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Access: (downloaded 06-01-2016)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:關慶寧  Kuan Ch'ing-ning
Title:巡視組長落馬暴露反腐行動隱憂 : 派巡視組進駐這種反腐形式有很大局限性,無法從根本上杜絕官場腐敗.只有從改革製度著手,才能達到治本目的. / 關慶寧
Hsün-shih tsu-chang lü-ma pao-lu fan-fu hsing-tung yin-yu : P'ai hsün-shih tsu chin-chu che-chung fan-fu hsing-shih yu hen-ta chü-hsien hsing, wu-fa ts'ung ken-pen shang tu-chüeh kuan-ch'ang fu-pai. Chi-yu ts'ung kai-ke chi-tu cho-shou, ts'ai-neng ta-tao chi-pen mu-ti. / Kuan Ch'ing-ning 南早 中文 (07 Dec. 2015)
Orig. URL:
Description:6 css, 6 eot, 1 file, 2 htc, 2 html, 13 js, 27 jpg, 37 png files (4.11 MB)
Subjects:Corruption (in politics) - China
Corruption - Government policy - China
Political corruption - China - History - 21st century
Political corruption - Prevention
Wang Ch'i-shan, 1948-

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