Institutes and Professors of Sinology at German, Austrian and Swiss Universities (1945-1997) (Thomas Kampen, Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies, Lund University) ( Language: English. Description: This page is part of the Internet Guide for Chinese Studies project and gives data about who taught when Sinology at which institutes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. There are two indices, arranged according to the location of the institutions, and according to the name of the professors, respectively. Added 18 Aug 1998 (HL)
 Arbeitsgemeinschaft junger Chinawissenschaftler/Innen ( Language: German. Description: This is the homepage of the Association of Young Scholars of China Studies in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The associaton aims at facilitating communication and the flow of information between the scholars in the German speaking region. This site contains information about the association and a database with data about what field each member is working in, about their publications and current projects, and how to contact them. Also, the site offers the possibility to apply for membership online. Note: Currently the database part of this site is available to members only. A frames capable browser is needed to view the db online, but you can download it as textfile (several formats are provided).
- Linz: Institute of Societal Policy, Taiwan Research Programme (University of Linz, Austria)
( Language: English. Self description: "The programme was launched in 1996 as to foster academic ties between the Institute of Societal Policy (University of Linz) and the Department of Sociology (National Taiwan University NTU)." Site contents: Home; Objectives; Research and Publications; Taiwan News & Magazines; Taiwan Book Review; Taiwan Information; University of Linz; Chinese Big-5 Software. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Information suggested by Christian Schafferer, Austria. Added 18 Aug 1998 (HL)
- Vienna: Department of Chinese Studies (University of Vienna, Austria)
( Added 08 Feb 1996 (HL)
- Brussels: European Institute for Asian Studies (European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS), Brussels, Belgium)
( Language: English. Self description: "The EIAS [est. Jul 1989] is a Brussels-based policy and research think-tank supported by the European Union (EU). We aim to promote understanding and co-operation between the EU and Asia and we seek to provide information and expertise to the European Institutions, the academic world and business by disseminating concise, thoroughly researched and up-to-date material on EU-Asia relations and important developments in Asia." Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (14 Mar 2000) by Robert Beck ( Added on 20 Mar 2000 (HL)
- Ghent: Languages and Cultures of South and East Asia (Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium)
( Language: English, Netherlands, Chinese (GB), Japanese, Devanagari (Hindi). Added 28 Apr 2001 (HL)
- Leuven: Afdeling Sinologie (Sinological Department) (Katolieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium)
( Language: Dutch; English. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Resource suggested by Paul van Els, Katolieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium. Added 18 Aug 2000 (HL)
- Leuven: Sinologie (Student's page) (Katholieke Universitiet Leuven, Belgium)
( Language: Dutch, English, Chinese (Big5 - planned). Self description: "This website is mainly made by and for students [of] sinology and is online since December 7th, 1998. [...] You'll find here general information about Sinology at Catholic University of Leuven." Resource suggested by students of the institute. Added 24 Apr 2000 (HL), last revised 18 Aug 2000 (HL)
- Liège: Diplôme d'études spécialisées en langues et civilisations d'Asie orientale: option Chine ou option Japon (Université de Liège, Belgium)
( Language: French. Added 16 Jun 2002 (HL)
Czech Republic
- Prague: Institute of East Asian Studies (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
( Language: Czech; English. Self description: "The Institute provides courses in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Vietnamese studies. Students shall master the basics of spoken and written language and acquire knowledge of the history, literature, thought and tradition of the respective region. Linguistic research in the above languages. Individual research projects focus on Modern Chinese literature and painting, Chinese aesthetics and iconography, Tang and pre-Tang poetry, Grammar of classical Chinese texts, Contemporary China, Korean lexicology, Modern Korean literature, Japanese theatre and music, Modern prose in Japanese, Japanese economy, Shamanism in Mongolia, Vietnamese cultural studies." Added 23 Aug 2002 (HL)
- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) (Nordic Council of Ministers, Denmark/Finland/Iceland/Norway/Sweden)
( Self description: The "Nordic Institute of Asian Studies is an independent research institute concerned with the study of Asian cultures and societies in the humanities and social sciences. The Institute is funded by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden through the Nordic Council of Ministers." Added 05 Mar 1999 (HL)
- Copenhagen: Department of Asian Studies (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark)
( Language: Danish. Resource suggested by Leif Littrup, Department of Asian Studies, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark. Added 14 Aug 2001 (HL)
- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) (Nordic Council of Ministers, Denmark/Finland/Iceland/Norway/Sweden)
( Self description: The "Nordic Institute of Asian Studies is an independent research institute concerned with the study of Asian cultures and societies in the humanities and social sciences. The Institute is funded by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden through the Nordic Council of Ministers." Added 05 Mar 1999 (HL)
- Helsinki: Renvall Institute - Asia-Pacific Studies Programme (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland)
( Language: Finnish, English. Self description: "Asia-Pacific Studies (APS) is a multidisciplinary area studies programme, inaugurated at the University of Helsinki in the Autumn of 2001. [...] While paying attention to the global role of the whole Asia-Pacific region, the current areal focus of the Asia-Pacific Studies Programme is East and Southeast Asia. The disciplinary basis of the programme is that of the humanities and social sciences. As a multidisciplinary programme APS attempts to employ a broad and yet multilevel approach to the past, present as well as the future of the Asia-Pacific region. The programme targets themes such as art, religion, popular culture, values, education, social movements, information networks, legal systems, politics, integration, regional identities, and minority and environmental issues." Added 12 Jan 2002 (HL)
- Helsinki: Institute for Asian and African Studies, Department of East Asian Studies (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland)
( Language: English. Added 22 Apr 2005 (HL)
- Southern Europe Network of Asian Studies (SENAS) (Institut d'Asie Orientale, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Lyon, France)
( Language: English, with parts in French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Supplied note: "The [SENAS] is an informal association of resource and research centers on Asia, academic institutions specialising in Asia, and individual Asianists located in Southern Europe (Southern France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece...). Its main aim is to foster mutual information between the members, develop cooperation and mutual understanding, and support joint endeavours. SENAS is not a learned society nor a research center." Site contents: (1) Presentation; (2) Members; (3) Newsletter; (4) Working Papers; (5) Links (Research Centres - Universities - Libraries with Activities and Resources on Asia in Southern Europe). Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (16 Jul 2001). Added 22 Jul 2001 (HL)
- Association Française d'Études Chinoises = French Association for Chinese Studies (AFEC) (A.F.E.C., Paris, France)
( Language: French; short summary in English. Self description: "Founded in 1980, the French Association for Chinese Studies (A.F.E.C.) aims at bringing together students, teachers and researchers concerned with Chinese studies." Site contents: (1) About AFEC; (2) Études chinoises [journal]; (3) Newsletter (AFEC news; Symposia; Conferences; Seminars and courses; Events; Recent publications; Theses; Miscellaneous); (4) Sinology and Internet (Institutions and Associations; Guides and Tools; On-line bibliographies; Miscellaneous); (5) Announcements; (6) Latest news. Resource suggested by Claude Chevaleyre, AFEC, Paris, France. Added 22 Jun 2005 (HL)
- Fontainebleau: INSEAD Euro-Asia Centre (INSEAD, Fontainebleau Cedex, France)
( Language: English. Self description: "For the last seventeen years, the Euro-Asia Centre, founded at INSEAD, the leading international business school, has been investing in original research, developing faculty expertise and working with leading businesses in Asia." Added 06 Mar 1999 (HL)
- Lyon: Institut d'Asie Orientale (IAO) (Lyon, France)
( Language: French, English, Chinese, Japanese. Self description: "The Institute of East Asian Studies (IAO) was established in 1993 by a group of Asia scholars in the Lyon universities (Lumiere-Lyon 2 University and Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 University), with the support of the National Center for Scientific Research (C.N.R.S.). The institute was designed to develop social science research on China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Its vocation is to serve as a structuring nexus for research on contemporary East Asia." Added 21 Feb 1999 (HL), last revised 15 Jan 2003 (JH)
- Paris: Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales [EHESS], Paris, France)
( Language: French. Resource suggested by Agnes Bastien ( Added 17 Jun 1999 (HL)
- Paris: Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO) (Paris, France)
( Language: French. Description: Founded in 1795 as École spéciale des Langues orientales, the main aims of INALCO are offering classes for and doing research in the languages and civilisations of Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, the Pacific Region and the Indian population in America. The Chinese department offers Chinese courses that were introduced in 1841 (the first in France), the current number of students being some 1600. "[...] The aim of the course is to produce specialists, not only capable of speaking the language (Putonghua, the modern official language), but also capable of understanding the realities of the ancient and modern Chinese world, in the most diverse areas.After a first cycle of elementary teaching and an introduction to Chinese civilisation, three options are offered in second cycle: (1) Classical studies (indepth study of Wenyan or classical language); (2) International relations; (3) Interpretation and translation [...]" (self description). Note: Frames capable browser needed! Added 06 Mar 1999 (HL)
- Paris: École normale supérieure (ENS), Département littérature et langages, Séminaires de chinois (École normale supérieure, Paris, France)
( Language: French. Added 31 May 2005 (HL)
- Paris: Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot, Langues orientales - Langue, Litérature, Civilisations Etrangères (LLCE) (Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot, Paris, France)
( Language: French. Added 01 Jun 2005 (HL)
Institutes and Professors of Sinology at German, Austrian and Swiss Universities (1945-1997) (Thomas Kampen, Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies, Lund University) ( Language: English. Description: This page is part of the Internet Guide for Chinese Studies project and gives data about who taught when Sinology at which institutes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. There are two indices, arranged according to the location of the institutions, and according to the name of the professors, respectively. Added 18 Aug 1998 (HL)
 Arbeitsgemeinschaft junger Chinawissenschaftler/Innen ( Language: German. Description: This is the homepage of the Association of Young Scholars of China Studies in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The associaton aims at facilitating communication and the flow of information between the scholars in the German speaking region. This site contains information about the association and a database with data about what field each member is working in, about their publications and current projects, and how to contact them. Also, the site offers the possibility to apply for membership online. Note: Currently the database part of this site is available to members only. A frames capable browser is needed to view the db online, but you can download it as textfile (several formats are provided).
- Deutsche China-Gesellschaft e.V. (German China Association)
( Language: German, English. Self description: "It is the aim of the society, to support the understanding and the friendship between German and Chinese people. For this purpose, the GCS endeavours to collect approporiate and comprehensive information on Chinese culture, politics and economy. Prejudices, stereotypes and misunderstanding should be disassembled and exchanged by appropriate knowledge and jugdement. As means to reach this purpose it uses speeches, symposia and publications, but also for example the mediatorship of institutional connections between schools or cities and the encouragement of personal contacts." Resource suggested by Martin Woesler, Bochum, Germany. Added 24 Apr 1999 (HL)
- Berlin: Ostasiatisches Seminar (OAS) (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
( Language: German. Added 20 Nov 1995 (HL)
- Bochum: Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften (Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany)
( Language: German.
- Bochum: Landesspracheninstitut Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sinicum (Bochum, Germany)
( This institution offers intensive Chinese language training courses for everyone who is interested - both privately or out of professional need - in the Chinese speaking region. Added n/a (HL), last revised 15 Jan 2003 (JH)
- Bonn: Sinologisches Seminar (Rheinische Friedrichs-Wilhelm Universität, Germany)
( Language: Choose German, English or Chinese.
- Duisburg: Department of East Asian Studies, Devision of East Asian Economics (Gerhard-Mercator-Universität GH Duisburg, Germany)
( Added 18 Jul 1996 (HL)
- Düsseldorf: Ostasien-Institut, Bereich China (Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany)
( Language: German. Added 09 Aug 1998 (HL)
- Erfurt: Lehrstuhl Ostasiatische Geschichte (Chair for East Asian History) (University of Erfurt, Germany)
( Language: German, parts also available in English, Japanese and Chinese. Added 22 Nov 1999 (HL)
- Erlangen-Nürnberg: Institut für Außereuropäische Sprachen und Kulturen - Sinologie (Dept. of Middle Eastern and Far Eastern Languages and Cultures - Chinese Studies) (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
( Language: German, English. Added 07 Apr 1999 (HL), last revised 12 Sep 2001 (HL)
- Frankfurt: Institut für Orientalische und Ostasiatische Philologien - Sinologie (Department for Oriental and East Asian Philologies - Sinology) (Johann Wolfgang Goethe- Universität Frankfurt/Main, Frankfurt, Germany)
( Language: German. Added 26 Apr 1996 (HL), last revised 06 Mar 2005 (HL)
- Freiburg: Orientalistic Seminar, Department of Sinology (Universität Freiburg, Germany)
( Added 20 Mar 1996 (HL), last revised 29 Sep 2002 (HL)
- Göttingen: Ostasiatisches Seminar (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany)
( Language: German. Added 16 Nov 1998 (HL)
- Hamburg: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde (DGA) (German Association for Asian Studies) (DGA, Hamburg, Germany)
( Language: German; parts also available in English. Supplied note: "The goals of the German Association for Asian Studies (DGA), founded in March 1967, are as follows: (1) to support scientific studies of contemporary Asian affairs and to inform a wider public about the area; (2) to increase scholarly activities and to stimulate the exchange of experience and knowledge about Asia; (3) to promote co-operation among individuals and institutions interested in Asian affairs and working in the field of politics, business, culture, and science, both on national and international levels." Site contents: (1) Goals; (2) Activities (conferences, lectures and publications; incl. information about intensive language training on Chinese, Japanese and Indonesian); (3) Membership Information; (4) Board of Directors/Advisory Councils; (5) ASIEN (quarterly published by the DGA, including an archive of contents since 1996); (6) Information about Asian Studies (including links to research institutions in the Asian studies field, a list of refereed journals, and a comprehensive list of China-stipends for German students). Resource suggested by Christian Weinert (University of Hamburg, Germany). Added 10 Feb 2000 (HL)
- Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde (IfA) (Hamburg, Germany)
( Language: German; English. Supplied note: This site provides "information about the institute, its publications, staff, archive and library plus links to all universitity departments and other academic institutions involved in Asian studies in the Federal Republic of Germany." Description: The primary aim of the IfA (Institute of Asian Affairs) is to do "research on and documentation of current affairs concerning political, economic and social developments in the Asian countries." Added 30 Sep 1999 (HL)
- Hamburg: Seminar für Sprache und Kultur Chinas (Seminar for Language and Culture of China) (Universität Hamburg, Germany)
( Description: Contains only some very general information about the department. Added 20 Mar 1996 (HL), last updated 13 Feb 1999 (HL)
- Heidelberg: Institute of Chinese Studies (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany)
( Added 20 Mar 1996 (HL)
- Kiel: Seminar for Orientalistics (Universität Kiel, Germany)
( Added 26 Apr 1996 (HL)
- Köln: Institutes of Modern China-Studies and Sinology (Universität Köln, Germany)
( Language: German, English. Self description: "Site gives information on the following topics: communication addresses, personnel, programs, courses, exchange programs and scholarships, internships, research activities, biannual reports, degree theses, library resources (includes on-line access with information on format and descriptors used), student representation, student paper plus links to other sections of East Asian Studies in Cologne, other departments of Cologne University and Internet information on China." Description: Access to the Institute of Modern China Studies (Moderne China-Studien Köln) and the Department of Sinology and Manchu Philology, both at Cologne University. Information suggested by Thomas Scharping, Cologne University, Germany. Added 26 Apr 1996 (HL), last updated 08 Jun 1998 (HL)
- Leipzig: Ostasiatisches Institut (Universität Leipzig, Germany)
( Language: German. Site contents: (1) History of Sinology at the University of Leipzig (after Heidelberg the second oldest in Germany, founded in 1409, Sinology was taught here since 1878); (2) Faculty; (3) Library (including access to their recent acquisitions); (4) Curriculum; (5) Students; (6) Research; (7) Service (Search the Internet; Search libraries) (8) Chinese and Computer; (9) Studying in China; (10) Jobs; (11) Dictionary English - Chinese. Added 14 Mar 1998 (HL)
- Ludwigshafen: Ostasieninstitut (East Asia Institute) (Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen, Germany)
( Language: German; English. Self description: "Graduates of our programmes enjoy excellent career perspectives. Companies from all different branches and of all sizes take advantage of our comprehensive consulting services." Description: Homepage of the East Asia Institute at the Ludwigshafen School of Business. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Added 18 Aug 2000 (HL)
- Mainz: Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Arbeitsbereich Chinesische Sprache und Kultur / Sinologie (Institute for Intercultural Communication, Section Chinese Language and Culture / Sinology) (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz/Campus Germersheim, Germany)
( Language: German. Self description: "The program of study in Chinese translation was established in 1980, the first of its kind in the Federal Republic of Germany. The lower division program of study concentrates on an intensive introduction to spoken and written Chinese with a special emphasis on spoken fluency in Modern Standard Chinese (Putonghua). [...] In addition to intensive general translation courses, the upper division program of study prepares the student's concentration on the specialized language of one or two fields (economics and business and/or science and technology). [...] To provide students with a stronger professional profile, the program also provides ongoing discussions of themes and problems in the areas of linguistics and translatology as well as intercultural studies. Throughout the entire program, students acquire insight into Chinese history, culture, politics, economics and society. Included among the requirements are optional modules that open up the possibility of acquiring additional qualifications, for example in Chinese word and data processing, an introduction to interpreting as well as internships in China. [...]" Added n/a (HL), last updated 07 Apr 2005 (HL)
- Münster: Institut für Sinologie und Ostasienkunde (Universität Münster, Germany)
( Language: German. Description: This page currently runs parallel (and with different content) to the entry below. Added 28 Sep 1998 (HL)
- Münster: Institut für Sinologie und Ostasienkunde (Universität Münster, Germany)
( Language: German. Description: This page currently runs parallel (and with different content) to the entry above. Added 26 Apr 1996 (HL), last revised 28 Sep 1998 (HL)
- München: Institut für Ostasienkunde - Sinologie (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany)
( Language: German. Includes short introduction in English. Description: Includes on-line access to their library. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Added 07 Aug 1998 (HL)
- Trier: FB II - Sinologie (Universität Trier, Germany)
( Language: German. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Added 15 Mar 1996 (HL), last updated 13 Feb 1999 (HL)
- Tübingen: Sinological Seminar (Universität Tübingen, Germany)
( Added 20 Mar 1996 (HL), last updated 07 Aug 1998 (HL)
- Würzburg: Department of Sinology (Universität Würzburg, Germany)
( Added 20 Mar 1996 (HL), last updated 07 Aug 1998 (HL)
- Southern Europe Network of Asian Studies (SENAS) (Institut d'Asie Orientale, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Lyon, France)
( Language: English, with parts in French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Supplied note: "The [SENAS] is an informal association of resource and research centers on Asia, academic institutions specialising in Asia, and individual Asianists located in Southern Europe (Southern France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece...). Its main aim is to foster mutual information between the members, develop cooperation and mutual understanding, and support joint endeavours. SENAS is not a learned society nor a research center." Site contents: (1) Presentation; (2) Members; (3) Newsletter; (4) Working Papers; (5) Links (Research Centres - Universities - Libraries with Activities and Resources on Asia in Southern Europe). Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (16 Jul 2001). Added 22 Jul 2001 (HL)
- Budapest: Department of East Asian Studies, Chinese Studies Section (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
( Language: Hungarian; English. Self description: "The Department of Asian Studies is the only one of its kind in Hungary. The original East Asian Institute was founded in 1924 at Péter Pázmány University (Eötvös Loránd University since 1949), where Chinese and Japanese Language and culture were taught. [...] At present the department has two majors: Chinese and Japanese. [...] Moreover, novel subprograms were established within the responsibility area of the department, partly under an unprecedented project of collaboration with the Department of Inner-Asiatic Studies: the program of the history of Buddhism, and the Korean program. The two-year Korean program was set up in 1997 with the aid of the Korea Foundation, in which Korean language, literature, history and Buddhism are taught. In the last couple of years, Vietnamese has also been taught in the frame of our department. [...] The department offers courses in modern and classical Chinese, translation practice, ancient and modern history, classical and modern literature, the history of arts in the Far East, philology and history of Chinese drama." Resource suggested by Gergely Salát, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. Added 27 Aug 2002 (HL)
- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) (Nordic Council of Ministers, Denmark/Finland/Iceland/Norway/Sweden)
( Self description: The "Nordic Institute of Asian Studies is an independent research institute concerned with the study of Asian cultures and societies in the humanities and social sciences. The Institute is funded by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden through the Nordic Council of Ministers." Added 05 Mar 1999 (HL)
- Limerick: Euro-Asia Centre (University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland)
( Language: English. Self description: "The Euro-Asia Centre at the College of Business of the University of Limerick has been established to undertake research-based evaluation of the interaction between Asia and Europe in the context of an increasingly globalised world economy, and to foster academic linkages between Europe and Asia. It shall pursue its mission on the basis of multi-disciplinary research and analysis, embracing business, economic, legal, political, cultural, social, linguistic and other relevant technical disciplines." Added 06 Mar 1999 (HL)
- Southern Europe Network of Asian Studies (SENAS) (Institut d'Asie Orientale, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Lyon, France)
( Language: English, with parts in French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Supplied note: "The [SENAS] is an informal association of resource and research centers on Asia, academic institutions specialising in Asia, and individual Asianists located in Southern Europe (Southern France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece...). Its main aim is to foster mutual information between the members, develop cooperation and mutual understanding, and support joint endeavours. SENAS is not a learned society nor a research center." Site contents: (1) Presentation; (2) Members; (3) Newsletter; (4) Working Papers; (5) Links (Research Centres - Universities - Libraries with Activities and Resources on Asia in Southern Europe). Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (16 Jul 2001). Added 22 Jul 2001 (HL)
- Bologna: Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Orientali (S.L.O.) (Department of Linguistic and Oriental Studies) (Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy)
( Language: Italian. Resource suggested by Massimo Carrante. Added 31 Oct 2004 (HL)
- Florence: Lingue e letterature orientali (Oriental Languages and Literatures) (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy)
( Language: Italian. Resource suggested by Massimo Carrante. Added 31 Oct 2004 (HL), last revised 28 May 2006 (HL)
- Lecce: Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere (Department of Foreign Languages and Literature) (Università degli Studi di Lecce, Lecce, Italy)
( Language: Italian. Description: The department offers a three year Corso di Laurea in Traduzione e Interpretariato (Bachelor Program for Translation and Interpretation) that includes Chinese. Resource suggested by Massimo Carrante. Added 31 Oct 2004 (HL)
- Naples: Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici (Department of Asian Studies) (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli, Italy)
( Language: Italian. Resource suggested by Massimo Carrante. Added 31 Oct 2004 (HL)
- Rome: Associazione Italia-Cina (Italy-China Association) (Roma, Italy)
( Language: Italian. Self description: "This cultural association was founded in 1962, with the purpose of promoting cultural realtions between Italy and the People's Republic of China, in a period of political and social upheaval." Resource suggested by Massimo Carrante. Added 31 Oct 2004 (HL)
- Rome: Facoltà di Studi Orientali (Department of Oriental Studies) (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy)
( Language: Italian. Resource suggested by Massimo Carrante. Added 31 Oct 2004 (HL)
- Rome: Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (Italian Institute of African and Asian Studies) (IsIAO, Roma, Italy)
( Language: Italian. Self description: "The Italian Institute of African and Asian Studies (IsIAO) is a public body depending on the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Established in 1995 after the fusion of the IsMEO (Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East, founded in 1933 by the scholar and philosopher Giovanni Gentile) and the Italian Institute of African Studies (IIA)." Resource suggested by Massimo Carrante. Added 31 Oct 2004 (HL)
- Turin: Dipartimento di Orientalistica (Department of Oriental Studies) (Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy)
( Language: Italian. Resource suggested by Massimo Carrante. Added 31 Oct 2004 (HL)
- Venice: Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia Orientale (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, Venezia, Italy)
( Language: Italian, some parts also available in English. Added 04 Mar 2000 (HL), last revised 15 Jan 2003 (JH)
- Riga: Orientālistikas nodaļa (Department of Oriental Studies) (Latvijas Universitāte, Moderno valodu fakultāte (University of Latvia, Faculty of Modern Languages), Riga, Latvia)
( Language: Latvian. Added 03 Jun 2005 (HL)
- Vilnius: Orientalistikos centras (Center of Oriental Studies) (Vilniaus universiteto (Vilnius University), Vilnius, Lithuania)
( Language: Lithuanian, English. Self description: "The Centre of Oriental Studies is the major institution of Asian studies in Lithuania as well as an academic core unit of Vilnius University. [...] The present Centre of Oriental Studies has functioned since 1993. Its foundation date, however, goes back to the early 19th century, when Vilnius University was the heart of the studies of Oriental languages in Lithuania. [...] In 2002, the Oriental Centre set up the Eastern Languages School which since then has invited everybody willing to study Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Farsi, Hindi, Sanskrit, Turkish, and Korean languages. [...] " Added 03 Jun 2005 (HL)
- Asiascape = Contemporary East Asian Media Centre (CEAMC) (The Contemporary East Asian Media Centre (CEAMC), Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)
( Language: English. Cited description: "Established in September 2007, is the home of the Contemporary East Asian Media Centre (CEAMC). It is an attempt to build a new international research coalition in the rapidly emerging fields of cyberculture (New Media, Convergence Culture, Video Games and other related media, such as fan-culture) and animanga (Anime and Manga), especially as they relate to (or originate from) East Asia. [...] Asiascape seeks to sponsor and organize research into the importance of these media as a series of transformative, cutting edge, transnational global commodities, and/or as a series of cultural products that reveal much about East Asia itself. There is a scattered (and growing) group of international researchers working in this field and, in addition to conducting its own original research, Asiascape aims to provide a hub for the organization and direction of this rapidly emerging field. With an international advisory board of leading scholars, Asiascape will sponsor a series of 'state of the field' conferences and disseminate research using new and old media, including via this website and its associated news-blog, vistas." Contents: (1) staff; (2) news; (3) cybercultures; (4) animanga; (5) publications; (7) vistas; (8) reviews; (9) contacts. Added 10 Nov 2007 (AT)
- Leiden: Documentation and Research Centre for Contemporary China (Sinological Institute, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)
( Language: English. Self description: "The Documentation and Research Centre for Contemporary China is part of the Sinological Institute of Leiden University, the Netherlands. It was founded in 1969 as the national centre for contemporary China studies, with main functions in academic and contract research, teaching, consultancy services and the building-up of an extensive library on contemporary China. Enjoying the continuous support of the Dutch Ministry of Education and Sciences and Leiden University, the Centre has accumulated extensive experience in cooperation projects with Chinese and European government organizations, universities and companies. Information and consultancy services are provided in various ways to all those with a serious interest in China. The combined research library of the Centre and the Sinological Institute is one of the most extensive in Europe. Apart from those holdings specifically aimed at the academic researcher, it also subscribes to 700 journals and newspapers, statistical data on all sectors of China's economy and society, company lists, yearbooks of ministries and provinces, institutional and biographical data, etc. It is open to the public on weekdays. [...]" Added 22 Aug 2002 (HL), last revised 22 Jan 2003 (JH)
- Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) (Leiden, The Netherlands)
( Language: English. Self description: "The aim of the IIAS is to promote Asian Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences and to set up interdisciplinary research programmes in these fields. It offers an international exchange programme for research fellows and makes information available through an European Database and the publication of a newsletter. Through the homepage of the IIAS you can get access to this and other newsletters as well as to conference announcements, research projects, Booksellers in the field of Asia, vacancies in the field of Asian Studies in Europe, and more." Added 20 Nov 1995 (HL), last revised 09 Aug 1998 (HL)
- Leiden: Opleiding Talen en Culturen van China / Sinologisch Instituut (Department of Chinese Languages and Cultures) (Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)
( Language: Dutch; some parts also in English. Resource suggested by Sandra Dehue ( Added 17 Mar 2000 (HL), last revised 22 Jan 2003 (JH)
- Leiden: Research School CNWS - School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies (Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)
( Language: English. Self description: The aim of the Research School CNWS, School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies, "is to further Asian, African, and Amerindian studies in the humanities, the social sciences, and law; [...] Geographically, the focus of attention is on Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania, the Far East, South and Meso-America, the Carribean islands, and Indian North America. Each of these areas is studied from various disciplinary angles, notably archaeology, anthropology, art history, development sociology, history, law, linguistics, literature, and religion. Equal attention is given to contemporary developments and to earlier phases in the development of the various regions and cultures. Theoretical as well as applied research is stimulated." Added 05 Nov 1998 (HL), last revised 29 Aug 2002 (HL)
- Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute (Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)
( Language: Dutch, some parts also in English. Self description: "Research, teaching, documentation and advisory services on law and administration in developing countries, with particular attention to Southeast Asia (notably Indonesia), the Caribbean (notably Suriname, the Dutch Antilles and Aruba), North Africa (notably Morocco and Egypt), South Africa and China." Added 06 Mar 1999 (HL), last revised 29 Aug 2002 (HL)
- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) (Nordic Council of Ministers, Denmark/Finland/Iceland/Norway/Sweden)
( Self description: The "Nordic Institute of Asian Studies is an independent research institute concerned with the study of Asian cultures and societies in the humanities and social sciences. The Institute is funded by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden through the Nordic Council of Ministers." Added 05 Mar 1999 (HL)
- Oslo: Institutt for østeuropeiske og orientalske studier - Kinesisk (Institute for East-European and Oriental Studies - Chinese) (University of Oslo, Norway)
( Language: Norwegian. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (14 Feb 2002) by Ram Eivind Gupta, University of Oslo, Norway. Added 23 Feb 2002 (HL)
- Krakow: Zakład Japonistyki i Sinologii (Department of Japanology and Sinology) (Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Filologii Orientalnej (Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Philology, Insitute of Oriental Philology), Krakow, Poland)
( Language: Polish. Added 03 Jun 2005 (HL)
- Poznań: Katedra Orientalistyki - Sinologia (Department of Oriental Studies - Sinology) (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
( Language: Polish. Resource suggested by Marlies Rexwinkel and Rients van Goudoever, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands. Added 10 Oct 2004 (HL)
- Warsaw: Chinese Language Department (Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland)
( Language: English. Added 29 Sep 2004 (HL)
- Southern Europe Network of Asian Studies (SENAS) (Institut d'Asie Orientale, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Lyon, France)
( Language: English, with parts in French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Supplied note: "The [SENAS] is an informal association of resource and research centers on Asia, academic institutions specialising in Asia, and individual Asianists located in Southern Europe (Southern France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece...). Its main aim is to foster mutual information between the members, develop cooperation and mutual understanding, and support joint endeavours. SENAS is not a learned society nor a research center." Site contents: (1) Presentation; (2) Members; (3) Newsletter; (4) Working Papers; (5) Links (Research Centres - Universities - Libraries with Activities and Resources on Asia in Southern Europe). Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (16 Jul 2001). Added 22 Jul 2001 (HL)
- Aveiro: Centro de Estudos Asiáticos (Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal)
( Language: Portuguese, English. Added 06 Mar 1999 (HL), last revised 15 Jan 2003 (JH)
- Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau (CCCM; Macao Science and Culture Centre) (Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau / Ministério da Ciência, Inovação e Ensino Superior, Lisbon, Portugal)
( Language: Portuguese, English. Supplied note: "The Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre (CCCM), in Lisbon is tutored by the Portuguese Ministry for Science, Innovation and Higher Education. Founded in 1999, it aims to promote research and spread the knowledge about Macau and the relations between Portugal and Macau/China and between Europe and the Asia Pacific Region. It includes four specialized units: Research and Scientific Cooperation, Museum, Information and Documentation and Audiovisual and Interactive Technologies. Through research, exhibitions, publications, courses, seminars, conferences and professional training, as well as promoting net works of governmental and private, national and international institutions, the CCCM develops several cultural and scientific projects." Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (01 Jan 2005) by Isabel Correia, Centro Cientifico e Cultural de Macau, Lisboa, Portugal. Added 17 Jan 2005 (HL)
- Lisbon: Centro de Estudos sobre África e do Desenvolvimento (CEsA) (Centre of African and Development Studies) (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal)
( Language: Portuguese; English. Self description: Founded in 1983, "CEsA is a research centre of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Technical University of Lisbon. It is specifically oriented towards the study of economic and social development in the so called 'developing countries' of (1) Africa (particularly Sub-Saharan Africa and, there, the Portuguese speaking countries); (2) Asia, namely East, South and Southeast Asia; and (3) Latin America. Naturally, any other theme related to transversal economic and social development of several regions and this process in general may be the object of our research." Resource suggested by Antonio Almeida Serra ( Added 06 Jul 1999 (HL), last revised 22 Jan 2003 (JH)
- Bucharest: Catedra de Limbi şi Literaturi Orientale (Oriental Languages and Literatures) (University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania)
( Language: Romanian, English. Added 01 Jun 2005 (HL)
- Blagoveschensk: Кафедра
китаеведения = Department of Chinese Studies (Amur State University, Blagoveschensk, Amurskaya Oblast, Russia)
( Language: Russian. Resource suggested by Evgeny Torchinov, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Added 25 Aug 2001 (HL), last revised 28 May 2006 (HL)
Moscow: Институт
востоковедения = Institute of Oriental Studies of The Russian Academy of Sciences (The Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) ( Language: Russian, English. Self description: "The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences was established in St. Petersburg in 1818 with a primary name of Asiatic Museum. Since 1950 after some structural changes the Institute has been functioning in Moscow while the section of Oriental manusctipts being reorganised into a branch of the Institute remained in St. Petersburg [cf. entry below - HL]. Now the Institute is the largest research centre in Russia for the study of languages and literature, history and culture, economics and politics of Asian and North African countries. It has over 600 staff members in Moscow and about 150 in St. Petersburg. They are specialists in practically all fields of Oriental Studies. More than 400 of them hold higher academic degrees.There are priceless collections of ancient books and manuscripts in the depositaries of the Institute, its library,s collection exceeds over 1 million of units.Each year hundreds of scientifical works written by the staff-members of the Institute are published." Added 20 Feb 1999 (HL), last revised 28 May 2006 (HL)
- Moscow: Институт стран Азии и Африки, Кафедра истории Китая (Institute of Asian and African Studies, Department of Chinese History) (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
( Language: Russian (Cyrillic). Added 13 Mar 2005 (HL)
- Moscow: Институт стран Азии и Африки, Кафедра китайской филологии (The Institute of Asian and African Studies, Department of Chinese Philology) (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
( Language: Russian (Cyrillic). Added 13 Mar 2005 (HL)
- St. Petersburg: Синология в Санкт-Петербургский Филиал Института Востоковедения Российской Академии Наук = Chinese Studies at the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Science (Russian Academy of Science, Moscow/St. Petersburg, Russia)
(!russian/org/ivan.htm). Language: Russian, English. Self description: "The history of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies can be traced back to 1818, when the Asian Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences was founded in St. Petersburg. The Museum was keeping the Eastern antiquities and books of the famous collection of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great. The collection was enhanced during the XIX century through the voluntary donations of the personal libraries and archives of envoys, travellers, statesmen, merchants and scholars. In 1930 the Institute of Oriental studies was organized on the base of the Museum, in 1951 it moved to Moscow, keeping the Branch in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg. [...] Now the collection includes the manuscripts and early printed books (in total number of 100 000 items in 63 living and dead languages) and is one of 3? most prominent libraries on Eastern Studies outside Asia. Here one can find almost all known oriental scripts and a varied range of media, including stone, metal, wood, leather, papyrus, parchment, birch bark, palm leaf and different types of the paper. The most famous among the manuscript holdings in St. Petersburg are the Tunhuang materials which were acquired by S. F. Oldenburg (1863?934) in the province of Kansu in North-West China during his expedition of 1914?5. [...] There are 9 departments in the Institute, 3 of them put emphasis on Chinese studies: the Department of the Far East, the Department of the Chinese and Central Asian Historiography and the Group of the Far Eastern textual criticism." Added 20 Feb 1999 (HL), last revised 28 May 2006 (HL)
- St. Petersburg: Department of Oriental Philosophy and Cultural Studies (St. Petersburg State University, Russia)
( Language: Russian. Resource suggested by Evgeny Torchinov, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Added 16 Jun 2002 (HL)
- Bratislava: Sinológia na katedre jazykov a kultúr krajín Východnej Ázie (Department of Languages and Cultures of the Countries of East Asia - KJKVA) (Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia)
( Language: Slovak, English. Added 29 Sep 2004 (HL)
- Ljubljana: Oddelek za azijske in afriške študije (Department of Asian and African Studies) (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
( Language: Slovenian, English, Japanese (Shift-JIS), Chinese (not yet available). Resource suggested by Andrea Janku, University of Heidelberg, Germany. Added 07 May 2004 (HL)
- Southern Europe Network of Asian Studies (SENAS) (Institut d'Asie Orientale, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Lyon, France)
( Language: English, with parts in French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Supplied note: "The [SENAS] is an informal association of resource and research centers on Asia, academic institutions specialising in Asia, and individual Asianists located in Southern Europe (Southern France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece...). Its main aim is to foster mutual information between the members, develop cooperation and mutual understanding, and support joint endeavours. SENAS is not a learned society nor a research center." Site contents: (1) Presentation; (2) Members; (3) Newsletter; (4) Working Papers; (5) Links (Research Centres - Universities - Libraries with Activities and Resources on Asia in Southern Europe). Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (16 Jul 2001). Added 22 Jul 2001 (HL)
- Alicante: Centro de Estudios Orientales (Oriental Studies Centre) (Universidad de Alicante, Spain)
( Language: Spanish. Self description: "In September 1999 Alicante University opened its Oriental Studies Centre, whose activities so far are centred on the organisation of language courses, translation services and backup services for Spanish businesses and institutions. Our main aim is to promote institutional and commercial communication between Spain and the Orient, and in particular China." Resource suggested by Bryn Moody, Director, Foreign Languages Secretariat, University of Alicante. Added 16 Jan 2000 (HL)
- Barcelona: Escola d'Estudis de l'Àsia Oriental (School of East Asian Studies) (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain)
( Language: Catalan; Spanish; English. Added 8 Jul 2006 (HL)
- Madrid: Centro de Estudios de Asia Oriental (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
( Language: Spanish; English. Added 10 Aug 1999 (HL), last revised 28 Mar 2001 (HL)
- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) (Nordic Council of Ministers, Denmark/Finland/Iceland/Norway/Sweden)
( Self description: The "Nordic Institute of Asian Studies is an independent research institute concerned with the study of Asian cultures and societies in the humanities and social sciences. The Institute is funded by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden through the Nordic Council of Ministers." Added 05 Mar 1999 (HL)
- Lund: Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies (Lund University, Lund, Sweden)
( Language: English. Added 11 Mar 1998 (HL)
- Lund: Department for East Asian Languages (Lund University, Lund, Sweden)
( Language: Swedish. A description of Lund University is also available in Chinese (Big5 or GB). Description: Description of the research and the courses held at the department.
- Stockholm: Institute of Oriental Languages (Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden)
( Added 26 Apr 1996 (HL)
Institutes and Professors of Sinology at German, Austrian and Swiss Universities (1945-1997) (Thomas Kampen, Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies, Lund University) ( Language: English. Description: This page is part of the Internet Guide for Chinese Studies project and gives data about who taught when Sinology at which institutes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. There are two indices, arranged according to the location of the institutions, and according to the name of the professors, respectively. Added 18 Aug 1998 (HL)
 Arbeitsgemeinschaft junger Chinawissenschaftler/Innen ( Language: German. Description: This is the homepage of the Association of Young Scholars of China Studies in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The associaton aims at facilitating communication and the flow of information between the scholars in the German speaking region. This site contains information about the association and a database with data about what field each member is working in, about their publications and current projects, and how to contact them. Also, the site offers the possibility to apply for membership online. Note: Currently the database part of this site is available to members only. A frames capable browser is needed to view the db online, but you can download it as textfile (several formats are provided).
- Bern: Lehrgebiet Chinesisch (Chinese) (Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland)
( Language: German. Added 28 May 2006 (HL)
- Geneva: Centre d'études asiatiques = Center for Asian Studies (Center for Asian Studies, Geneva, Switzerland)
( Language: English; French. Cited description: [Formerly known as Modern Asia Research Center (MARC), the] "Centre for Asian Studies (CAS) was founded by the Graduate Institute of International Studies of Geneva in 1971, and, since 1987 is co-sponsored by the Graduate Institute of Development Studies. The CAS focuses on the international relations of the Asia-Pacific region and the economic, political and social development of the various Asian countries. The CAS organizes conferences (public lectures, seminars and workshops) aimed at developing a better knowledge of Asia and conducts research projects. The CAS runs a documentation centre which collection is of about 370 scientific journals. The CAS publications consist in a triennal newsletter with selected articles list, occasional papers, briefing notes and edited studies. The CAS is a co-sponsor of the post-grade interdisciplinary diploma in Asian studies (DESS-Asie) launched in 2003 as the first one of its kind in Switzerland." Added 28 May 2006 (HL)
- Geneva: Unite des Etudes Chinoises (Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland)
( Language: French. Added 06 Mar 1999 (HL), last revised 25 Jun 2004 (HL)
- Zurich: Department of Sinology (Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland)
( Added 15 Mar 1996 (HL), last updated 07 Aug 1998 (HL)
- Ankara: Sinoloji Anabilim Dali (Sinological Institute) (Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey)
( Language: Turkish. Added 10 Oct 2004 (HL), last revised 28 May 2006 (HL)
United Kingdom
- [Chinese Studies in Britain:] Links (British Associations for Chinese Studies, London, UK)
( Language: English. Description: A list of all institutions offering or relevant for Chinese Studies in the UK. Site contents: (1) Universities; (2) Miscellaneous & Schools; (3) Libraries. Added 28 Jun 2005 (HL)
- Departmental Reports 2003 (British Association for Chinese Studies, London, UK)
( Language: English. Description: A report on the various departments and institutes of Asian and/or Chinese Studies in the United Kingdom, focussing on the situation as of 2003. Site contents: (1) University of Cambridge; (2) University of Durham; (3) University of Edinburgh; (4) University of Leeds; (5) University of Newcastle upon Tyne; (6) University of Nottingham; (7) University of Oxford; (8) School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London; (10) University of Sheffield; (11) University of Westminster. Added 28 Jun 2005 (HL)
- British Association for Chinese Studies = 英國漢學協會 (British Association for Chinese Studies, London, UK)
( Language: English. Cited description: "The British Association of Chinese Studies is a non-political organisation which has a membership of well over 200 individuals whose interests relate to greater China, drawn mainly from the academic community but also from industry, the media and government. It plays an important role in liaising and consulting with other Area Studies organisations, with funding bodies, with China-related representative offices and with government departments. [...]" Site contents: (1) Annual conference; (2) Bulletin; (3) Council members; (4) Membership; (5) China Graduate Network; (6) Links; (7) Conference calendar; (8) Notices, News; (9) Acknowledgements; (10) Funding; (11) Mandarin Teaching in UK Schools; (12) Added 28 Jun 2005 (HL)
- Bristol: Centre for East Asian Studies (Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK)
( Language: English. Supplied note: "The University of Bristol's new Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) has launched an innovative MSc in East Asian Studies for graduates from any discipline who want to equip themselves for a career with a focus on China, Japan or elsewhere in the region. There are also opportunities for PhD Research." Description: In 2003 Durham University decided to abolish their Department for East Asian Studies. Two years later Bristol University "took up the baton", focussing on "contemporary developments and comparative policy and development studies" (Times Higher, 10 Dec 2004). Resource suggested by via the H-Asia mailinglist (28 Jun 2005) by Maurizio Marinelli, University of Bristol, UK. Added 28 Jun 2005 (HL)
- Cambridge: Faculty of Oriental Studies (University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK)
( Language: English. Self description: "Oriental Studies at Cambridge covers the major languages and cultures of the Middle East, the Indian sub-continent, China and Japan. It also includes the study of the ancient Near East and Egypt. These pages give details of the courses offered by the Faculty and useful contact points for prospective students. There is also information on other Faculty facilites, teaching staff and on suggested reading matter." Added 07 Mar 1999 (HL), last revised 22 Jan 2003 (JH)
- Cambridge: The Needham Research Institute (Cambridge, UK)
( Self description: "The Needham Research Institute, which houses the East Asian History of Science Library, is [...] the home of the Science and Civilisation in China project, and welcomes researchers from all over the world with an interest in the history of science medicine and technology in East Asia." Added n/a (HL), last revised 22 Jan 2003 (JH)
- Durham: Department of East Asian Studies (Durham University, Durham, England)
( Language: Englsh. Added 11 Jan 2002 (HL)
Edinburgh: Department of East Asian Studies (University of Edinburgh, UK) ( Language: English. Description: The department offers a "[...] programme of traditional and modern studies within the broad framework of an Arts Faculty degree." The department also houses the Scottish Centre for Chinese Studies, which offers undergraduate as well as postgraduate programs.
- Leeds: Department of East Asian Studies (University of Leeds, UK)
( Language: English. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Resource suggested by Daniel Wolschner ( Added 26 Nov 1999 (HL)
- London: Institute of Commonwealth Studies (ICS) (ICS, University of London, UK)
( Language: English. Self description: "ICS is the only postgraduate academic institution in the UK devoted to the study of the Commonwealth. Its purpose is to promote inter-disciplinary and inter-regional research on the Commonwealth and its member nations, including those in Asia (Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka), in the fields of history, politics, economics and other social sciences." Site contents: (1) General and practical information; (2) Library and Archives; (3) Seminars and conferences; (4) ICS Newsletter; (5) Sir Robert Menzies Centre for Australian Studies; (6) Research projects at ICS; (7) Courses and Research Degrees; (8) Academic staff; (9) Publications; (10) Awards, grants and prizes; (11) School of Advanced Study; (12) University of London; (13) Institute of Historical Research: History; (14) Links to other Commonwealth sites. Added 12 Dec 1997 (HL), last revised 22 Jan 2003 (JH)
- London: London College of Traditional Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (LCTA) (LCTA, London, UK)
( Language: English. Cited description: "LCTA is one of the UK's leading schools of Oriental medicine, based in Finchley Central, London. We run courses in acupuncture, oriental herbal medicine, tui na massage, nutrition and qi gong as well as a thriving Teaching Clinic. Our postgraduate and undergraduate courses are fully validated and accredited, degree level, and are tailored to suit those of you with no previous experience as well as healthcare practitioners from all systems of medicine. You can study part time or full time, during the week or at weekends, on courses ranging from one year to four years in length." Resource by Resource suggested by Laura Jerrard, LCTA, London, UK. Added 24 Dec 2006 (HL)
- London: School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) (SOAS, London University, UK)
( Self description: "The School's unrivalled reputation is built upon strong academic foundations of which three are especially remarkable: the size and expertise of its academic staff; ist capacity for language training; and the scope of its Library. With over 200 teachers and about 2,300 students. the ratio of students to teachers is just over 10 to 1". Added 18 Jul 1996 (HL)
- Nottingham: Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies (University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK)
( Language: English. Resource suggested by John Tomlinson, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK. Added 30 Jan 2005 (HL)
- Oxford: Faculty of Oriental Studies: Institute for Chinese Studies (University of Oxford, Oxford, UK)
( Language: English. Site contents: (1) Chinese Studies at Oxford; (2) The Undergraduate Chinese Studies Course; (3) Postgraduate Chinese Studies; (4) Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language; (5) Inter-faculty Committee for Chinese Studies; (6) Chinese Studies Bulletin; (7) Chinese Philosophy Project; (8) Special Events. Added 28 Mar 2001 (HL)
- Belgrade: Chinese Department (Belgrade University, Belgrade, Yugoslavia)
( Language: Serbian. Added 29 Sep 2004 (HL)
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