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Access: (downloaded 06-02-2018)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:約談網站2003家!2017年全國網信行政執法工作大盤點 / 網絡 傳播 雜誌
Yüe-t'an wang-chan 2003 chia! 2017 nien ch'üan-kuo wang hsin hsing-cheng chih-fa kung-tso ta p'an-tien / Wang-luo ch'uan-po tsa-chih QQ (05 Feb. 2018)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 1 jpg, 5 png files (440 KB)
Corp. body:網絡 傳播 雜誌
Wang-luo ch'uan-po tsa-chih
Subjects:Internet - China
Internet users - China
Internet - Censorship - China

Access: (downloaded 13-02-2015)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Wang hsin ching-shen / Youtube Youtube (12 Feb. 2015)
Orig. URL:
Description:2 css, 2 html, 1 flv, 4 gif, 1 jpeg, 4 js, 10 png, 3 swf files
Loc. note:See also: China's Internet censorship anthem is revealed, then deleted
Corp. body:Youtube
Propaganda, Communist - China
Internet - Censorship - China

Access: (downloaded 06-01-2016)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:網信辦主任魯煒回應中國刪帖,屏蔽國外網站 / 網易 新聞
Wang-hsin pan chu-jen Lu Wei hui-ying chung-kuo shan-t'ie, p'ing-bi kuo-wai wang-chan / Wang-i hsin-wen 網易 新聞 (09 Dec. 2015)
Orig. URL:
Description:12 css, 2 eot, 6 gif, 18 html, 1 ico, 33 js, 41 jpg, 82 png, 2 swf, 1 ttf, 1 woff, 1 xml files (2.62 MB)
Corp. body:網易 新聞
Wang-i hsin-wen
Subjects:Internet - Censorship - China
Mass media - Censorship - China
Freedom of the press - China
Freedom of speech - China
Lu Wei, 1960-

Access: (downloaded 29-11-2017)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:濡羽  Ju Yü
Title:網信辦副主任北大演講,回應信息管控:"沒甚麼不好意思,溫良恭儉讓的" / 濡羽
Wang hsin pan fu chu-jen pei-ta yen-chiang, hui-ying hsin-hsi kuan-k'ung: "mei shen-me pu-hao i-ssu, wen-liang kung-chien jang te" / Ju Yü 端 傳媒 (28 Nov. 2017)
Orig. URL:
Description:2 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 14 js, 16 jpg, 28 woff files (4.62 MB)
Subjects:Internet - Censorship - China
Mass media - China
Education, Higher - China
Child abuse

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