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Shelfmark: | Z6815.C5 C55 REF |
Title: | 中國古代音樂書目 : 初稿 Chung-kuo ku-tai yin-yüeh shu-mu : Ch'u kao / Chung-yang yin-yüeh hsüeh-yüan chung-kuo yin-yüeh yen-chiu-so [pien] |
Published: | 北京 : 音樂出版社, 1962 Pei-ching : Yin-yüeh ch'u-pan-she, 1962 |
Description: | VI, 142 p. |
中央音樂學院中國音樂研究所 [編] Chung-yang yin-yüeh hsüeh-yüan chung-kuo yin-yüeh yen-chiu-so [ed.] | |
Subjects: | Chinese music - Bibliography |
Shelfmark: | Z6815.C5 C55 REF |
Title: | 中國古代音樂書目 : 初稿 Chung-kuo ku-tai yin-yüeh shu-mu : Ch'u kao / Chung-yang yin-yüeh hsüeh-yüan chung-kuo yin-yüeh yen-chiu-so [pien] |
Published: | 北京 : 音樂出版社, 1962 Pei-ching : Yin-yüeh ch'u-pan-she, 1962 |
Description: | VI, 142 p. |
中央音樂學院中國音樂研究所 [編] Chung-yang yin-yüeh hsüeh-yüan chung-kuo yin-yüeh yen-chiu-so [ed.] | |
Subjects: | Chinese music - Bibliography |
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