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Access: (downloaded 16-12-2017)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:朱光明  Chu Kuang-ming
Title:老百姓世代生在這片土地上,建樓筑房是那朝那代都是繁衍生息的過程,偏偏這朝拆人家祖墳,斷人子孫,封你嘴,一個黑白顛倒,是非不分,壞事做絕的亂世. / 朱光明
Lao-pai-hsing shih-tai sheng tsai che-pien t'u-ti shang, chien-lou chu-fang shih na-ch'ao na-tai tou-shih fan-yen sheng-hsi te kuo-ch'eng, pien-pien che-ch'ao ch'ai jen-chia fang-tzu, wa jen-chia tsu-fen, tuan jen tzu-sun, feng ni tsui, i-ke hei-pai tien-tao, shih-fei pu-fen, huai-shih tso chüeh te luan-shih. / Chu Kuang-ming Twitter (13 Dec. 2017)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 css, 11 gif, 2 html, 2 js, 1 jpeg, 16 jpg, 2 png, 1 mp4 files (3.24 MB)
Subjects:Poverty - China
Rural poor - China
China - Economic policy - 2000-

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