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Access: | (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | 華夏文摘 : 華夏文摘 / 中國新聞電腦網給 Hua-hsia wen-chai : regular and supplement issues / China News Digest International |
Published: | 中國新聞電腦網給 Gaithersburg : China News Digest International |
Description: | HTML files |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Bib. note: | Appears weekly. |
Loc. note: | Regular issue: No. 1 (1991)- No. 799 (2006) (downloaded 28 Jan. 2006). No. 780 (2006)- No. 905 (2008) (downloaded weekly). No. 906 (2008) - No. 939 (2009) (downloaded 6 May 2010). No. 940 (2009) - (downloaded weekly). Supplement issue: No.1 (1992)- No. 484 (2006) (downloaded 28 Jan. 2006). No. 485 (2006) - No. 589 (2007) (downloaded weekly). No new supplement issues have been published since 18 Jul. 2007. |
中國新聞電腦網給 China News Digest International | |
Subjects: | Periodicals |
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