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Access: (downloaded 09-08-2013)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:吳琪  Wu Ch'i
Title:城鎮化是地方政府的挑戰 : 專訪國務院發展研究中心資源與環境政策研究所副所長、研究員李佐軍 / 作者: 吳琪
Ch'eng-chen-hua shih ti-fang cheng-fu te t'iao-chan : chuan-fang Kuo-wu-yüan fa-chan yen-chiu chung-hsin tzu-yüan yü huan-ching cheng-ts'e yen-chiu-so fu-so-chang, yen-chiu-yüan Li Tso-chün / tso-che: Wu Ch'i 三聯生活 (18 Jul. 2013)
Orig. URL:
Description:3 css, 13 html, 25 jpeg, 7 js, 9 png files (1.99 MB)
Loc. note:For English translation see
Urbanization - China
China - Economic policy - 21st century
Li Tso-chün, 1966-

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