East Asia
- Ethnologue. Languages of the World
(http://www.sil.org/ethnologue/). The site gives detailed information on all the languages and dialects spoken in - among other countries - the PR China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore. Included are basic demographic data on the different minorities in these countries. The site is the internet version of the following book: Barbara F. Grimes (ed.): Ethnologue. Languages of the world. Dallas/Texas: Summer Institute of Linguistics 1996 (13th edition).
Social Crisis in East Asia (The World Bank Group, USA) (http://www.worldbank.org/poverty/eacrisis/index.htm). Language: English. Self description: "The current financial crisis in East Asia is contributing to a very real and serious social crisis for the people of the region. This social crisis is having immediate effects on levels of income, health, and overall social well-being. The potential long-term consequences are even more troubling, as funding for essential services declines, as unemployment and inflation worsen, and as social conflicts emerge across the region. This web site provides resources and tools to support people and organizations working to address the social crisis. This site also covers the World Bank's efforts to address the crisis." Site contents: (1) Social Crisis (Meetings, Partners, Library, Newsletter and Discussion List, World Bank Strategy, World Bank Response, Sector Overviews, Social Indicators, Country Index, World Bank News, Web Resources, About This Web Site); (2) Resources (Data, Newsletter, Library, Web Guide) Note: Online papers are in PDF format. Resource suggested by Chris Wolz (socialcrisis@forumone.com). Added/revised on 26. Mar. 1999 (HL)
Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context (ISSN 1440-9151) (School of Asian Studies, Murdoch University, Perth, WA, Australia) (http://wwwsshe.murdoch.edu.au/intersections/default.htm). Language: English. Description: Self description: "Intersections is a refereed electronic journal conceived as an interactive forum for new research and teaching in the area of Gender Studies in the Asia-Pacific region." All articles are available fulltext. Information supplied by Asian Studies WWW Monitor 9/98 and Ian J. Henderson (ianhn@wantree.com.au). Added 16 Sep 1998, last revised 28 Sep 2000 (HL)
- East Asian Genders and Sexualities (Paul Halsall, Fordham University, New York, NY, USA)
(http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/eastasia/eastasiasbook.html#East Asian Genders and Sexualities). Language: English. Description: Part of the Internet East Asian History Sourcebook by New York historian Paul Halsall, this page offers material about women in China and Japan and about Homosexuality. Added/revised on 14.02.1999 (HL)
- Asian Studies Development Program (ASDP): Syllabus and Bibliography Collection Online
(http://lama.kcc.hawaii.edu/asdp/). Resources on Asia for college courses, provided by the Kapiolane Community College, the East-West Center and the Univ. of Hawaii. "This full-text database of Asian studies instructional materials contains course syllabi, bibliographies, and other documents collected by ASDP in the course of its five years of faculty development institutes and workshops. These materials are the core of the database, but other Asianists and instructors of courses dealing with Asian topics are also invited to submit materials to be considered for inclusion in the Collection." This database contains material on the following topics: Accounting; Anthropology; Art; Asia/Comparative; Asian Studies; Bibliographies; Business Administration; Communications; East Asia; Economics; Education; Film; History; International Studies; Literature; Medicine; Miscellaneous; Philosophy; Political Science; Psychology; Religion; Sociology; Social Work; Telecommunications; Theater & Dance; Women's Studies.
 Ask Asia (The Asia Society, New York, USA) (http://www.askasia.org/). Language: English. Description: This web site is an on-line database of educational material for elementary, middle and high-school level regarding cultural and intercultural knowledge about the Asian region. The Asia Society (est. 1956), which is providing this site, aims at fostering the understanding and communication between Americans and the peoples of Asia and the Pacific.
- Hakka Chinese Homepage
(http://www.asiawind.com/pub/hakka/). "Inspired by the Hakka Global Network, this Hakka Homepage is intended to give an overview of Hakka culture for Hakka and non-Hakka people. The discussion of Hakka Chinese culture is a root-searching process for the understanding and preservation of this unique culture. In no way does this webpage try to present Hakka culture as a superior culture nor construe any bias or prejudice against other minorities in China." This site contains a wealth of information on this Chinese ethnic group.
Chopstix (Ian Fenn, London, UK) (http://www.chopstix.co.uk/). Language: Chinese. Description: This site on Chinese food and it's culture not only gives you the recipes of a large number of dishes but also includes detailed information on ingredients of Chinese cooking (description, shopping tips, storage, etc.), background information and essays on recipes, ingredients, and Chinese food in general, and a message board if you are looking for some speciality. Added 30 Oct 2000 (HL)
- Databank for China Studies (DCS) (Universities Service Centre, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
(http://www.usc.cuhk.edu.hk/databank.asp). Language: English. Description: Established in 1995, the DCS collects computerised social science data for the People's Republic of China. Currently (March 1999) some 20 datasets covering statistical data up to 1995 are available. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Access to the data only after application and paying of a fee or providing own datasets to the DCS database. Added 31 Mar 1999 (HL), last revised 19 Mar 2003 (JH).
- China in Brief
(http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/37208.htm). Description: This site offers the official view on the following topics: (1) History; (2) Land and Resources; (3) Administrative Divisions and Cities; (4) Population and Ethnic Groups; (5) Political System and State Structure; (6) Political Parties and Mass Organizations; (7) China and the World; (8) National Economic Development; (9) Agriculture; (10) Industry; (11) Transportation and Tourism; (12) Astronautics Industry and New and High Technology Industry; (13) Finance and Insurance; (14) Opening to the Outside World; (15) People's Lvelihood; (16) Environmental Protection; (17) Education; (18) Science and Technology; (19) Culture; (20) Physical Culture and Sports; (21) Appendixes. Last revised 19 Mar 2003 (JH).
- China Army Area Handbook University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA)
(gopher://gopher.umsl.edu:70/11/library/govdocs/armyahbs/aahb9). Language: English. Description: An excellent source on the PR China! Table of contents: Chronology Of Chinese Dynasties; Economic Indicators, Selected Years 1952-86; Country Profile; Historical Setting; Physical Environment And Population; The Social System; Education And Culture; Economic Context; Agriculture; Party And Government; Trade And Transportation; Science And Technology; Party And Government; The Political Process; Foreign Relations; Criminal Justice And Public Security; National Defense. There is also a more convenient WWW version at the University of Maryland.
 History of the Educational System of China (http://www.math.ksu.edu/~dbski/publication/history.html). Language: English. Description: A paper (1996) by David B. Surowski (Professor at Kansas State University, Department of Mathematics), devided into the following sections: Pre-1840 (Imperial Education); 1840-1949 (Opium War - P.R.C.); 1949-1966 (P.R.C. - Cultural Revolution); 1966-1976 (Cultural Revolution); 1976-present (Post-Mao Reforms). Last revised 19 Mar 2003 (JH).
Transnational Contemporary Chinese Culture Resources (Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA) (http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~tnchina/). Language: English. Description: Supplied note: "The Transnational China Project seeks to expand the study of the influence of the transnational circulation of people, technologies, commodities and ideas in Chinese societies by sponsoring original commentary and analysis, developing curriculum materials and fostering networks of scholars. This unique web-based project is sponsored by the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy and the faculty of Rice University in Houston, Texas, USA." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Sept. 1998). Information supplied by Steven W. Lewis, Ph.D. (swlewis@rice.edu). Added/revised on 25.09.1998 (HL)
- 中國婦女網 (China Women Net) (中華全國婦女聯合會 (All China Women's Fed.), Beijing, China)
(http://www.women.org.cn). Language: Chinese (GB). Site contents: (1) 首頁 Home (新聞動態 News; 維權 Our Rights; 發布欄 Bulletin Board; 學習與思考 Study and Think; 女性人物 Women Personalities; etc.); (2) 全國婦聯 All China Women's Federation; (3) 文獻資料 Archive (工作簡報 Work Reports; 有關法律法規 Related Laws and Regulations; 党和國家領導講話 Speeches of the Party and the Nation's Leaders; etc.); (4) 光輝歷程 Chronicle; (5) 經典活動 Activities; etc. Added 26 Apr 2001 (HL)
Unbreakable spirits - Women breaking down barriers in China (Artistic Circles and Public Radio International, Minneapolis, MN, USA (release); Asia Source, Asia Society, New York, USA (access)) (http://www.asiasource.org/arts/unbreaksprts/unbreakable.cfm). Language: English. Self description: "AsiaSource is featuring audio excerpts from Unbreakable Spirits, a 12-part, half hour radio series released by Artistic Circles and Public Radio International (PRI). The series takes listeners to the heart and soul of China's emerging women musical and performance artists from Beijing, Liaoning Province, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Through interviews and music, meet the first all-female rock band, the first woman conductor, and a female Buddhist monk. Thou! gh years of research and travel, Ann Feldman, Executive Director of Artistic Circles, produced Unbreakable Spirits as an overview of Chinese women's cultural creativity in classical, traditional and contemporary music, in religious practice and cultural ceremony." Site contents: (1) A Daughter's View; (2) COBRA - China Rocks!; (3) Female Buddhist Monk; (4) Tang Dynasty Today; (5) Anti-Japanese Protest Songs; (6) The Making of Unbreakable Spirits; (7) Bio of the producer of Unbreakable Spirits. Note: Real Player needed (free download from Web site). Added 10 Jun 2004 (HL)
The Rev. Claude L. Pickens, Jr. Collection on Muslims in China (The Harvard College Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, US) (http://hcl.harvard.edu/libraries/harvard-yenching/collections/pickens/). Language: English. Supplied note: "[The site] is the culmination of a two-year project to catalog and digitize some 1000 photos of China's Muslim population in western China in the 1920s and 1930s and the activities of Christian missionaries working among them. Much of what appears in the photographs has been reported to have been lost or destroyed. The related finding aid to printed material in the collection points to an extensive collection of materials related to Islam in general and Islam in China in particular. We hope that in another year or so to be able to digitize some of the more obscure print materials to make them viewable on-line through a page-turner system. When we created the finding aid, the system could not accept Chinese or Arabic script, so the records appear in romanization only. Some of the printed materials (particularly, posters) also appear in the image catalog (VIA) [...]." [RL] Contents: (1) Biographical Note; (2) Islam in China: A Selected Bibliography of English-Language Publications; (3) Finding Aid to the Collection; (4) View the Photographs in the VIA Catalog. Resource suggested via the AS WWW Monitor, May 2006, Vol. 13, No. 6 (249) by Raymond Lum, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA). Added 27 May 2006 (HL)
Selections from the Naxi Manuscript Collection (Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA) (http://international.loc.gov/intldl/naxihtml/naxihome.html). Language: English. Self description: "Selections from the Naxi Manuscript Collection features ceremonial writings of the Naxi people of Yunnan Province, China. The Library of Congress's Naxi collection is the largest outside of China [containing 3,342 manuscripts - HL] and is considered one of the finest in the world. The Naxi use a unique pictographic writing system that is similar to the ancient Egyptian and Mayan writing systems. It is the only living pictographic language in the world today. This online presentation features 185 manuscripts, a 39?-foot funerary scroll and an annotated catalog of the entire collection." Description: The items carry bibliographic description and are presented as thumbnail, low resolution JPEG, high resolution JPEG and high quality TIFF. Information about how to view the TIFF files on various platforms is available. Site contents: (1) Search by keyword; (2) Browse by titles; (3) Browse by subjects; (4) Annotated Catalog of Naxi Pictographic Manuscripts; (5) Joseph Rock [1884-1962, an Austrian-born naturalized American explorer who acquired most of the manuscripts during the 1920ies and 30ies]; (6) Quentin Roosevelt II [contributed another large part of the collection]; (7) About the collection; (8) Selected bibliography; (9) How to view; (10) Building the digital collection; (11) Copyright and other restrictions; (12) Acknowledgements. Archived version: As of 06 Jun 2004, this site was not (yet) available at the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies or the Internet Archive. Resource suggested by Laura Gottesman through (DIGLIB mailinglist). Added 06 Jun 2004 (HL)
- See also the East Asia section above.
Hong Kong
Civic exchange = 思匯 (Civic Exchange, Hong Kong, China) (http://www.civic-exchange.org/). Language: Chinese. Cited description: "Civic Exchange is an independent Hong Kong-based public policy think tank that was established in September 2000. [...] Its mission is to: (1) Promote civic education amongst members of the community and for such purpose to conduct research and publicise the results so as to provide objective and balanced information to the public concerning economic, social and environmental issues; and (2) Undertake research on development of economic, social and political policies and practices to help shape the breadth and depth of public policy debate and so to provide well-founded and reasoned argument on the issues identified above." Description: Among others, Civic Exchanges publishes books and freely accessible research papers on various political, economical, environmental and social issues in Hong Kong and China. Contents: (1) Events; (2) Publications (papers and reports on: Civic Participation and Social Development; Environment and Conservation; Integration of Economic Analysis; Interns Publications); (3) Bookstore (Civic Exchange book publications); (4) Internship Programme; (5) Volunteering; (6) Useful Links. Resource suggested by Rudolf Wagner, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany. Added 17 Dec 2006 (HL)
- Youth Research Centre - Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
(http://www.otter.com.hk/hkfyg/). "Leading youth research centre in Hong Kong. Specialized in youth studies and opinion polls. Topics include: Juvenile Gangs; School Dropouts; Youth Crime; Teenage Pregnancy; Internet; Juvenile Justice; Youth Attitudes; Values; Behaviors; and many more."
- Gender Research Centre (GRC) (The Gender Research Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
(http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/hkiaps/grc/). Language: English. Cited description: "The Gender Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong is the first research unit on gender and women's issues in Hong Kong. Members include scholars from Social Science, Humanities, Medicine, Business Administration, and other interdisciplinary fields. [...] In 1990 [...] The Gender Research Programme (GRP) became one of the strategic research programmes affiliated with the HKIAPS. In addition to research projects, international conferences, bibliographies and databases, GRP's activities were expanded to include the hosting of community-based annual workshops, publication of a newsletter, consultancy research, and public advocacy. It also helped to launch the Gender Studies Programme at CUHK, the first academic curriculum offering a postgraduate M. Phil. Degree and an undergraduate Minor degree in Hong Kong. In July 2000, the GRP became the Gender Research Centre (GRC) under HKIAPS. Since 1985, both local and global concern for gender issues has become more prominent. The activities of the GRC have also become more diverse, and its impact extends beyond the academic field. It has direct influence on local and regional policies related to gender concerns. It has built up an international network of academics, practitioners, non-governmental organizations, and inter-governmental bodies that could be consolidated into a knowledge hub." Contents: (1) Overview; (2) Activities (Research, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars & Lectures, Publications, Training, Consultancy, Community Liaison & Advocacy); (3) Links; (4) What's New; (5) Enquiries; (7) Contact; (8) Newsletter. Added 10 Nov 2007 (AT)
- See also the East Asia section above.
Tibet Information Network (TIN) (Tibet Information Network, London, UK) (http://www.tibetinfo.net/). Language: English, with parts also available in Tibetan and Chinese. Supplied note: "Those of you who speak/read Tibetan and/or Chinese, might like to know that Tibet Information Network (TIN) has for some time been providing summaries of selected TIN News Updates on our website, [see the
URL below], translated into both Tibetan and Chinese. No special software is needed to read this material. [...] The most recent material to appear has been translations into Tibetan and Chinese of sections of our latest research publication 'China's Great Leap West." Self description: "TIN is not a campaigning organisation: its newsgathering balances official statements from Beijing, Lhasa and Dharamsala with reliable first-hand testimony from Tibetans themselves." Site contents: (1) Reports from Tibet [incl. annotated photographs - ed.] (Culture, Economy, Education, Environment, Outside Tibet, Patriotic Education, Policies and Leaders, Prisoners and Protest, Religion, Tourism, Women); (2) News updates [35-40 a year, with online editions since Jan 1997, also available for free via email - ed.]; (3) TIN publications [incl. 37 TIN background Briefing Papers published since 1988 - ed.]; (4) About TIN/Contact; (5) Tibet File (Selected books on Tibet, Travel to Tibet, Chronology, Glossaries, Population statistics (for Tibetan counties in the Tibet Autonomous Region and the neighboring provinces of Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan); Tibetan counties & prefectures [their lists, maps]; Images from Tibet); (6) Search; (7) Links (Aid and Development Agencies, Media Sites, China Related Sites, Images and Film, Tibet Related Sites, Books, Human Rights, Travel & maps, Libraries and Academic Sites). Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (24 Jan 2001) by Richard Oppenheimer , Tibet Information Network, London, UK. Added 28 Jan 2001 (HL)
The next Generation - The state of education in Tibet today (Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), Dharamsala, India) (http://www.tibet.com/Humanrights/EduToday/intro.html). Language: English. Description: A 1997 report by the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, provided by the Government of Tibet in Exile. Content: (0) Introduction; (1) International laws related to education; (2) General background to the state of education in Tibet; (3) Violations concerning access to education; (4) Violations concerning form of education; (5) Violations concerning the content of education; (6) Other violations; (7) Conclusion; (8) Recommendations; Bibliography, Appendices.
Tongzhi, Queers, Gays and Lesbians in Taiwan (Jens Damm, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) (http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~jensdamm/). Language: English, parts also available in German and Chinese (Big5). Description: This site contains some of the material Jens Damm has prepared for his dissertation about the image of homosexuality in the society of Taiwan: (1) "Life and Death of Love" - AIDS in Taiwanese Literature; (2) The "Tongzhi" Discourse in Taiwan; (3) Tongzhi conference in Hongkong; (4) History of Gays and Lesbians in Taiwan (available in English and German, with and without Chinese characters in Big5); (5) List of related literature; (6) Aids; (7) German early homosexualhistory - connected to China and Asia; (8) Links to related pages. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Added/revised on 17.02.1999 (HL)
- See the East Asia section above.
- Macau e outras coisas
(http://faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU/~iew5c/). Language: English. Description: A site devoted to the culture and society of Macau.
- See also the East Asia section above.
Singapore - The Society and Its Environment (Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, USA) (http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/sgtoc.html#sg0037). Language: English. Description: Edited by Barbara Leitch Lepoer in Dec. 1987, this site is part of the the Library of Congress Country Studies: Singapore. The survey includes the following subchapters: (1) Physical Setting; (2) Population (Population, Vital Statistics, and Migration; Population Control Policies; Population Distribution and Housing Policies); (3) Ethnic and Linguistic Groups (Ethnic Categories; The Chinese; The Malays; The Indians; Singaporean Identity; Language Planning); (4) The Social System (Ethnicity and Associations; Social Stratification and Mobility; Family, Marriage, and Divorce); (5) Religion (Temples and Festivals; Religion and Ethnicity; Religious Change); (6) Health and Welfare (Medical Services and Public Health; Mortality and Morbidity; AIDS Policy); (7) Education (The School System; Education and Singaporean Identity). Added/revised on 06.12.1997
 A Context to Take for Granted? Literary Negotiations of Eurasian Identity (http://web.archive.org/web/20011211125631/members.ozemail.com.au/~rbarth/christao/index.html). Language: English. Description: This 1995 B.A.thesis (Murdoch Univ., Australia) by Jeremy Ian Barth "examines how the ethno-cultural 'identity' of Eurasians from Singapore is 'negotiated' amongst the numerous discourses, dominant and subversive, at work in contemporary society. [...] Issues of identity, culture, ethnicity, race, home, diaspora, and 'belonging' are explored in this context, with reference to Singapore society in general, and with specific reference to two novels, Lloyd Fernando's Scorpion Orchid, and Simone Lazaroo's The World Waiting to be Made." Last revised 19 Mar 2003 (JH).
- Multiculturalism
(http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~chongkee/sp/multiculture.html). The fulltext records of a panel discussion on Race Relations and Multiculturalism in Singapore. No date and location of the discussion is given, but you find a list of the participants.
 Women's Charter of Singapore (http://www.gov.sg/agc/agcciss/acts/c353/c353.htm). Language: English. Description: "An Act to provide for monogamous marriages and for the solemnization and registration of such marriages; to amend and consolidate the law relating to divorce, the rights and duties of married persons, the maintenance of wives and children and the punishment of offences against women and girls; and to provide for matters incidental thereto."
- Sintercom - Singapore Internet Community (Stanford University, USA)
- See also the East Asia section above.
Overseas Chinese
Chinese Cultures Abroad Directory (Vincent Kelly Pollard, Asian Studies Program, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA) (http://www2.hawaii.edu/~pollard/chculture.html). Language: English. Self description: "[This directory] lists seventy (70) websites [as of March 2004 - HL] and other dedicated web pages in French, Bahasa, Japanese, Tagalog, English, Spanish and Chinese. Each website is listed, hotlinked, documented for sponsor or creator, and with content annotations and evaluations. These websites describe, evaluate and even initiate diverse experiences of the Chinese diaspora. They are the transnational Chinese whose ancestors or who themselves migrated across the planet. [...] The Chinese Cultures Abroad Directory documents the Web presence of recent and longstanding Chinese immigrant communities in Southeast Asia, the Pacific, the Americas, Europe, Africa and elsewhere." Description: This excellently annotated directory was launched in December 2003 and forms an official sub-section of the China WWW Virtual Library and the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library. Site contents: (1) Chinese diaspora - 70 Annotated websites: Hyperlinks, descriptions, assessments [Transregional, 2 or more regions; Asia Pacific region, 1 or more country in each region; South East Asia; Japan, Zainichi Chugokujin; Australia, New Zealand; Other Pacific Islands, including Hawai'i; Canada; United States, but not Hawai'i; West Indies, Central America, South America; Europe as a whole, post-Soviet Union states; France; Africa, South/South West Asia]; (2) Course syllabi: Overseas Chinese; (3) Focus [of this directory]; (4) Histories Overseas Chinese (The Philippines; Elsewhere in South East Asia; Malaya/Malaysia; Indonesia; The United States); (5) Definitions, criteria; (6) Intended audiences; (7) Editor. Resource suggested by Vincent Kelly Pollard, Asian Studies Program, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, USA. Added 03 Apr 2004 (HL)
Chinese overseas databank (The Committee on Chinese Overseas Databank, (Chairman: Ng Yew Kang), Singapore) (http://www.huayinet.org/). Language: English; Chinese (GB). Self description: "Through the HuayiNet World Wide Web site, the inter-agency Committee on the Chinese Overseas Databank, Singapore, aims to: Promote wider international access to, and exchange of, information on the Chinese diaspora. Become a resource portal for scholars, researchers, and others interested in activities of the Chinese diaspora. Encourage greater co-ordination and partnership among Singapore-based libraries, research centres and community organizations, and among similar bodies in other parts of the world to promote information sharing on the Chinese diaspora. Promote awareness and appreciation of the cultural heritage of the ethnic Chinese through the preservation and collection of rare documents and related information." Description: "A new resource from ten Singapore organizations involved in the collecting, preservation, interpretation, and sharing of information on the Chinese outside China. Institutions include the Singapore Federation of Clan Associations, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, and the Chinese Heritage Center. [...]" (Asian Studies Newsletter, 45.2, spring 2000) Site contents: (1) About us (history; mission; committee; launch); (2) Resources (libraries; institutions; associations; guilds; lobby groups; projects; museums; cultural; newspapers); (3) Survey (results of a survey [...] to determine Chinese Overseas information resources among Singapore institutions); (4) Bulletin Board (with notes on new books, conferences, exhibitions, etc.); et al. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Added on 19 Aug 2000 (HL)
Huaren (World Wide Huaren Peace Mission) (http://www.huaren.org/). Language: English. Description: Self descriptrion: "We are a group of individuals who are scattered throughout the world with one goal in common: a passion to promote kinship and understanding among all Overseas Chinese. [...] Our primary focus is on the welfare of Overseas Chinese: their struggles to gain recognition, to receive fair treatments, to overcome harmful stereotypes, and to experience self-respect and self-worth. Although our vision is global, the situations in South East Asia warrant special concerns at present because: (1) It is there where the majority of the Chinese Diaspora reside; and (2) The resentment and discrimination by local governments and people groups are often the most vicious." Site contents: What's New (news from international newspapers related to Overseas Chinese); About Us; Our Mission; Our Heritage (links to websites on Chinese History, Culture and Philosophy, Arts and Sciences); The Diaspora (on Chinese migration history, incl. articles that describe their social experience in various countries around the globe); Contributions & Achievements (links to informative pages on well known Overseas Chinese); Current Focus (special reports and information on current affairs); Bulletin Board; How To Help; Events Calendar; Link To Us; Mailing list. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Information supplied by Lungfa KU, Canada. Added/revised on 10.05.1998 (HL)
- Chinese Alliance 中國人大聯盟 (Chinese Alliance 中國人大聯盟, Hong Kong)
(http://members.tripod.com/~ChineseAlliance/). Language: English, Chinese (Big5). Supplied note: "We provide updated information about and for Chinese people around the world." Description: Site contents: New Focus 新焦點 (newspaper headlines); Chinese Voices 中國人聲音 (interviews with Chinese dissidents); History & Culture 歷史文化; Message Board 留言板; Chatroom 聊天室; Photo Gallery 親親照片廊; Other Chinese Links 其他中文網址; Email 電郵. Note: Frames or shockwave capable browser needed! Resource suggested by Steve (tennischi5@hongkong.com), Hong Kong. Added/revised on 14 Jul 1999 (HL)
Southeast Asia in the Ming Shi-lu: an open access resource (Geoff Wade, Asia Research Institute and the Singapore E-Press, National University of Singapore, Singapore) (http://www.epress.nus.edu.sg/msl/). Language: English. Self description: "The Ming Shi-lu (明實錄) (also known as the Veritable Records of the Ming Dynasty) is a collective name for the successive reign annals of the emperors of Ming China (1368-1644). [...] Among the unique materials contained within the Ming Shi-lu (MSL) are a wide range of references to polities and societies which today we consider to be parts of 'Southeast Asia'. Given the annalistic nature of the MSL and the difficulties of searching such a huge corpus, many of these have long remained unknown. This work identifies all of the references to Southeast Asia contained within the MSL and provides them to readers in English-language translation. In addition to the more obvious Southeast Asian polities of maritime and mainland Southeast Asia, this database also includes references to the many Yunnan Tai polities which have subsequently been incorporated within the Chinese state. The fact that many of these references predate European sources on Southeast Asia underlines their importance to historians of the region. The collection can be browsed chronologically by Western date or by reign date, or searched by specific terms. To assist in searches, an index of personal and place names, with their Chinese equivalents appended, is provided separately." Site contents: (1) About this source; (2) Browse by year; (3) Browse by reign; (4) Search for place names; (5) Seafch for personal names; (6) Comments page; (7) Newsletter signup page. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (15 Apr 2005) by Geoff Wade, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Added 31 May 2005 (HL)
Separate lives, broken dreams: Saga of Chinese Immigration (National Asian American Telecommunications Association & Jennie Lew, San Francisco, CA, USA) (http://www.naatanet.org/separatelivesbrokendreams/). Language: English. Self description: "The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was a turning point in American history. It is, however, one which seldom receives anything more than a passing reference in most history books. The Act barred all Chinese from U.S. citizenship by naturalization, and specifically excluded Chinese laborers and their families from entering the United States. Immigration, based on race and class, was now an official part of American public policy. It opened the door to subsequent racially biased restrictions and outright exclusion of other immigrant groups. SEPARATE LIVES, BROKEN DREAMS explores the deep and broad impact that Chinese Exclusion had on individual lives, families, and entire communities in America and China. As fears regarding America's economy and security ebb and flow through our national consciousness, public sentiment and politicians focus once again on new and existing immigrants. One hundred twenty years after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act, America continues to grapple with both its image and the stark reality of all that is encompassed by its descriptor, 'the land of immigrants.'" Description: Stunning pieces of information and well documented archival material. A must for research on Overseas Chinese in the US! Site contents: (1) Program information (information on 1993 TV broadcast in the US: Synopsis; Crew bios; Charles Wong's letter; Judge Brazil's speech; Statue of Liberty document); (2) Immigration documents (Individualcase files, incl. Sun Yatsen; NARA government documents; Researching at NARA); (3) Exculsion (Anti-Chinese cartoons; MOCA - Chinese exclusion literature; Bigler & Asing); (4) Glossary of terms; (5) Resources. Resource suggested by Deike Zimmann, Hamburg, Germany. Added 04 Jun 2003 (HL)
- Asian American Resources (Asia Society, USA)
(http://www.asiasociety.org/links/aalinks.html). Language: English. Supplied note: "We've recently relaunched this section dedicated to online resources of interest to Asian Americans. Links are generously annotated and searchable; visitors may also submit additional resources for inclusion. Our linkbank is also an official Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library Associate site." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Dec. 15, 1998). Information suggested by Hylton Jolliffe (hyltonj@asiasoc.org). Added/revised on 29.12.1998 (HL)
- Filipino-Chinese Kaisa Para Sa Kaunlaran
(http://www.philonline.com.ph/~kaisa). A non-profit, non-governmental organization (est. 1987) which promotes Filipino-Chinese friendship and integration of Chinese community into mainstream of Philippine society. The site provides a number of research materials.
- History of the Chinese in British Guiana 1853-1900 (Trev Sue-A-Quan, Vancouver, Canada)
(http://members.tripod.com/~CGRoots/). Language: English. Supplied note: "A book has just been published about the original group of Chinese who immigrated between 1853 and 1879 to work as indentured labourers on the sugar plantations of Guyana (then British Guiana), replacing the freed slaves of African origin. Entitled 'Cane Reapers' the book [by Trev Sue-A-Quan, publ.date not supplied, 384 pages incl. 36 pages of maps, illustrations and photographs. ISBN 0-9680447-5-1 - ed.] describes the reasons for and the methods used in procuring Chinese labourers as well as the experiences encountered on the ocean journey and on the new land." Site contents: Research (History, Contract, Voyage, Passengers, Distribution); Rooting (Rooting, Reach Out, FAQ); Reading (Cane Reapers, Reviews, Author). Note: Frames capable browser needed! Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (23 Jul 1998) by Trev Sue-A-Quan (trevsaq@sprint.ca). Added/revised on 26 Jul 1999 (HL)
The Banana Schtick: Studying Asian Australia (ed./corp. n/a) (http://student.uq.edu.au/~s106955/banana.html). Language: English. Description: Self description: "This site provides information about Asian Australian writers, their texts, and the researchers who are working on them." Site contents: (1) Events; (2) Critics working on Asian Australian material; (3) Asian Australian authors & their work; (4) Listing of Other References for multicultural literary theory, and Asian/Australian issues; (5) Some Asian/Australian Web Sites. Added/revised on 30.10.1998 (HL)
- University of California (Los Angeles), Asian American Studies Center
(http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/aasc/). Language: English. Description: The center's activities are focussed on Asians in America, including, their history, social organization, and culture. Index contains the following topics: Teaching; Research; Community; Publications; Readingroom; Resources; Crosscurrents; Calendar.
- Asian/American Center (Queens College, CUNY, USA)
(http://www.qc.edu/Asian_American_Center/). Language: English. Description: 'The Center was founded in Sep 1987, and is dedicated to the development of community-oriented research to analyze the multicultural diaspora experience of Asians in the North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Feb. 1997). Contents: Asian American Center Newsletter; Research Resources (Library; Films & Videos; Papers & Other Articles); Special Courses; Books/Exhibitions; Translation Program; Programs & Conferences; Publications & RE-Series."
- Chinese Historical Society of Southern California
(http://www.chssc.org/). Language: English. Description: "The Chinese Historical Society of Southern California was founded in 1975 to discover and recognize our pioneers and their history. We aim to increase awareness of Chinese American heritage through public programs, education and research."
- Mai Wah Society, Montana (Mai Wah Society, Butte, MT, USA)
(http://www.maiwah.org/). Language: English. Self description: "The Mai Wah Society, Inc. is organized as a [...] not-for-profit organization for educational, charitable, and scientific purposes, including research and public education about the history, culture, and conditions of Asian people in the Rocky Mountain West." Resource suggested by George Everett (geverett@montana.com). Added 26 Mar 1999 (HL), last revised 3 Apr 2004 (HL)
- See also the East Asia section above.
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