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Access: (downloaded 04-04-2005)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:反對日本成為聯合國常任理事國的'百萬人全球簽名'活動 : 請參與并轉發此消息給你的好友!!
Fan-tui Jih-pen ch'eng-wei Lien-he-kuo ch'ang-jen li-shih-kuo te 'pai-wan jen ch'üan-ch'iu ch'ien-ming' huo-tung : ch'ing ts'an-yü ping chuan-fa tz'u hsiao-hsi kei ni te hao-yu !! /, 2005
Orig. URL:
Description:1 HTML, 232 ASP, 12 GIF, 2 WD3 files (3,64 MB)
Loc. note:The download was limited to 2000 files.
Subjects:United Nations. Security Council - Membership
Protest movements - China - 21st century
China - Foreign relations - Japan

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