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Access: (downloaded 09-08-2013)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:王祥  Wang Hsiang
Title:新華網評 : 薄熙來受審,令出一門放能不偏不倚 / 王祥
Hsin-hua wang-p'ing : Po Hsi-lai shou-shen, ling ch'u i men fang-neng pu-p'ien-pu-i / Wang Hsiang 新華網 (25 Jul. 2013)
Orig. URL:
Description:4 css, 13 gif, 2 html, 2 jpeg, 6 js files (432 KB)
Loc. note:Website no longer online available. Downloaded from Google cache:
Political corruption - China - History - 21st century
Corruption - Government policy - China
Po Hsi-lai, 1949-

Access: (downloaded 23-06-2015)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:譚玉平  T'an Yü-p'ing
Title:新華網評 : 養虎為患,美國不要好了傷疤忘記痛 / 譚玉平
Hsin-hua wang-p'ing : Yang-hu wei-huan, Mei-kuo pu-yao hao-le shang-pa wang-chi t'ung / T'an Yü-p'ing 新華網 (21 Jun. 2015)
Orig. URL:
Description:3 css, 2 gif, 2 html, 4 jpeg, 7 js, 11 png files (580 KB)
Subjects:China - Foreign relations - United states
China - Military relations - United states
South China Sea

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