Material:Computer file
[Diverse pieces by Hsu Tsang-houei]
Description:1 MP3 file (37:05 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Contents/Access:鋼琴 獨奏 : 賦格 三 章 (1940-62) : 1. 前奏 与 賦格 2. 幻想 与 賦格 3. 賦格 与 認板 -- play
長笛 獨奏 : 盲 -- play
單簧篇 与 綱琴 奏鳴 曲 -- play
抒情 的 悠慢板, 小提琴, 鋼琴 -- play
Related names:許常惠, 1929-  Hsü Ch'ang-hui, 1929-

Material:Computer file
Title:[Four pieces by Law Wingfai, Hsü Chi-hsing, Kuan Nai-chung and Chou Lung]
Description:1 MP3 file (45:27 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Live recording. Each piece has a short prelude
-- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:徐紀星  關迺忠  Lai Wingfai
Hsü Chi-hsing
Kuan Nai-chung

Shelfmark:4252-6224 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Four pieces by Law Wingfai, Hsü Chi-hsing, Kuan Nai-chung and Chou Lung]
Description:1 sound cassette (45:27 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:Live recording. Each piece has a short prelude
Related names:徐紀星  關迺忠  Lai Wingfai
Hsü Chi-hsing
Kuan Nai-chung

Shelfmark:4252-6224 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Four pieces by Law Wingfai, Hsü Chi-hsing, Kuan Nai-chung and Chou Lung]
Description:1 sound cassette (45:27 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:Live recording. Each piece has a short prelude
Related names:徐紀星  關迺忠  Lai Wingfai
Hsü Chi-hsing
Kuan Nai-chung

Material:Computer file
Title:[Four pieces by Law Wingfai, Hsü Chi-hsing, Kuan Nai-chung and Chou Lung]
Description:1 MP3 file (45:27 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:Live recording. Each piece has a short prelude
-- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:徐紀星  關迺忠  Lai Wingfai
Hsü Chi-hsing
Kuan Nai-chung

Shelfmark:4260-9373 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Chen Xiaoyong and Ye Xiaogang] / Ch'en Hsiao-yung, Yeh Hsiao-kang
Description:1 sound cassette (79:52 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Klavierkonzert (1984)
Violinkonzert (1985)
Duett für Violine und Zheng (1989)
Streichquartett No.1 (1986/87)
Streichtrio (1987/88)
Streichtrio Cot'd (1987/88)
"Da Lai Vi" (1988)
"Gallade" (1987)
Related names:陳曉勇, 1955-  Ch'en Hsiao-yung, 1955-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9373 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Chen Xiaoyong and Ye Xiaogang] / Ch'en Hsiao-yung, Yeh Hsiao-kang
Description:1 sound cassette (79:52 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Klavierkonzert (1984)
Violinkonzert (1985)
Duett für Violine und Zheng (1989)
Streichquartett No.1 (1986/87)
Streichtrio (1987/88)
Streichtrio Cot'd (1987/88)
"Da Lai Vi" (1988)
"Gallade" (1987)
Related names:陳曉勇, 1955-  Ch'en Hsiao-yung, 1955-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Chen Xiaoyong and Ye Xiaogang] / Ch'en Hsiao-yung, Yeh Hsiao-kang
Description:1 MP3 file (79:52 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Klavierkonzert (1984) -- play
Violinkonzert (1985) -- play
Duett für Violine und Zheng (1989) -- play
Streichquartett No.1 (1986/87) -- play
Streichtrio (1987/88) -- play
Streichtrio Cot'd (1987/88) -- play
"Da Lai Vi" (1988) -- play
"Gallade" (1987) -- play
Related names:陳曉勇, 1955-  Ch'en Hsiao-yung, 1955-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Chen Xiaoyong and Ye Xiaogang] / Ch'en Hsiao-yung, Yeh Hsiao-kang
Description:1 MP3 file (79:52 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Klavierkonzert (1984) -- play
Violinkonzert (1985) -- play
Duett für Violine und Zheng (1989) -- play
Streichquartett No.1 (1986/87) -- play
Streichtrio (1987/88) -- play
Streichtrio Cot'd (1987/88) -- play
"Da Lai Vi" (1988) -- play
"Gallade" (1987) -- play
Related names:陳曉勇, 1955-  Ch'en Hsiao-yung, 1955-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]
陳曉勇 [作曲]  Ch'en Hsiao-yung [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9365 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Qu Xiaosong and Luo Zhongrong] / [Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, Lo Chung-jung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 sound cassette (73:16 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Huang for strings and piano (1985)
Yaya for six musicians, score (1990)
String Quartet No. 2 Op. 48 (1985) in eight movements: 1. Introduction 2. Ten, Eight, Six, Four, Two 3. Adagio 4. The Time's always eight 5. Adagio 6. Intermezzo 7. Snake Casts its Skin 8. Epilogue
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico
Related names:[瞿小松, 1952-]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9365 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Qu Xiaosong and Luo Zhongrong] / [Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, Lo Chung-jung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 sound cassette (73:16 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Huang for strings and piano (1985)
Yaya for six musicians, score (1990)
String Quartet No. 2 Op. 48 (1985) in eight movements: 1. Introduction 2. Ten, Eight, Six, Four, Two 3. Adagio 4. The Time's always eight 5. Adagio 6. Intermezzo 7. Snake Casts its Skin 8. Epilogue
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico
Related names:[瞿小松, 1952-]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Qu Xiaosong and Luo Zhongrong] / [Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, Lo Chung-jung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 MP3 file (73:16 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Huang for strings and piano (1985) -- play
Yaya for six musicians, score (1990) -- play
String Quartet No. 2 Op. 48 (1985) in eight movements: 1. Introduction 2. Ten, Eight, Six, Four, Two 3. Adagio 4. The Time's always eight 5. Adagio 6. Intermezzo 7. Snake Casts its Skin 8. Epilogue -- play
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco -- play -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico -- play -- play -- play
Related names:[瞿小松, 1952-]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Qu Xiaosong and Luo Zhongrong] / [Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, Lo Chung-jung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 MP3 file (73:16 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Huang for strings and piano (1985) -- play
Yaya for six musicians, score (1990) -- play
String Quartet No. 2 Op. 48 (1985) in eight movements: 1. Introduction 2. Ten, Eight, Six, Four, Two 3. Adagio 4. The Time's always eight 5. Adagio 6. Intermezzo 7. Snake Casts its Skin 8. Epilogue -- play
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 50 (1980): 1. Toccata 2. Reverie 3. Arabesque -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico 2. Andante cantabile 3. Allegro con fuoco -- play -- play
Wind Quintet Op. 40 (1980) in three movements: 1. Allegro energico -- play -- play -- play
Related names:[瞿小松, 1952-]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
羅忠鎔, 1924-  Lo Chung-jung, 1924-
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
瞿小松 [作曲]  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]
羅忠鎔 [作曲]  Lo Chung-jung [comp.]

Shelfmark:4260-9368 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Tan Dun, Ye Xiaogang, Zhou Long and Qu Xiaosong] / T'an Tun, Yeh Hsiao-kang, Chou Lung, Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 sound cassette (74:25 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:String Quartet No. 2 (1986-88)
On Taiwan for voice and orchestra
In Distance for piccolo, harp and drum
The Masks of Sakya (Op.29) for shakuhachi and orchestra (1980)
Su for flute and guqin (harp)
Yi for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, viola and bass
Related names:譚盾, 1957-  T'an Tun, 1957-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
周龍, 1953-  Chou Lung, 1953-
瞿小鋼, 1952-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
葉小鋼 作曲  Yeh Hsiao-kang tso-ch'ü

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Tan Dun, Ye Xiaogang, Zhou Long and Qu Xiaosong] / T'an Tun, Yeh Hsiao-kang, Chou Lung, Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 MP3 file (74:25 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:String Quartet No. 2 (1986-88) -- play
On Taiwan for voice and orchestra -- play
In Distance for piccolo, harp and drum -- play
The Masks of Sakya (Op.29) for shakuhachi and orchestra (1980) -- play
Su for flute and guqin (harp) -- play
Yi for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, viola and bass -- play
Related names:譚盾, 1957-  T'an Tun, 1957-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
周龍, 1953-  Chou Lung, 1953-
瞿小鋼, 1952-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
葉小鋼 作曲  Yeh Hsiao-kang tso-ch'ü

Material:Computer file
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Tan Dun, Ye Xiaogang, Zhou Long and Qu Xiaosong] / T'an Tun, Yeh Hsiao-kang, Chou Lung, Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 MP3 file (74:25 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:String Quartet No. 2 (1986-88) -- play
On Taiwan for voice and orchestra -- play
In Distance for piccolo, harp and drum -- play
The Masks of Sakya (Op.29) for shakuhachi and orchestra (1980) -- play
Su for flute and guqin (harp) -- play
Yi for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, viola and bass -- play
Related names:譚盾, 1957-  T'an Tun, 1957-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
周龍, 1953-  Chou Lung, 1953-
瞿小鋼, 1952-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
葉小鋼 作曲  Yeh Hsiao-kang tso-ch'ü

Shelfmark:4260-9368 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:[Chime - Pieces by Tan Dun, Ye Xiaogang, Zhou Long and Qu Xiaosong] / T'an Tun, Yeh Hsiao-kang, Chou Lung, Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-ch'ü]
Description:1 sound cassette (74:25 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:String Quartet No. 2 (1986-88)
On Taiwan for voice and orchestra
In Distance for piccolo, harp and drum
The Masks of Sakya (Op.29) for shakuhachi and orchestra (1980)
Su for flute and guqin (harp)
Yi for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, viola and bass
Related names:譚盾, 1957-  T'an Tun, 1957-
葉小鋼, 1955-  Yeh Hsiao-kang, 1955-
周龍, 1953-  Chou Lung, 1953-
瞿小鋼, 1952-  Ch'ü Hsiao-sung, 1952-
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
譚盾 作曲  T'an Tun tso-ch'ü
葉小鋼 作曲  Yeh Hsiao-kang tso-ch'ü

Shelfmark:4260-9441 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Diverse pieces by Chinese composers / Yen Hui-ch'ang, Ting Shan-te, Lu P'ei, Chao Hsiao-sheng
Description:1 sound cassette (80:46 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access: / 為 二胡 與 大型 民族 樂隊 : 一 幻想 的 二 沉重, 壓抑 的 三 樂觀, 自豪 的
序曲 之 三
笛 家 郎 景
交響 舞詩 No. 3 " 天祭" (1990/91)
鋼琴 協奏曲 "遼音" (1991)
喚 鳳 / 笙 獨奏 (1989)
匯流 四重奏 (1989) (Extract)
Related names:閻惠昌, 1945-  Yen Hui-ch'ang [comp.]
丁善德, 1911-  Ting Shan-te, 1911-
陸培, 1956-  Lu P'ei, 1956-
趙曉生, 1945-  Chao Hsiao-sheng, 1945-

Shelfmark:4260-9441 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Diverse pieces by Chinese composers / Yen Hui-ch'ang, Ting Shan-te, Lu P'ei, Chao Hsiao-sheng
Description:1 sound cassette (80:46 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access: / 為 二胡 與 大型 民族 樂隊 : 一 幻想 的 二 沉重, 壓抑 的 三 樂觀, 自豪 的
序曲 之 三
笛 家 郎 景
交響 舞詩 No. 3 " 天祭" (1990/91)
鋼琴 協奏曲 "遼音" (1991)
喚 鳳 / 笙 獨奏 (1989)
匯流 四重奏 (1989) (Extract)
Related names:閻惠昌, 1945-  Yen Hui-ch'ang [comp.]
丁善德, 1911-  Ting Shan-te, 1911-
陸培, 1956-  Lu P'ei, 1956-
趙曉生, 1945-  Chao Hsiao-sheng, 1945-

Material:Computer file
Title:Diverse pieces by Chinese composers / Yen Hui-ch'ang, Ting Shan-te, Lu P'ei, Chao Hsiao-sheng
Description:1 MP3 file (80:46 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access: / 為 二胡 與 大型 民族 樂隊 : 一 幻想 的 二 沉重, 壓抑 的 三 樂觀, 自豪 的 -- play
舟中 -- play
序曲 之 三 -- play
笛 家 郎 景 -- play
交響 舞詩 No. 3 " 天祭" (1990/91) -- play
鋼琴 協奏曲 "遼音" (1991) -- play
喚 鳳 / 笙 獨奏 (1989)
匯流 四重奏 (1989) (Extract)
Related names:閻惠昌, 1945-  Yen Hui-ch'ang [comp.]
丁善德, 1911-  Ting Shan-te, 1911-
陸培, 1956-  Lu P'ei, 1956-
趙曉生, 1945-  Chao Hsiao-sheng, 1945-

Material:Computer file
Title:Diverse pieces by Chinese composers / Yen Hui-ch'ang, Ting Shan-te, Lu P'ei, Chao Hsiao-sheng
Description:1 MP3 file (80:46 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access: / 為 二胡 與 大型 民族 樂隊 : 一 幻想 的 二 沉重, 壓抑 的 三 樂觀, 自豪 的 -- play
舟中 -- play
序曲 之 三 -- play
笛 家 郎 景 -- play
交響 舞詩 No. 3 " 天祭" (1990/91) -- play
鋼琴 協奏曲 "遼音" (1991) -- play
喚 鳳 / 笙 獨奏 (1989)
匯流 四重奏 (1989) (Extract)
Related names:閻惠昌, 1945-  Yen Hui-ch'ang [comp.]
丁善德, 1911-  Ting Shan-te, 1911-
陸培, 1956-  Lu P'ei, 1956-
趙曉生, 1945-  Chao Hsiao-sheng, 1945-

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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