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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "pieh wu-hui "

     4  pieh wu-hui / [ling-tien yueeh-tui]
     2  pieh wu-hui / ling-tian [tz'u-ch'ue]
     4  pieh wu-hui / tz'u-ch'ue: ling-tien yueeh-tui
     4  pieh-hou)
    12  pieh-jen
    16  pieh-li
   174  pien
     4  pien / group for contemporary music at columbia universi
     4  pien / group for contemporary music at columbia university
     4  pien 1966)
     7  pien ch'ue
     4  pien chung
     8  pien fang-chuen
     2  pien hsieh
     4  pien hua
     2  pien jen min
     4  pien se
    21  pien t'ien
     6  pien t'ien hsia
    13  pien ti
     4  pien tsou-ch'ue
     6  pien)
     8  pien,
     4  pien-c'hue,
    12  pien-ch'eng
   538  pien-ch'ue
     2  pien-ch'ue shih ch'ang ch'i-ch'ang) = sing of the border
     2  pien-ch'ue shih ch'ang ch'i-ch'ang) = sing of the border reg
     4  pien-ch'ue te t'ai-yang hung yu hung pan-hu tu-tsou), sh
     4  pien-ch'ue te t'ai-yang hung yu hung pan-hu tu-tsou), shan-p

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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