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Material:Sound recording
Author:鄭中基  Cheng Chung-chin
Title:絕口不提!愛你 : 是因為太愛你 / 鄭中基 Ronald
Chüeh-k'ou pu t'i! Ai ni : shih yin-wei t'ai ai ni / Cheng Chung-chin Ronald
Published:中國康藝音像出版社, 1997
Chung-kuo k'ang-i yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1997
Description:1 sound cassette : analog. + 1 text booklet, 1 title sheet
Subjects:Popular music - China
Music - China

Material:Sound recording
Author:鄭中基  Cheng Chung-chin
Title:絕口不提!愛你 : 是因為太愛你 / 鄭中基 Ronald
Chüeh-k'ou pu t'i! Ai ni : shih yin-wei t'ai ai ni / Cheng Chung-chin Ronald
Published:中國康藝音像出版社, 1997
Chung-kuo k'ang-i yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1997
Description:1 sound cassette : analog. + 1 text booklet, 1 title sheet
Subjects:Popular music - China
Music - China

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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