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Access: (downloaded 03-02-2017)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:陳雲上  Ch'en Yün-shang
Title:防失速!新台幣重現30字頭後午盤升幅急縮 / 記者 陳雲上
Fang shih-su! Hsin t'ai-pi ch'ung hsian 30 tzu t'ou hou wu p'an sheng-fu chi suo / Chi-che Ch'en Yün-shang 聯合 新聞 網 (03 Feb. 2017)
Orig. URL:
Description:19 css, 1 eot, 46 gif, 16 html, 49 jpg, 59 js, 11 otf, 135 png, 7 ttf, 2 woff, 3 xml files (11 MB)
Monetary policy - China
Monetary policy - Taiwan
Monetary policy - United States

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