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You searched Index 1: Personal Names for "21 yueeh-tui = the 21 "

     4  21 yueeh-tui = the 21
     4  33 tao
     2  3mycookie
     4  3rd nova
     8  5760 pu-tui hsuean-ch'uan-tui
     4  641
    24  69 yueeh-tui
     5  A.¦C®w¶ø¯Ç
     4  Ado
     4  Beyond
     2  Herzfeld Friedrich 1897-
     2  Ko Wen-ching
     2  Kunaicho Sannomaru Shozokan
     4  No ¼Ö¶¤
     2  Tong Kin-woon
     2  Tseng Li
     4  [³¢¤å´º 1956-]
     4  [´¿¿³»í 1946-]
    60  [£¤pªQ 1952-]
     4  a boy yueeh-tui
     4  a boys yueeh-tui
     4  a chia
     4  a hsin
     8  a jerks sha tan yueeh-tui
    19  a k'o-chien
     4  a lai
     4  a lei
     4  a lun
     2  a yu-tuo
     4  a-ch'eng

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
The database behind is Allegro-W3 V2.5.
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