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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "shih-chieh ling i mien = another side of the world "

     4  shih-chieh ling i mien = another side of the world
     5  shih-chieh shang i-ch'ieh ko-ming tou-cheng tou shih wei
     5  shih-chieh shang i-ch'ieh ko-ming tou-cheng tou shih wei-che
     4  shih-chieh shang wei-i sheng-k'ai te hua
     8  shih-chieh shih tsao-yin te hua-yuean
     4  shih-chieh te mo-jih / mei-kuo ko-ch'ue yung ying-yue yen-ch
     4  shih-chieh te mo-jih = doomsday
     4  shih-chieh ti i teng
     2  shih-chieh yu ni wo k'ai-shih
     4  shih-chieh)
    81  shih-chien
     4  shih-chien / ch'en lue-ling [lyr.] ; chou ch'uan-hsiung [com
     2  shih-chien / t'ang ch'ao [tz'u-ch'ue]
     4  shih-chien = time at my heels / tz'u-ch'ue, pien-ch'ue:
     4  shih-chien = time at my heels / tz'u-ch'ue, pien-ch'ue: t'an
     8  shih-chien ch'ien-t'ing
     4  shih-chien lue-hsing / yue-wei-wen [perf.]
     4  shih-chien te mei-li
     4  shih-chih
     4  shih-ching
     4  shih-ching wu ch'ue 1977) soprano und orchestra) / ch'ien
     6  shih-chu
     4  shih-chueeh
     4  shih-chueeh ts'o-wu / tz'u: chu hsiao-min ; ch'ue: chu h
     4  shih-chueeh ts'o-wu / tz'u: chu hsiao-min ; ch'ue: chu hsiao
    44  shih-chuen
    19  shih-chuen,
    16  shih-chung
     4  shih-chung chih ai ni / hsin hsiao-ch'i, li tsung-sheng
     4  shih-chung chih ai ni = you are the only one i love / tz

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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