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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "peasants "

     1  peasants - china - political activity - history
     2  peasants and
     1  peasants and elites in the last of the agrarian states
     1  peasants and the making of history in haifeng county, 1570-1
     1  peasants and workers - peoples republic of china
     1  peasants find
     1  peasants in literature
     1  peasants into
     1  peasants opt
     1  peasants put their study to work
     1  peasants take
     1  peasants take law into their own hands
     1  peasants without
     1  peasants without the party
     4  peasants'
     1  peasants' advocate
     1  peasants' plight
     2  peasants' rights
     1  peasants' theatre
     1  peasants' theatre experiment in ding xian county 1932-37)
     3  peasants,
     1  peasants, intellectuals, and the state. stories and historie
     1  peasants, technology, and the world market
     2  peasent
     1  peasent uprising - china
     1  peasent uprising - china - hu-pei sheng
     1  peasent uprising - china - shaan-hsi sheng
     1  peasent uprising - china - szechwan province
     1  peasentry
     1  peasentry - china

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 20 January 2010
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