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Access: (downloaded 22-09-2004)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:The China project : China's economy: online research / The Royal Institute of International Affairs
Source:Chatham House (Nov. 2002)
Description:86 HTML, 611 PDF, 95 CSS, 6 CFM, 2415 GIF, 11 ASP, 135 JHTML, 624 JPEG, 101 JScript, 23 MSWord, 1 SHTML, 37 PNG, 1087 Primary, 2 RTF, 7 SWF, 1149 WD3 files (318 MB)
Summary:"The China Project aims to promote understanding of China's economic, political and social development, and its impact upon the rest of the world." "We have created a library of links for all the best academic research on China's economic reforms available on the web." (self description)
Bib. note:Contents: (1) Agricultural Sector; (2) Education and Training; (3) Employment, Migration and Social Inequalities; (4) Environment; (5) Foreign Investment; (6) Growth, Fiscal and Monetary Policy; (7) Health and Healthcare; (8) Industries; (9) Intellectual Property; (10) Introduction to Economic Reform in China; (11) Politics and Military; (12) Regional Development; (13) Social Welfare and Pensions; (14) The Financial Sector; (15) The Industrial Sector; (16) The Private Sector; (17) The Rural Sector; (18) Trade
Related names:Green, Stephen
Corp. body:The Royal Institute of International Affairs

Access: (downloaded 13-08-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:The China project : China's economy: online research / Royal Institute of International Affairs
Source:Royal Institute of International Affairs
Description:HTML files
Bib. note:Contents: (1) Introductions to economic reform in China; (2) Macroeconomic issues; (3) Statistical issues; (4) Trade; (5) Foreign investment; (6) The industrial sector; (7) Intellectual property; (8) The financial sector; (9) The rural sector; (10) Regional development; (11) Social consequences of reform; (12) Law and order
Corp. body:Royal Institute of International Affairs

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