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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "physics, astronomy and astrophysics "

     1  physics, astronomy and astrophysics
     1  physiker
     1  physikolympiade
     9  physiognomy
     7  physiognomy - china
     1  physiognomy - psychology - japan
     6  physiognomy,
     6  physiognomy, chinese
     2  physiological
     1  physiologie
     1  physiologie taoiste
     4  physiology
     1  physiology of
     1  physiology of rhythm, rhythm of spoken chinese
     1  physiotherapie
     1  physique,
     1  physorg071024.htm
     1  phytotherapie
   181  pi
     5  pi an
     1  pi bu
     5  pi ch'eng
     1  pi ch'iu
     1  pi ch'ou
     1  pi ch'uan
     1  pi ch'ue
     4  pi ch'un chiang
   106  pi chi
     1  pi chia
     3  pi chiang

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 20 January 2010
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