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Access: (downloaded 02-03-2012)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:紅朝史記 : 武烈公劉伯承世家 / 不知老之將至 收藏
Hung-ch'ao Shih-chi : Wu-lieh-kung Liu Po-ch'eng shih-chia / Pu chih lao chih chiang chih shou-ts'ang (21 Oct. 2008)
Orig. URL:
Description:3 css, 2 html, 32 gif, 7 png, 3 js, 2 other files (326 KB)
Related names:不知老之將至 [pseud.]  Pu chih lao chih chiang chih [pseud.]
Biography - Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc.
Metaphor - Political aspects - History
Liu Po-ch'eng, 1892-1986

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