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(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:天涯之聲 / 天涯虛擬社區與天涯雜志
T'ien-ya chih-sheng / T'ien-ya hsü-ni she-ch'ü yü T'ien-ya tsa-chih
Published:海口 : 天涯虛擬社區, 天涯雜志
Hai-k'ou : T'ien-ya hsü-ni she-ch'ü, T'ien-ya tsa-chih
Description:HTML files
Loc. note:Available issues: 2000-2001 (downloaded 30 Aug. 2002). Links on the lower part of the website "individual articles" do not work.
Corp. body:天涯虛擬社區, 天涯雜志
T'ien-ya hsü-ni she-ch'ü, T'ien-ya tsa-chih

Access: (downloaded 13-01-2009)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:天涯雜談:中國的國父到底是誰?我來做答 / 天涯 社區
T'ien-ya tsa-t'an: Chung-kuo te "kuo-fu" tao-ti shih shei? wo lai tso-ta / T'ien-ya she-chü 天涯社區 (13 Jan. 2009)
Description:3 css, 3 html, 20 gif, 5 jpeg, 16 js, 1 png, 3 swf files (376 KB)
Corp. body:天涯 社區
T'ien-ya she-chü
Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976

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