General Information
East Asia
Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS) (Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany) ( Language: English. Supplied note: "[... A] project aiming at capturing and archiving Internet resources reflecting public discourse in or about China that otherwise would be lost for future research. In contrast to the Internet Archive (, DACHS should be able to more flexibly respond to events and issues relevant to the Chinese society. Download activities started in August 2001; so far [Jul 2003 - HL] we have collected about 630,000 files roughly corresponding to 9 GB in data. The collection includes Web sites, e-journals, films, snapshots of discussion boards, as well as hundreds of single documents. Topics covered are the 16th Party Congress of the CCP, China's and Taiwan's accession to the WTO, the September 11 terror attack, Falun gong, SARS, and many others. The digital archive is part of, a project of the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, financed by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Foundation." Site contents: (1) About DACHS (Introduction; Collection Policy; Legal Issues; Working Routines; Technical Infrastructure; Current Status); (2) Access (Metadata Search; Fulltext Search [under development - HL]; Table of Contents; Special Collections); (3) Publications; (4) Links; (5) Contact; (6) Management. Added 24 Jul 2003 (HL)
AsiaSource (Asia Society, New York, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "An online resource developed by the Asia Society to meet the need for timely, reliable, unbiased information and assistance regarding the cultural, economic, social, historical, and political dimensions of Asia. With a worldwide events calendar, a glossary of terms, annotated links and opinion pieces, news services, country profiles, special features, and much more." Description: T.M. Ciolek (Asian Studies WWW VL): "An exquisite resource, which in addition to publishing its own unique and valuable materials, unmistakeably aims to supersede (i.e. to 'crowd-out', as distinct from 'complement', or 'collaborate with') the many tens of other online resources on Asia. In short, a digital Napoleon in the early 1812." Site contents: (1) AsiaToday (latest news stories); (2) AsiaEvents (worldwide calendar); (3) AsiaViews (articles & speeches); (4) AsiaLinks (related links); (5) AsiaExperts (specialists database); (6) AsiaProfiles (maps & statistics); (7) AsiaReference (glossary of terms); (8) AsiaSearch (search the web); (9) AsiaBulletin (email updates). Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (30 Aug 1999) by Hylton Jolliffe ( Added/revised on 30 Sep 1999 (HL)
Asian Political Resources (Agora, Italy) ( Language: English. Description: A very rich and useful list of on-line resources on politics, parties, organizations, governments, and media in Asia, including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Macao. Unfortunately the links are not annotated. Added/revised on 31.01.1998 (HL)
China News Archive (China-a2z, China Information Center, Denmark) ( Language: English, Chinese (Big5 and GB). Description: This database offers the headlines of many important newspapers and news media covering the region. These headlines are provided as links to the correspondig articles. Every day 1000 to 1500 new entries are added. The database (headlines only!) is searchable in English and Chinese (Big5 and GB). Note: Access to the database is free for news of the current day. For using the archive without restrictions an annual fee of US$ 200.- has to be payed. Added/revised on 31.07.98
 International Relations and Security Network (ISN) (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) ( Language: English. Description: "ISN is an electronic clearinghouse for resources and institutions in the field of international relations and security studies. It is run by the Center for Security Policy and Conflict Research at the ETH Zurich in conjunction with the Euro-Atlantic Foundation, Brussels, and EINIRAS." This page is very well maintained and contains a wide range of important (links to) resources on all Asian countries as well as on many subjects (politics, demography, human rights, economy, amongst many others).
The Asian Update (The Asia Society, USA) ( Language: English. Description: The Updates provide "incisive background and analysis" on newsworthy Asia-related topics such as "Growing Pains: ASEAN's Economic and Political Challenges (Dec 1997)," written by senior scholars of Asian Studies adressing journalists and others interested in Asia while strictly following a scholarly approach. Special: every topic contains indexes of other scholars engaged in the specific topic (with e-mail adress). On-line access back to Nov.1996. Frequency: not exceeding one topic a month. Forthcoming topics: South Asia (February 1998), Central Asia: Asian Context and Political Economy (April 1998). Added/revised on 31.01.1998 (HL)
Asia Crisis Homepage (Nouriel Roubini, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Supplied note: "Dr. Nouriel Roubini, Associate Professor of Economics and International Business at the Stern School of Business of the New York University, maintains an extensive homepage on the Asian economic crisis, as a part of his MBA Macroeconomics Course Page. It is one of the most extensive and comprehensive collection of data, analyses and hyperlinks on the subject." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor, 26 Jan 1998). Site contents: (1) Basic Readings and References on the Causes of the Crisis; (2) Global Effects, Regional and Systemic Contagion Analyses; (3) Country Analyses (Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, Japan); (4) The Debate on the Role of the IMF in the Crisis; (5) Will the Crisis Spread to Other Regions of the World?; (6) The Role of Financial Fragility and Systemic Risk; (7) Other Episodes of Fixed Exchange Rate Collapse in the 1990s; (8) The Debate on Fixed versus Flexible Exchange Rate; (9) Sources of Official Data and Reports; (10) News Sources." Added/revised on 31.01.1998 (HL)
- Statistical Data Locator (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
( Language: English. Description: Links to sources with statistical material (economy & trade, demography, etc.) on China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and many other Asian and non-Asian countries. Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
- The China Program (Henry L. Stimson Center, Washington DC, USA)
( Language: English. Description: This page contains information on and links to official and unofficial organizations concerned with the security in the Asia-Pacific Region, as well as news and information on as well as analysis of regional security issues. Recent US foreign policy statements and documents on East Asia are also provided as are links to other Asian security/China sites. Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
- Political and Economic Risk Consultancy, Ltd. (PERC)
( Language: English. Description: Very well-done (according to Far Eastern Economic Review) country risk reports and major economic indicators on China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and other Asian countries.
- East Asia Analytical Unit (EAAU), Dpt. of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
( Language: English. Description: "Located within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the unit undertakes and commissions studies into important medium to long-term economic and political developments and issues within the region. It draws on a wide range of data and information sources, including reports from Australia's diplomatic and trade missions in Asia. Reports and working papers produced by the Unit are intended to assist analysts and decision makers in the Australian Government, business and academic community." This site contains a publication list and a list on forthcoming titles, both including abstracts of the respective titles. Information on how to purchase the reports is given, though no online ordering is possible. Added/revised on 31.07.98
- Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington DC, USA)
( Language: English. Self description: "The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a public policy research institution dedicated to analysis and policy impact. CSIS [...] maintains resident experts on all the world's major geographical regions." Description: Their "Research" section includes projects on Asia and the Pacific, and among CSIS' publications you'll find the CSIS Hong Kong Update and the Washington Quarterly. Added/revised on 26. Feb. 1999 (HL)
South Asia Analysis Group (SAAG) (South Asia Analysis Group, New Delhi, India) ( Language: English. Self description: "The objective of the group is to advance strategic analysis and contribute to the expansion of knowledge of Indian and International security and promote public understanding. In so doing, the SAAG seeks to address the decision makers, strategic planners, academics and the media in South Asia and the world at large. [...] The articles in this site are provided by scholars with many years of experience in political and strategic analysis. The aim of the group is [...] to provide another point of view for the decision makers and other national/international think tanks." Description: A simple but very effective site mainly offering papers by experienced scholars about political and strategic issues of the region (including East Asia). A simple search facility is available. Most papers are provided by the Institute for Topical Studies, Chennai, India. Added 25 Aug 2001 (HL)
- China in Brief
( Language: English. Description: This site offers the official view on the following topics: (1) History; (2) Land and Resources; (3) Administrative Divisions and Cities; (4) Population and Ethnic Groups; (5) Political System and State Structure; (6) Political Parties and Mass Organizations; (7) China and the World; (8) National Economic Development; (9) Agriculture; (10) Industry; (11) Transportation and Tourism; (12) Astronautics Industry and New and High Technology Industry; (13) Finance and Insurance; (14) Opening to the Outside World; (15) People's Lvelihood; (16) Environmental Protection; (17) Education; (18) Science and Technology; (19) Culture; (20) Physical Culture and Sports; (21) Appendixes. Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
- White Papers of the Government (Government of the People's Republic of China)
( Language: English. Description: Part of the China Internet Information Center, this site contains the official White Papers of the Chinese government concerning various subjects. Added 19 Aug 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
Country Briefings: China (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A must visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) China home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces (Government bodies; Main political fitures; etc.) ; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
- China Army Area Handbook (University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA)
(gopher:// Language: English. Description: An excellent source on the PR China! Table of contents: Chronology Of Chinese Dynasties; Economic Indicators, Selected Years 1952-86; Country Profile; Historical Setting; Physical Environment And Population; The Social System; Education And Culture; Economic Context; Agriculture; Party And Government; Trade And Transportation; Science And Technology; Party And Government; The Political Process; Foreign Relations; Criminal Justice And Public Security; National Defense. There is also a more convenient WWW version at the University of Maryland. Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
CIA Worldfactbook 2002 - China (Central Intelligence Agency, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Basic facts on the PR China (Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues); includes map. Added 07 Apr 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
LoC Country Study - China (1987) (Library of Congress, USA) ( Language: English. Description: This extensive study was edited by Robert L. Worden, Andrea Matles Savada and Ronald E. Dolan and completed in July 1987. The study is part of the Library of Congress Country Studies. Though not really up to date, this site contains a wealth of material on the following topics: (0) Country Profile; (1) Historical Setting; (2) Physical Environment and Population; (3) The Social System; (4) Education and Culture; (5) Economic Context; (6) Agriculture; (7) Industry; (8) Trade and Transportation; (9) Science and Technology; (10) Party and Government; (11) The Political Process; (12) Foreign Relations; (13) Criminal Justice and Public Security; (14) National Defense; (15) Appendices, Bibliography and Glossary. The site is constructed as a searchable database. Added/revised on 07.04.1998 (HL)
Chinese Foreign Policy Net (Taylor Fravel, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "Indexes online information sources on Chinese foreign policy by issue area (e.g., arms control) and bilateral relationships (e.g., Sino-Japanese relations). In addition, the site focuses on linking official PRC sources that have become more available in the last 18 months as well as academic reports and policy papers where relevant." Description: Taylor Fravel is Ph.D. student in Political Science at Stanford Univ. and - together with Michel Oksenberg - gives classes in Chinese Foreign Policy. Site contents: (1) Overview (Background: Fact Sheets, General Policy Statements, Embassies; News: Internet Services, Newspapers, Chinese Publications, Magazines; Research: Bibliographies, Journals, Think-Tanks); (2) Security (Security Overview, Arms Control and Disarmament, Theater Missile Defense, Technology Transfer, South China Sea); (3) Trade (Trade Overview WTO Intellectual Property Rights); (4) Human Rights (Human Rights Overview, Tibet); (5) Bilateral Relations (Japan, Korean Peninsula, Russia, Southeast Asia, South China Sea, Taiwan, United States, Technology Transfer). Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (05 May 1999) by Taylor Fravel ( Added/revised on 07. May. 1999 (HL)
 The 1990 Institute (USA) ( Language: English. Description: "The 1990 Institute is a U.S.-based, action-oriented, non-political think tank dedicated to independent and policy-oriented studies dealing with issues of major importance to China. Research topics include China's economic reform, environmental protection, social ethics, etc." Contains mainly information about the institute. Some of the articles sponsored by the institute are fully available online.
- The Claremont Institute - China Watch (The Claremont Institute, Claremont, California, USA)
( Language: English. Self description: "An ongoing review of the condition of political freedom and the status of the democracy movement in Asia. Updated as events warrant." Description: The Claremont Institute's mission is "[...] to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life". A republican site promoting American values. They have an interesting and useful coverage on China called China Watch, a collection of China related political articles from US newspapers and other sources, dating from 1997 to today. Note: Site is no longer updated (2001). Added 11 May 2001 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
Chinese Military Power (Project on Defense Alternatives, The Commonwealth Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA) ( Language: English. Resource type: Documents/Study. Self description: "A compendium of online resources about Chinese military policy & capabilities: -- a gateway to full-text online analyses and research tools essential to understanding China's military policy, capabilities and potential; -- access to the spectrum of U.S. opinion regarding China's strategicdevelopment; -- regularly updated links to online articles, reports and government documents assessing China's military modernization, relevant political and economic factors, the military balance in East Asia and U.S. policy toward China; -- a bibliography of essential reading, links to online databases, leading area specialists and research sites." Site contents: (1) Full Text Resources (State of the Debate; Commentary; Military Analyses; Political and Economic Conditions; Regional Context; US Policy Toward China; Chinese Policy and Views; Country Overview); (2) Special Topics; (3) Special Online Resources; (4) Bibliography; (5) Research Sites; (6) Specialists. Note: All materials and articles are accessible without restrictions. Resource suggested by Aaron Katz (Director of Communications, Project on Defence Alternatives, Cambridge, MA, USA). Added/revised on 02 Feb 2000 (HL)
- Chinese Security Homepage
( Language: English. Description: Containing Chinese military links, data sources on Chinese security issues, other important security related links, and more.
Cold War International History Project (CWIHP) (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "CWIHP was established at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C., in 1991 with the generous support of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.The Cold War International History Project disseminates new information and perspectives on the history of the Cold War, in particular new findings from previously inaccessible sources on "the other side" -- the former Communist world." Description: A top quality resource for the history of the cold war. Its Virtual Archive is fully searchable (try a quick search for "china"), but also files the documents according to the following topics: (1) Bulletin Issue; (2) Keywords; (3) Keyword/Subject; (4) Keyword/Year; (5) Collection; (6) Geographic Subject. Includes among others important original sources on Sino-US and Sino-Soviet relations from the 1960s. Site contents: (1) Upcoming Events; (2) CWIHP Bulletin (recently released and translated documents from former Communist-world archives, along with brief introductions by leading Cold War historians and archivists); (3) CWIHP Working Paper Series (outlet for historians who have gained access to newly-available archives and sources and would like to share their results); (4) CWIHP Virtual Archive (all material from the Bulletin and the Working Paper Series fully available on-line; includes searching facility). Note: All material freely available! Added 27 Jul 2001 (HL)
- Sino-U.S. Military Developments Workshop (HERO Library, Virginia, USA)
( Language: English. Description: Part of the HERO (Historical Evaluation & Research Organization) Library website, this site contains the following information: (1) Workshop I, Beijing, March 1998 (sampling of pictures, papers and a report of proceedings); (2) Workshop II, Beijing, November 1998 (pictures and papers); (3) Workshop III, Beijing, Sept. 20-23, 1999 (Announcement, call for papers and joining instructions); (4) Beijing Lecture on Information Warfare. Resource suggested to the Asian Studies WWW Monitor, Feb. 1999, by Chuck Hawkins ( Added/revised on 17.02.1999 (HL)
The U.S. - China Policy Foundation (USCPF) (Washington DC, USA) ( Language: English. Description: The USCPF "[...] is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that will promote greater understanding between American and Chinese policymakers. The Foundation conducts research on contemporary and future issues concerning U.S.-China policies and relations with the Asia-Pacific region. The Foundation does not advocate any policy or seek to influence policy decisions. Instead, the Foundation seeks to provide information and increase public awareness of issues in Sino-U.S. relations." Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
EastSouthWestNorth = 東南西北 (Roland Soong, EastSouthWestNorth, Hong Kong, China) ( Language: English. List format: Weblog (blog). Description: This is probably one of the most relevant blogs about current China. Also included are issues related to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Born 1949 in Shanghai and having spent 32 years in the US, its author Roland Soong currently lives in Hong Kong. In the real world Robert Soong is the chief technical officer for KMR, the world's second-largest media research firm. Added 27 May 2006 (HL)
China Confidential (Confidential Reporter ; Google Blooger, Google, Mountain View, CA, USA (Headquarters)) ( Language: English. List format: Weblog (blog). Description: China Confidential has been reporting and analyzing political developments in China since 2005. Although repeatedly being cited by various sources (incl. BBC) the identity of its author "Confidential Reporter" has [as of May 2006] not yet been revealed. Added 27 May 2006 (HL)
- China in the WTO: The Debate (James H. Nolt, Foreign Policy in Focus 4.38 [Dec. 1999])
( Language: English. Self description: "Editors' Note: [...] We recognize the controversial character of this policy brief, particularly for labor and "fair trade" advocates in the U.S., and we are including an accompanying page that briefly presents some dissenting voices. We solicit comments and critiques, which will be posted on our website." Description: This site offers one view concerning the China WTO membership question. It also includes links to other websites dealing with related policy issues. Site contents: (1) Key points; (2) Problems with current U.S. Policy; (3) Toward a new foreign policy; (4) Sources for more information; (5) Dissenting voices within the United States. Resource suggested by Interhemispheric Resource Center via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (15 Dec 1999). Added 25 Aug 2000 (HL)
Language and Politics in Modern China working papers (Indiana University, Indiana East Asian Working Paper Series, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Self description: "The Language and Politics in Modern China working papers form part of a collaborative research project, 'Keywords of the Chinese Revolution: The Language of Politics and the Politics of Language in 20th-Century China', funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Pacific Cultural Foundation. [...] The Keywords project seeks to present an account of the ways that the language of politics has shaped and, in turn, has been reshaped by the Chinese Revolution from the early decades of this century to the present." The texts presented are available as full texts. Added 29 Mar 1999 (HL)
- Selling China: and Cultural Nationalism (Todd Munson, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA; article appeared in: The Journal for MultiMedia History 2.1999)
( Language: English. Resource type: Study. Self description: "[...] In the course of this short "webnography," I will examine Chinese cultural identity as it is formed and re-formed in's [Web site of the Chinese National Tourist Association - HL] various pages, and look at some of the ways in which nationalism and global capitalism meet in the arena of foreign tourism. Exploration of these two issues can enlarge our understanding of official nationalism, and of the Internet as a burgeoning medium for such a message." Resource suggested by Christof Buettner, Inst. of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg Univ., Germany. Added/revised on 04 Feb 2000 (HL)
- See also the East Asia section above!
Tibet Information Network (TIN) (Tibet Information Network, London, UK) ( Language: English, with parts also available in Tibetan and Chinese. Supplied note: "Those of you who speak/read Tibetan and/or Chinese, might like to know that Tibet Information Network (TIN) has for some time been providing summaries of selected TIN News Updates on our website, [see the
URL below], translated into both Tibetan and Chinese. No special software is needed to read this material. [...] The most recent material to appear has been translations into Tibetan and Chinese of sections of our latest research publication 'China's Great Leap West." Self description: "TIN is not a campaigning organisation: its newsgathering balances official statements from Beijing, Lhasa and Dharamsala with reliable first-hand testimony from Tibetans themselves." Site contents: (1) Reports from Tibet [incl. annotated photographs - ed.] (Culture, Economy, Education, Environment, Outside Tibet, Patriotic Education, Policies and Leaders, Prisoners and Protest, Religion, Tourism, Women); (2) News updates [35-40 a year, with online editions since Jan 1997, also available for free via email - ed.]; (3) TIN publications [incl. 37 TIN background Briefing Papers published since 1988 - ed.]; (4) About TIN/Contact; (5) Tibet File (Selected books on Tibet, Travel to Tibet, Chronology, Glossaries, Population statistics (for Tibetan counties in the Tibet Autonomous Region and the neighboring provinces of Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan); Tibetan counties & prefectures [their lists, maps]; Images from Tibet); (6) Search; (7) Links (Aid and Development Agencies, Media Sites, China Related Sites, Images and Film, Tibet Related Sites, Books, Human Rights, Travel & maps, Libraries and Academic Sites). Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (24 Jan 2001) by Richard Oppenheimer , Tibet Information Network, London, UK. Added 28 Jan 2001 (HL)
- Tibet Current Affairs (Asia Pacific Research Online, Canberra, Australia)
( Language: English. Description: This is the "central access point to Tibetan Current Affairs Analyses and News Bulletins (ISSN 1355-3313) prepared by TIN - Tibet Information Network, United Kingdom". It is maintained by T. M. Ciolek as part of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library hosted at the Australian National University. Added/revised on 29.09.98
- The Charter of Tibetans in-Exile
( Language: English. Description: The whole document is on one page with 112 Kb. Added/revised on 19.02.1998 (HL)
- Tibet Issues (Chinese Embassy in Washington, USA)
( Language: English. Description: The official PR China view expressed on current Tibet affairs issues. Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
- Sino-Tibetan Relations: Prospects for the Future (1992 Conference)
(gopher:// Language: English. Description: Maintainer: The South Asia Gopher, Columbia Univ. Libraries, USA. Online proceedings of The Potomac Conference, October 5-6, 1992 'Sino-Tibetan Relations: Prospects for the Future', organized by the Tibet Forum and the Center for Modern China. Site contents: Historical Perspectives; Environment & Economic Development; Cultural & Changing Perceptions; New World Order (Sino-Indian Security and Other Asian Strategic Issues; Applicability of Int'l Principles of HR/Self-Determination; Collapse of Communism/Breakup of Soviet Union/Implications); Future: Intl Policy/Scenarios/Models; Biographies of Speakers and Moderators; Selected Bibliography; Text of Strasbourg Proposal, HH the Dalai Lama.
China's Public Relations Strategy on Tibet. Classified Documents from the Beijing Propaganda Conference in March 1993 (International Campaign for Tibet (ICT), Washington, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Self-description: "[...] The documents were prepared for a March, 1993 meeting of [Chinese - ed.] government officials to review an external propaganda strategy regarding Tibet [...] The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) obtained these classified documents from an anonymous source in China. The [...] Chinese language documents, while not reproduced here, are available from ICT." Site contents: (1) Introduction; (2) International Implications (Portrayal of the United States; Implications for Most Favored Nation Status; Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in Exile; Sino-Tibetan Negotiations; United Nations; Tibetans in Exile; Media Strategy Inside Tibet; Tibet and Taiwan; Conclusion); (3) Excerpts of the Documents on Key Issues (Importance of Tibet for China's World Image; Strategy Towards the Dalai Lama; Criticism of the United States; The United Nations and Non-Governmental; Organizations; 'Eradicating' the Tibetan Opposition; Suppressing Negative Domestic News; West is 'Main Target'; Overall Strategy on foreign Media; Role of Academics and Research; Manipulation of foreign Media; Policy of Dividing Tibetans in Exile; Attitude Toward Negotiations over Tibet; News only for foreign Consumption; Political Use of Cultural Exchanges; On Preparing Effective Propaganda Materials); (4) The Documents. Added/revised on 16.12.1997
- Philadelphia Inquirer Site on Developments in Tibet
( Language: Engish. Description: "The Philadelphia Inquirer maintains a current affairs website dealing with events in Tibet, and elsewhere in so far as they relate to Tibet."
- See also the East Asia section above!
- - East Turkestan Information Center (ETIC) (East Turkestan Information Center, Nürnberg, Germany)
( Language: English, German, Turkish, Chinese (GB). Description: The East Turkistan Information Center is propagating independence from China and offers information on various aspects of Uyghur life and the Chinese repressions in Xinjiang, including news reports (print and voice). Site contents: (1) East Turkistan History; (2) WUNN Newsletter (World Uyghur Network News); (3) Archives & Pictures; (4) Human Rights; (5) Weather; (6) Uyghur Music; (7) Uyghur Organization; (8) ETIC Reports; (9) Miscellaneous; (10) Daily World News; (11) National Congress; (12) Real Media Files; (13) Contact us; (14) Guestbook Added 20 Sep 2002 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
Hong Kong
Country Briefings: Hong Kong (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A good visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) Hong Kong home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
CIA Worldfactbook 2002 - Hong Kong (Central Intelligence Agency, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Basic facts are provided on Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues; includes map.
Added 07 Apr 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
- South China Morning Post - 1997 Handover
( Language: English. Description: Presented by the South China Morning Post, this site offers information on the handover of Hong Kong to the PR China in July 1, 1997. Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
CSIS Hong Kong Update (Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "The purpose of this bulletin is to gauge accurately the continuing evolution of Hong Kong by presenting a broad spectrum of views on developments in the new Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)." Description: A valuable source on political and economic developments in Hong Kong, featuring guest commentaries by leading figures both in Hong Kong and in Washington, and further in-depth perspectives by well known journalists and government and business executives. Archive: All back issues beginning with Sept. 1997 are fully available on-line. No search facility provided. Added/revised on 27. Feb. 1999 (HL)
- See also the East Asia section above!
CIA Worldfactbook 2002 - Macau (Central Intelligence Agency, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Basic facts on Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues; includes a map. Added 07 Apr 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
- See also the East Asia section above!
Country Briefings: Taiwan (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A must visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) Taiwan home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces (Parties; Main political fitures; etc.) ; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
CIA Worldfactbook 2002 - Taiwan (Central Intelligence Agency, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Basic facts on Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues; includes a map. Added 07 Apr 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
- Abstracts of RAND Reports and Analyses on China (including Taiwan)
( Language: English. Description: Very informative abstracts on various topics about China and Taiwan, mainly on political situations, society, security, economy, foreign relations etc. You can order the full length reports and analyses directly from the page containing the respective abstract.
Pat Gunning's Taiwan Home Page ( Language: English. Description: Self description: "This page contains (a) facts about the Taiwan Government, (b) two relatively long essays, and (c) a variety of short essays that I wrote about Taiwan before 1999, and (d) links to some related cites. About half of the short essays were published in one of the local English language newspapers." J. Patrick Gunning is Professor of Economics at the Institute of Public Finance in Taipei, Taiwan. Added 21 Nov 1997 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
Taiwan Security Research (TSR) (Philip Y. M. Yang, Dept. of Political Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan) ( Language: English; Chinese (traditional). Supplied note: "[The site] includes recent articles on current regional security issues and links to web sites related to Taiwan, PRC, U.S., Japan, and Asia-Pacific security issues." Site contents: (1) Taiwan (Current Issues; Government and Policies; Speeches and Statements; Taiwan Information; Research Organizations; News; Papers); (2) PRC (Current Issues; Government and Documents; Security Issues; Information and Sites; News; Papers); (3) Cross-Strait (Current Issues; PRC: Policy and Documents; Taiwan: Policy and Documents; News; Papers); (4) U.S. Policy (Current Issues; Congressional Action; Speeches and Reports; Policy Sites; News; Papers); (5) Japan Policy (Government and Policy; Information and Research; News; Papers); (6) Asia-Pacific (Asia-Pacific Security Sites; Regional Organizations; Asian Studies; Other Security Web Sites); (7) Papers; (8) Comments; (9) Archives; (10) Media; (11) Search; (12) About TSR. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (Jun 1998) by Philip Yang (Dept. of Political Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan). Added 12 Sep 1998 (HL), last revised 30 Jan 2005 (HL)
未來中國論壇 (Future China Research) (兩岸交流遠景基金會 (Cross-Strait Interflow Prospect Foundation), Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.) ( Language: English, Chinese (Big5). Description: A page with a good collection of background articles and links to newspaper articles on current issues concerning Taiwan. The foundation was established as a private non-profit research organization in March 1997 by a group of Taiwanese university professors and aims at "providing her clients - government agencies, private enterprise and academic institutions - with pragmatic and comprehensive policy analyses on current crucial issues in the areas of cross-strait relations, foreign policy, national security, international relations, strategic studies, and international business" (self description). Information supplied by James Wei ( Added 11 Dec 1998 (HL)
Taiwan's Democratic Consolidation, 2000-2001: About 1000 Internet documents collected by Christan Goebel (M.A.) (Christian Goebel, University of Heidelberg, Germany ; Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS), University of Heidelberg, Germany) ( Language: English; parts of the resources in Chinese (Big5). Self description: "This small collection is the result of my online-harvest of newspaper articles and documents I deemed useful for my Master's thesis. The aim of the thesis was to trace the process of Taiwan's democratic consolidation. [...] The Internet proved to be a valuable source of information, as all of Taiwan's major newspapers and magazines can be accessed online, as well as all legal documents and many official statements. Apart from these sources, which form the bulk of my archive, I was also able to collect a number of Master's theses and a few extensive opinion surveys conducted by Academica Sinica's Institute of Anthropology. The material presented here covers mainly the years 2000 and 2001. Please note that these files only served as a supplement for what I could not find in print and were, at first, not intended to be accessed publicly. Neither do they constitute a complete collection on the various subjects they cover, nor is their naming always consistent." Description: Part of the growing Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS) project. Due to difficulties during data migration from the personal archive of Ch. Goebel to the DACHS archive, some parts originally in HTML format are available as text only and partly scrambled. Site contents: (1) Access the collection; (2) Introduction by C. Goebel; (3) Contents of the collection (3-in-one Elections; 4th Nuclear Power Plant; Banking Reforms; Black Gold Counter Measures; Black Gold; Business - Politics - Corruption; Working Papers of the Conference Group on Taiwan Studies (CGOTS); Civil Society; Constitutional Reform; Day-to-day Politics; Economic Indicators; Elections; Farmer's Associations; Freedom House 2002; Impeachment of Chen Shuibian; Institutional Reforms; Legislative Yuan Elections 2001; Legislative Yuan Elections: Resources; Laws; Lee Teng-hui; Legal Reforms; Lo Fu-chu; Local Elections 2001; Local Factions; Mini Three Links; National Assembly; Organized Crime; Parties; Regime Change; Relations with China; Small Construction Budget; Surveys Att. Change; TI (Transparency International) Source Book 2000; Vote Buying; Web Archives; Yunlin Commissioner Elections; Others). Note: Free password can be obtained by sending an email to the DACHS team. Added 18 Jul 2003 (HL)
New Archival Evidence on Taiwanese 'Nuclear Intentions', 1966-1976 (William Burr, The National Security Archive, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA) ( Language: English. Resource type: Documents/Study. Self description: "During the late 1960s and mid-1970s, and late 1980s, the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) actively discouraged Taiwan from acquiring critical technology for producing fissile materials. Recently declassified documents, unearthed by the National Security Archive, provide new and significant details about the earlier efforts to forestall a nuclear-armed Taiwan." Description: An analysis by William Burr, followed by 30 scanned documents (1966-1976), each accompanied by a brief abstract. The scanned documents are of good quality. Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (20 Oct 1999) by Scout Report 15-Oct-1999 ( Added/revised on 20 Oct 1999 (HL)
- See also the East Asia section above!
Country Briefings: Singapore (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A good visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) Singapore home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
CIA Worldfactbook 2002 - Singapore (Central Intelligence Agency, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Basic facts on Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues; includes a map. Added 07 Mar 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
Singapore - A Country Study (Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, USA) ( Language: English. Description: This extensive study was edited by Barbara Leitch Lepoer in Dec. 1987 and is part of the Library of Congress Country Studies. Though not really up to date, this site contains a wealth of material including tables on: Population Growth, Selected Years, 1824-1988; Population by Ethnic Group and Language, 1980; Singapore Chinese Speech Groups and Their Alternate Names; School Enrollment, Selected Years, 1972-88; Employed Persons Aged Fifteen Years and Over by Sector, 1984-88; Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Industry, Selected Years, 1978-88; and on other economic statistical data. The table of content includes: (1) Country Profile; (2) Historical Setting; (3) The Society and Its Environment; (4) The Economy; (5) Government and Politics; and (6) National Security. The site is constructed as a searchable database. Added/revised on 06.12.1997
- Singapour (France)
( Language: French. Description: Articles from the French newspaper "Le Monde Diplomatique". Added/revised on 31.07.98
- See also the East Asia section above!
- Constitution of the People's Republic of China
( Language: English. Description: Provided by the European Information Network, Inc., in Prague, Czech Republic.
- Chinese Government
( Language: English. Description: Presented by the European Information Network, Inc., in Prague, Czech Republic, this site offers valuable information on structure and members of the government of the PR China.
Government Organizations Of The People's Republic of China (Asia System Media Corp., USA) ( Language: English. Description: Gives descriptions of the structure as well as detailed biographical data of the members of the following Chinese govenrmental organizations: (1) National People's Congress (NPC) (State Central Military Commission; Supreme People's Court; Supreme People's Procuratorate); (2) State Council; (3) Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC); (4) Central Committee of Communist Party of China (CCCPC) (Political Bureau; Secretariat; Central Military Commission; Central Discipline Inspection Commission). The data are based on a government organization chart published by China Daily in early 1998. Added/revised on 14.02.1999 (HL)
- Personnel and Organization of the Central Government of China (AsianNet)
( Language: English. Description: A list of Chinese ministries and government organizations (where possible with hypertext links).
China Elections and Governance (China Village Elections Project, The Carter Center, Atlanta, GA, USA) ( Language: Chinese (GB); English. Supplied note: "The [...] site now contains about 20,000 articles on various aspects of the Chinese government and changes in Chinese politics. - YL." Self description: "The 'China Elections and Governance' [...] was launched in September 2002 jointly by The Carter Center and the Research Center on Chinese Local Governance at Beijing University, available in both Chinese and English. It provides Chinese officials at all levels a resource center for governance and election affairs and gives scholars worldwide the opportunity to study Chinese politics and offer reform measures. Users can access news, articles, academic papers, laws and regulations, and data on Chinese elections and governance on all levels. The site also features exclusive reports on election and governance matters commissioned by the China Elections Project at The Carter Center. The Carter Center is a not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization founded in 1982 in Atlanta by former U.S. President Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter in partnership with Emory University." Site contents: (1) Elections and Governance; (2) Laws & Regs; (3) Election Archives; (4) News; (5) Library; (6) About Us; (7) Updates; (8) Links (Chinese Government, Foreign Governments, Chinese Media Outlets, Foreign Media Outlets, Chinese Academic Institutions, Foreign Academic Institutions, Chinese NGOs and Research Web Sites, Foreign NGOs and Research Web Sites); (9) Site Map; (10) Contact Us; (11) Hot Topics (as of May 2003: Battling with SARS, 10th NPC & CPPCC, Editorials & Op-Eds, Rural Issues, Notable Speeches); (12) Project Specials; (13) Essay Contest; (14) News Bulletin; (15) Features; (16) Keyword Search. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (16 May 2003) by Yawei Liu/H-Asia. Added 31 May 2003 (HL)
中華人民共和國外交部 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China) ( Language: Chinese (GB); English. Description: Contains a welter of material, including documents, policy statements, political analysis, and news. Site contents: (1) 外交部 (The Ministry) (The Minister, Principal Officials, Departments, Tour the Ministry, Missions Overseas, Related Agencies); (2) 外交政策 (Policy) (General Policy, Spokesperson's Remarks, Int'l Organizations and Conferences, Disarmament and Arms Control, Treaties and Law, Int'l and Regional Issues, Speeches, Communiques); (3) 雙邊關係 (Regions) (Asia, Western Asia and North Africa, Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Western Europe, North America and Oceania,Latin America, Diplomatic Agenda); (4) 背景資料 (Resources) (Background Information, About China, Diplomatic History, Diplomatic Figures); (5) 服務項目 (Services) (Consular Affairs, Press and Media Service, Protocol, Missions Overseas, Foreign Missions in China). Added 03 Mar 2001 (CG)
- Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the UN (Government of the People's Republic of China)
( Language: English. Site contents: (1) Abouth the Mission; (2) China and the United Nations; (3) Statements & Speeches; (4) China's Basic Foreign Policies and Positions; (4) FAQs; (5) About China; (6) Hot Topics (e.g. PRCs views on the Taiwan issue, the Tibet issue, the Human Rights issue, the Falun Gong issue, etc.). Note: As of March 2001, the "China's Basic Foreign Policies and Positions"- section is still empty. Added 03 Mar 2001 (CG)
- Chinese Embassy in Washington, USA
( Language: English. Site contents: Contents: (1) Embassy Information; (2) News; (3) Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's Remarks; (4) China - US Relations; (5) Visa, Passport, Notarization & Authentication; (6) Overseas Chinese Affairs; (7) For Students & Scholars; (8) Economy & Trade; (9) About China; (10) Topics; (11) Useful Links; (9) Site Search. Added: n/a (HL), last revised 2 Mar 2005 (HL).
- An Illustrated History of the Communist Party of China (China Internet Information Center, Beijing, China)
( Language: English. Description: This site is part of the "authorized government portal site to China," (中国网). It offers a survey to CCP history up to 1991 in 6 chapters, each with an introduction, and 30 to 48 images. In addition there is a short essay on the party in general. The images are presented as thumbnails (up to 12 on one page, all squeezed to square format) that can be opened in a new window with a short caption. Site contents: (1) Foreword; (2) The Communist Party of China (a. The Nature and Guiding Ideology; b. Guide in Action; c. Establishment and Development; d. The Basic Line at Present Stage and the Basic Stand in International Affairs; e. Organizational System; f. The Central Organizations); (3) Maturing Through Struggles (July 1921-July 1937); (4) Mainstay of the War of Resistance Against Japan (July 1937-August 1945); (5) Striving for Nationwide Victory of the Democratic Revolution (August 1945-September 1949); (6) From New Democratic Revolution to Socialism (October 1949-September 1956); (7) The Zigzag Course of Socialist Construction (September 1956-October 1976); (8) A New Era of Socialist Modernization Construction (October 1976-April 1991). Added 2 Mar 2005 (MA)
Foreign relations of the United States, 1964-1968 (Harriet Dashiell Schwar, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1998 ) ( Language: English. Description: This site is part of the U.S. Department of State website and contains declassified archival material on the diplomatic relations between the USA and China between 1964 and 1968. The material is presented in the Department of State's documentary series "Foreign policy and diplomacy of the United States". The documents in this volume are drawn from the files of the Department of State and the Bureau, Office, and other lot files of the relevant Departmental units. The volume also includes records from the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Site contents: Documents related to: (1) China (PRC and ROC); (2) Tibet; (3) Mongolia. Resource suggested by Dan Martin ( via The Asian Studies WWW Monitor, 24.09.2000. Added 29 Oct 2000 (HL)
- 中国妇女网 (China Women Net) (中华全国妇女联合会 (All China Women's Fed.), Beijing, China)
( Language: Chinese (GB). Site contents: (1) 首页 Home; (2) 重要文献 Important documents; (3) 光辉历程 Chronicle; (4) 政策法规 Laws and regulations; (5) 经典活动 Activities; (6) 巾帼风采 Charismatic women; (7) 女性人物 Women personalities; (8) 妇女社团 Women's organizations; etc. Added 26 Apr 2001 (HL), last revised 14 Aug 2003 (HL)
Hong Kong
- Hong Kong WWW Virtual Library - Government
( Language: English.
- Hong Kong Legislative Council (LegCo) 香港立法會
( Language: English; Chinese (Big5). Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
- The Office of Tibet, London
( Language: English. Description: "The Office of Tibet, the official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in London's web site contains the Tibetan Government-in-Exile's latest statements and documents as well as resolutions on Tibet and testimonies by Westerners who visited or lived in Tibet before 1950. It also includes database of the Tibetan Government offices as well as Representatives abroad." Added/revised on 19.02.1998 (HL)
Foreign relations of the United States, 1964-1968 (Harriet Dashiell Schwar, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1998 ) ( Language: English. Description: This site is part of the U.S. Department of State website and contains declassified archival material on the diplomatic relations between the USA and China between 1964 and 1968. The material is presented in the Department of State's documentary series "Foreign policy and diplomacy of the United States". The documents in this volume are drawn from the files of the Department of State and the Bureau, Office, and other lot files of the relevant Departmental units. The volume also includes records from the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Site contents: Documents related to: (1) China (PRC and ROC); (2) Tibet; (3) Mongolia. Resource suggested by Dan Martin ( via The Asian Studies WWW Monitor, 24.09.2000. Added 29 Oct 2000 (HL)
- 我的e政府 - 電子化政府入口網 = The e-Government Entry Point of Taiwan (研究發展考核委員會 (Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission), 行政院 (Executive Yuan), Taibei, Taiwan)
( Language: Chinese (Big5), English. Self description: "This website is a unified gateway to the government's public services and a high-speed communication link between the government and the people. It allows users to query a wide range of government information and perform online application tasks." Description: A 2002 study of global e-government undertaken by researchers at Brown University (USA) lists Taiwan as best in e-government performance, followed by South Korea, Canada and the United States. Reviewed were 1,197 national government websites in 198 countries during June and July, 2002. Among the sites analyzed were those of executive offices, legislative offices, judicial offices, Cabinet offices, and major agencies serving crucial functions of government, such as health, human services, taxation, education, interior, economic development, administration, natural resources, foreign affairs, foreign investment, transportation, military, tourism, and business regulation. More than two dozen different criteria were used for evaluation, including the availability of contact information, publications, databases, portals, privacy, security, disability access, and the number of online services. Site contents: (1) 目錄服務 Indices (機關網站目錄 Government Web pages; 機關通訊錄 Government addresses; 民意信箱 Government email addresses); (2) 申辦服務 Application form services; (3) 生活資訊 Living (氣象 Weather; 藝文 Culture; 書香 Books and libraries; 醫衛 Medical services; 觀光 Tourist information; 交通 Traffic and transport); (4) 新聞資訊 News services; (5) 綜合資訊 General information; and others. Resource suggested by Matthias Arnold, Heidelberg University, Germany. Added 14 Aug 2003 (HL)
- 中華民國憲法 (Constitution of the Republic of China) (Office of the President of the Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan)
( Language: Chinese (Big5), English. Description: A short history of the ROC Constitution (as it developed through six revisions) as well as the text of the current version and its additional articles. Added 26 Feb 2001 (HL)
- Government Information Office, Republic of China (Government Information Office, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.)
( Language: English; Chinese (Big5); Japanese; German; Spanish; French; Russian. Description: This official government information site of Taiwan provides useful information on the ROC such as Visa application regulations, studying on Taiwan, members of the current government etc. Site contents: (1) About Us; (2) Visitor Info; (3) Taiwan at your fingertips; (4) Official Announcements; (5) Taiwan Headlines; (6) Window on Taiwan; (7) Audio/Visual; (8) Search/Archives; (9) Gateway to Taiwan; (10) Comments Resource suggested by John Reese ( Added 29 Oct 2000 (HL)
- 中華民國總統府 Office of the President of the Republic of China
( Language: Chinese (Big5, GB); English. Description: The English website does not contain as much information as the Chinese ones, but it still is quite substansive. The "News" are up-to-date and searchable. Site contents: (1) 總統府新聞稿 News Releases; (2) 中華民國簡介 Introduction of ROC (Constitution; The ROC in Brief; Founding Father and Former Presidents; Government Organization; Central and Local Government Websites; Major Political Parties); (3) 總統府組織 Presidential Office Organization; (4) 總統專欄 President Chen; (5) 副總統專欄 Vice President Lu; (6) 國是論壇 Forum on National Concerns (User Discussions; Forum on Subjects); (7) 總統府民調 (Opinion Poll; Chinese only); (8) 導覽與文藝 Tour Guide and Art Gallery; (9) 開放參觀 Open House Tours; (10) Additional Parts: Hot News; Hot Topic; Special Subjects; For Kids; For Youth; Related Websites; About the Website. Note: Bring a good browser for this website. It is quite fancy, using Shockwave and the like. I found it to work better with Netscape. Last revised 25 Feb 2001 (HL & CG)
The 2000 Taiwan Presidential Elections (Asian Update, Asia Society, New York, NY, USA) ( Language: English. Resource type: Study. Self description: "The [analysis is] authored by Professor Cal Clark of Auburn University, a well-know expert on Taiwan. These elections [on 18 Mar 2000], the second direct elections for President of Taiwan, mark a watershed in Taiwan's history as Lee Teng-hui exits the scene." Site contents: (1) Introduction; (2) Parties and Candidates (Political Parties in Taiwan, Candidates); (3) The Issues (Relations with China, Corruption); (4) The Candidates' Stands (Cross-Strait Relations and National Identity, From Machine Politics to Black-and-Gold Politics); (5) Conclusion; (6) Appendix 1: Electoral Support of Major Parties; (7) Appendix 2: Winners in Taiwan's Elections in the 1990s; (8) Specialists; (9) Further Reading. Note: The document contains 121KB. Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (15 Mar 2000) by Nermeen Shaikh ( Added 17 Mar 2000 (HL)
行政院大陸委員會 (Mainland Affairs Council) (行政院 (Executive Yuan), Republic of China) ( Language: Chinese (Big5), Chinese (GB), English. Description: This site offers a welter of material on cross-straits relations. Especially useful are downloadable versions of the legal texts guiding cross-strait relations, although they haven't been translated into English and thus are not available in the English version of the site. Equally of interest are the documentations for policies being enacted right now, such as the "three links", and the frequently updated opinion surveys, statistics and statements by MAC officials. Again, the English version is not nearly as exhaustive as the Chinese ones. Site contents: (1) Policy guidelines; (2) Policy descriptions; (3) Policy documentations; (4) Statistics; (5) Opinion polls; (6) Legal texts; (7) News analysis; (8) Official statements; (9) Links. The Chinese versions have a link to the Mainland Affairs Information and Research Center. Added 10 Jan 2001 (CG)
Foreign relations of the United States, 1964-1968 (Harriet Dashiell Schwar, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1998 ) ( Language: English. Description: This site is part of the U.S. Department of State website and contains declassified archival material on the diplomatic relations between the USA and China between 1964 and 1968. The material is presented in the Department of State's documentary series "Foreign policy and diplomacy of the United States". The documents in this volume are drawn from the files of the Department of State and the Bureau, Office, and other lot files of the relevant Departmental units. The volume also includes records from the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Site contents: Documents related to: (1) China (PRC and ROC); (2) Tibet; (3) Mongolia. Resource suggested by Dan Martin ( via The Asian Studies WWW Monitor, 24.09.2000. Added 29 Oct 2000 (HL)
Macau Government Information Services ( Language: Choose between Portugese, Chinese or English. Description: This site contains general information on Macau (geography, history, economy, education etc.) as well as information on the political and judicial system.
Singapore - Government and Politics (Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Edited by Barbara Leitch Lepoer in Dec. 1987, this site is part of the the Library of Congress Country Studies: Singapore. The survey includes the following subchapters: (1) Government Structure (Form of Government; Constitutional Framework; Major Governmental Bodies; The Public Service; The Public Bureaucracy; Statutory Boards; Public Enterprises; Parapolitical Institutions); (2) Political Parties; (3) Political Dynamics (Power Structure; Political Culture); (4) Key Political Issues (Succession; Relations Between State and Society; Political Opposition); (5) Foreign Policy (Governing Precepts and Goals; Regional; Superpowers); (6) The Media. Added/revised on 06.12.1997
The Constitution of the Republic of Singapore ( Language: English. Note: PDF-file. Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
Republic of Singapore Independence Act ( Language: English. Description: "An Act to make provision for the Government of Singapore consequent on her becoming an independent and sovereign republic separate from and independent of Malaysia."
- The Singapore Government
( Language: English. Description: Introduction to the ministries and services of the Singaporean government.
- Ministry of Education, Singapore
( Language: English. Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
- Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI)
( Language: English. Description: "The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) is charged with the mission to promote strong and sustainable economic growth. It is directly responsible for the development of a competitive high value-add manufacturing sector in Singapore. It manages Singapore's trade policy with an emphasis on strengthening the global multilateral free-trade regime. It is also responsible for promoting Singapore's competitiveness as a major business hub and an attractive tourist destination. It monitors the economy and manages the Government's economic policies." The site contains the following topics: About MTI; About the Singapore Economy; About Singapore's Economic Management; About Singapore's Economic Management Since the 1960s; About Singapore's Regionalisation Strategy; About Singapore's Key Economic Data; About MTI's Press Releases, Speeches and Announcements; About MTI's Publications; Careers in MTI; Alpha Society Newsletter.
Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) ( Language: English. Description: "The Economic Development Board (EDB) has the responsibility of industrial planning, development and promotion of investments in manufacturing and services as well as upgrading local business capabilities. A statutory board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, its efforts for more than three decades have resulted in the transformation of Singapore's economic landscape from that of a trading nation to a global manufacturing and business centre for more than 3,000 international companies."
Singapore Trade Development Board (TDB) ( Language: English. Description: "TDB's mission is to develop Singapore as a premier international trading hub by promoting Singapore's goods and services overseas, pioneering entry into new markets, attracting international traders to base in Singapore and advancing the nation's external trade interests, with the purpose of increasing Singapore's prosperity through trade expansion." Table of contents: TDB Corporate Information; Singapore Business Focus; International Business Focus; Trade Information Services; What's Happening; Business Information Locator.
- Ministry of Communications
( Language: English. Description: "The Ministry of Communications is responsible for the development and promotion of Singapore as a premier communication and transport hub. It oversees the development and growth of the telecommunication and postal industries; develops and maintains Singapore as a major air hub, and an international seaport and shipping centre; and it strives to provide a world class land transport system."
- Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
( Language: English. Description: Self Description: "[...]The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) is a statutory board which was formed on 2 Feb 96, by the MPA Act (1996). The MPA was formed by merging the Marine Department, the National Maritime Board, the regulatory departments of the former Port of Singapore Authority
" Last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
- Department of Statistics
( Language: English. Added/revised on 31.07.98
- National Heritage Board
( Language: English. Description: "The National Heritage Board (NHB) which was formed on 1 August 1993 comprises the National Museum and the National Archives of Singapore and Oral History Centre. These institutions of the NHB are the keepers of our nation's history, collective memory and heritage." The site includes links to the National Archives of Singapore, the Asian Civilisations Museum, the Singapore History Museum, and the Singapore Art Museum. When I tried these links, however, connection failed.
Political Parties
People's Republic of China
- An Illustrated History of the Communist Party of China (China Internet Information Center, Beijing, China)
( Language: English. Description: This site is part of the "authorized government portal site to China," (中国网). It offers a survey to CCP history up to 1991 in 6 chapters, each with an introduction, and 30 to 48 images. In addition there is a short essay on the party in general. The images are presented as thumbnails (up to 12 on one page, all squeezed to square format) that can be opened in a new window with a short caption. Site contents: (1) Foreword; (2) The Communist Party of China (a. The Nature and Guiding Ideology; b. Guide in Action; c. Establishment and Development; d. The Basic Line at Present Stage and the Basic Stand in International Affairs; e. Organizational System; f. The Central Organizations); (3) Maturing Through Struggles (July 1921-July 1937); (4) Mainstay of the War of Resistance Against Japan (July 1937-August 1945); (5) Striving for Nationwide Victory of the Democratic Revolution (August 1945-September 1949); (6) From New Democratic Revolution to Socialism (October 1949-September 1956); (7) The Zigzag Course of Socialist Construction (September 1956-October 1976); (8) A New Era of Socialist Modernization Construction (October 1976-April 1991). Added 2 Mar 2005 (MA)
Hong Kong
- 香港民主黨 (The Democratic Party) (Hong Kong, China)
( Language: Chinese (Big5).
- 香港自由黨 (Liberal Party) (Hong Kong, China)
( Language: Choose Chinese (Big5) or English.
- 民主建港聯盟 (Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong) (Hong Kong, China)
( Language: Chinese (Big5).
- 香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會 (Zhilianhui) (Hong Kong, China)
( Language: Chinese (Big5).
The 2000 Taiwan Presidential Elections (Asian Update, Asia Society, New York, NY, USA) ( Language: English. Resource type: Study. Self description: "The [analysis is] authored by Professor Cal Clark of Auburn University, a well-know expert on Taiwan. These elections [on 18 Mar 2000], the second direct elections for President of Taiwan, mark a watershed in Taiwan's history as Lee Teng-hui exits the scene." Site contents: (1) Introduction; (2) Parties and Candidates (Political Parties in Taiwan, Candidates); (3) The Issues (Relations with China, Corruption); (4) The Candidates' Stands (Cross-Strait Relations and National Identity, From Machine Politics to Black-and-Gold Politics); (5) Conclusion; (6) Appendix 1: Electoral Support of Major Parties; (7) Appendix 2: Winners in Taiwan's Elections in the 1990s; (8) Specialists; (9) Further Reading. Note: The document contains 121KB. Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (15 Mar 2000) by Nermeen Shaikh ( Added/revised on 17 Mar 2000 (HL)
- 中國國民黨 (Kuomintang; KMT) (Taiwan)
( Language: Chinese (Big5).
- 民主進步黨 (Democratic Progressive Party; DPP) (Taiwan)
( Language: Chinese (Big5); English.
- 新黨 (New Party) (Taiwan)
( Language: Chinese (Big5).
- 親民黨 (People First Party) (Taiwan)
( Language: Chinese (Big5).
- Young People's Action Party (PAP) (Singapore)
( Language: English. Description: The youth wing of the PAP, the leading party of Singapore.
East Asia
Asia & Argentina (Gustavo Alejandro Girado, Asia & Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina) ( Language: Spanish. Supplied note: "[... A] non-commercial, open project, where you will find an important Virtual Library exclusively dedicated to the bilateral trade, political and institutional relationship between Argentina and Australasia's economies, as well as varied concepts of the reciprocal outlooks including the official, private and mixed activities of these economies in our country, among another useful information." Site contents: (1) Library (contains articles on Economy and Politics in Asian countries); (2) Official representations; (3) Chambers; (4) Events; (5) Authors (of Asia & Argentina contributions); (6) Contact; (7) Help. Note: Contains material in PDF format. Frames capable browser needed! Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (03 Jan 2001) by Gustavo Alejandro Girado, Asia & Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Added 14 Jan 2001 (HL)
- Chinese Embassy in Washington, USA
( Language: English. Site contents: Contents: (1) Embassy Information; (2) News; (3) Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's Remarks; (4) China - US Relations; (5) Visa, Passport, Notarization & Authentication; (6) Overseas Chinese Affairs; (7) For Students & Scholars; (8) Economy & Trade; (9) About China; (10) Topics; (11) Useful Links; (9) Site Search. Added: n/a (HL), last revised 2 Mar 2005 (HL).
- Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in New York
( Language: English. Description: Containing the following topics: Education Section; News Section; Visa Information.
- Foreign Embassies in Beijing, China (Asian Sources On-Line)
( Language: English. Description: A list of addresses (including phone and fax numbers) of foreign embassies located in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, and other places in Asia. No links provided!
US Embassy in the People's Republic of China ( Language: English, Chinese (GB). Description: Site contains: Political Issues; Economic Issues; Commercial Affairs; Agricultural Issues; Visa Questions; Services to American Citizens; Science and Technology. Note: Frames-capable browser needed! Added/revised on 18.08.1998 (HL)
Map of US Consulates in China (US Embassy, Beijing, China) ( Language: English, Chinese (GB). Description: A list of addresses of the US consulates in China. Added/revised on 18.08.1998 (HL)
- Royal Danish Embassy Beijing
( Language: English. Description: "This site serves information on current relations between China and Denmark. Includes Calendar of Events, Business information, etc." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Feb. 1997). Information supplied by Franz-Michael S. Mellbin Added and revised on 20. Apr. 1999 (HL)
Consulate-General of India in Shanghai ( Language: English. Description: Contains some data on Indian trade in China and Chinese trade in India as well as information on Visa etc. Note: Frames capable browser needed!
- American Institute in Taiwan Web Service (American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Taipei, Taiwan)
( Language: English, Chinese (Big5). Description: Frequently updated "Hot News"- section. The "Information on Taiwan"- section contains the most important legal documents between Taiwan and the United States. "Information on USA" links you directly to the State Department. Site contents: (1) Overview; (2) Commercial and Environmental Services; (3) Visa Services; (4) American Citizen Services; (5) Agricultural Services; (6) American Cultural Center; (7) Hours of Operation and Holidays; (8) Services in Southern Taiwan; (9) Information on Taiwan; (10) Information on USA. Added 23 Feb 2001 (CG)
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat
( Language: English. Description: Founded in 1989, APEC is an important regional vehicle for promoting open trade and practical economic cooperation. It includes all the major economies of the region, including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, the US, and others. The site contains: Introduction to APEC; Member Economies; Latest Updates on APEC (New Announcements, Press Advisory/Press Release, Calendar of APEC Activities); APEC Advisory Groups (ABAC, EPG, PBF); Publications & Related Web Sites; APEC Secretariat; Economic Leaders' Declarations; Government Procurement; Joint Statements of Ministerial Meetings; and more.
Asia-Europe Young Leaders Symposium (AEYLS) I-VII (Federal Chancellery, Republic of Austria) ( Language: English. Description: Homepage of the 2nd AEYLS meeting, held 24-29 May, 1998, in Baden, Austria. Despite its being created for the conference, this site contains extremely rich and valuable resources on the following topics: (1) Political Dialogue between Europe and Asia (Workshop 1: Globalisation versus Regionalism; Workshop 2: Democracy, Good Governance and Economic Development); (2) Economic Integration and Cooperation (Workshop 3: The Future of Work in Europe and Asia; Workshop 4: Management of Enterprises: Growing Multicultural Challenges); (3) Civil Society (Workshop 5: European and Asian Values: What Lies Behind the Debate?; Workshop 6: Urbanisation and Megacities); (4) Perspectives of Europe-Asia Relations? (Workshop 7: Cross Cultural Exchanges: Creating and Challenging Images; Workshop 8: Education and Human Resources Development for the 21st Century). Added 14 Oct 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
Asienhaus Essen (Asia House Essen) (Germany) ( Language: German; parts also available in English. Description: Self description: "The homepage is devoted to issues of Asian-European dialogue from above. Most interesting: Documents on the development of ASEM, German politics towards Asia, NGO activities for fostering people-to-people contact. A new page on the Economic Crisis in South East Asia will be added shortly." A rich webspace with well annotated resources. Added/revised on 01.03.1998 (HL)
Civic exchange = 思匯 (Civic Exchange, Hong Kong, China) ( Language: Chinese. Cited description: "Civic Exchange is an independent Hong Kong-based public policy think tank that was established in September 2000. [...] Its mission is to: (1) Promote civic education amongst members of the community and for such purpose to conduct research and publicise the results so as to provide objective and balanced information to the public concerning economic, social and environmental issues; and (2) Undertake research on development of economic, social and political policies and practices to help shape the breadth and depth of public policy debate and so to provide well-founded and reasoned argument on the issues identified above." Description: Among others, Civic Exchanges publishes books and freely accessible research papers on various political, economical, environmental and social issues in Hong Kong and China. Contents: (1) Events; (2) Publications (papers and reports on: Civic Participation and Social Development; Environment and Conservation; Integration of Economic Analysis; Interns Publications); (3) Bookstore (Civic Exchange book publications); (4) Internship Programme; (5) Volunteering; (6) Useful Links. Resource suggested by Rudolf Wagner, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany. Added 17 Dec 2006 (HL)
Comparative Policy Research Institute (CPRI) (US-Japan-China Comparative Policy Research Institute, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Supplied note: A "non-profit think tank [est. Dec 1997 by a group of Chinese scholars, researchers, scientists, managers, and engineers residing in Silicon Valley - ed.] focusing on comparative social, economical, political, and technological policy issues concerning the US-Japan-China axis. [...] CPRI issues [an annual] 'Comparative Policy Review (CPR).'" (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Aug. 1998). Information supplied by Jing Zhao, CPRI, USA. Added/revised on 18.08.1998 (HL)
- Forum Luso Asiático (Luso-Asian Forum) (Lisbon, Portugal)
( Language: Portuguese; English. Description: A private association founded in Feb. 1997, the Luso-Asian Forum organises seminars, conferences and workshops about economic, political, social, cultural and linguistic topics related to Asian nations with which Portugal has historical links, particularly China, Japan, India and Thailand. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Added/revised on 28. Feb. 1999 (HL)
Laogai Research Foundation (LRF) 勞改基金會 (The Laogai Research Foundation, Washington, DC, USA) ( Language: English. Resource type: Corporate Info./Documents. Self description: "A non-profit organization [est. in 1992 by Hongda Harry Wu] dedicated to collecting information about China's vast system of forced labor camps." Description: The site includes a search index. Site contents: (1) News (Prisons/Forced Labor; Population Control; Organ Harvesting; Dissent; Human Rights in Foreign Policy); (2) Links (Other Organizations; Documents); (3) Reports (incl. 'Feb 1998 - The International Sale of Chinese Prisoners' Organs'); (4) Pictures; (5) Testimony; (6) Publications (Bibliography of books, reports, essays and films about China's Laogai); (7) Commentary; (8) About LRF; (9) Laogai Handbook (5th edition 1998: documents more than 1,200 camps, past and present. Each listing includes the prison name, its industry name, population, what the camp may produce, and other information gathered by the LRF). Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (19 Nov 1999) by Tom Nichols ( Added/revised on 19 Nov 1999 (HL)
The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) (Seattle, WA, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Self-description: "A nonprofit, nonpartisan institution that conducts advanced research utilizing the world's premier specialists on Asia and Russia. It also serves as the international clearinghouse on expertise and important policy issues concerning the region." Site contents: NBR Analysis [abstracts and ordering information of essays on economic, political, and strategic issues in the Asia-Pacific region - H.L.]; NBR Bulletin [newsletter not updated since Apr. 1997 - H.L.]; NBR Briefing [not updated since June 1997 - H.L.]; AccessAsia NBR (an international clearinghouse of Asia-affairs experts); Publications NBR; Policy Activities; Corporate Services; AsiaLinks (300+ unannotated links to institutes and centers worldwide conducting policy-relevant research on Asia); AsiaNews [a collection of partially annotated links to online news media with special focus on Asia - H.L.]. (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Feb. 1998) Added/revised on 03.05.1998 (HL)
The Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD) (Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Self description: "The Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC), a state-wide policy research institute of the University of California, is now planning the eighth in a series of high-level, track two consultations between China, Japan, North and South Korea, Russia, and the United States. Known as the Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD), this forum involves government officials acting in a private capacity as well as non-governmental academics in the assessment of the region's security issues. This eighth round of discussions which continue to reduce mistrust within the North Pacific region and to avert conflicts through confidence and security building measures, is planned for September, 1998 in Moscow." Information supplied by Jennifer Pournelle, University of California San Diego, USA. Added 18 Aug 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).
Swiss Asia Foundation (SAF) (SAF, Zurich, Switzerland) ( Language: English. Description: Self-description: "The aims of the Swiss Asia Foundation are built around its five key objectives: (1) To provide knowledge, experience and networks in respect to Asia for young Swiss professionals to prepare the next generation of leaders; (2) To assist in attracting to Switzerland young Asian professional elites for education, research and relationship building; (3) To create a community among the Foundation's members for timely and incisive information on and interpretation of developments in Asian economic, social and political affairs; (4) To provide in Switzerland the ideal setting for meetings among Asian, European and American officials, executives, academics and other opinion leaders to discuss key issues of common concern; (5) To channel through the Foundation the means for Switzerland to contribute through multilateral policy forums to sustained peace and prosperity in Asia. The Swiss Asia Foundation is a registered public corporate body with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, and has been founded in October 1995 by representatives of Swiss business, government and academic circles." Site contents: Aims, Activities, Team, Network, News, Publications, Sponsors, Contact us. T.M. Ciolek: "A site with large volumes of online information (reports, research papers, newsletters) and catalogs of links to Asia-related corporate sites world-wide." Added/revised on 10.12.1997
- UN in China (United Nations Development Programme China)
( Language: English; Chinese (GB). Self description: "For all those who wish to learn more about the work of the UN and more specifically in China, information is provided on this website. Direct links to the websites of many UN organizations around the world have also been included to allow easy browsing." Description: The site also provides direct access to some Chinese websites, which are of particular relevance to the work of the UN organizations in China. Note: Adobe acrobate reader for some documents needed! Resource suggested by Asian Studies Newsletter, 45.2, spring 2000. Added 06 Sep 2000 (HL)
Official Document System of the United Nations (United Nations (Secretary Office: New York, NY, USA)) ( Language: English, Chinese (UTF-8, Simplified), Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish. Self description: "ODS covers all types of official United Nations documentation, beginning in 1993. Older UN documents are, however, added to the system on a daily basis. ODS also provides access to the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards. The system does not contain press releases, UN sales publications, the United Nations Treaty Series or information brochures issued by the Department of Public Information." Description: This database used to be available only by subscription but was now made accessbile for free. Currently (Jan 2005) the database contains about 800,000 documents, some 100,000 will be added every year. Almost all documents are available in each of the UN's six official languages. The database features a simple and a very useful advanced search. Resource suggested by Grace-Ellen McCrann, The City College of New York, NY, USA (via Diglib mailinglist, 19 Jan 2005). Added 20 Jan 2005 (HL)
U.S.-China Commission (USCC) (U.S.-China Commission, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.) ( Language: English. Self description: "The Commission was created on October 30, 2000 by the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for 2001 [... to study, investigate, assess and report to Congress on the economic and security implications of the bilateral economic relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China." Site contents: (1) USCC Charter; (2) Hearing Schedule; (3) Written Testimony; (4) Press Releases; (5) Hearing Transcripts; (6) Members; (7) Research Papers; (8) Other Research and Translations (Security issues; Economic issues; PRC views of the U.S.; Domestic governance). Resource suggested by Rudolf G. Wagner, University of Heidelberg, Germany. Added 31 May 2002 (HL)
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