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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "ts'ung t'ou tsai lai "

     8  ts'ung t'ou tsai lai / ts'ui chien [lyr.+comp.]
     8  ts'ung t'ou tsai lai / tz'u-ch'ue: ts'ui chien
     2  ts'ung ting-chou hsiang ch'ang-sha [tieh lien hua] nan-s
     2  ts'ung ting-chou hsiang ch'ang-sha [tieh lien hua] nan-sheng
     5  ts'ung ting-chou hsiang ch'ang-sha tieh-lien hua) / li hsin-
     4  ts'ung tou tsai lai
     4  ts'ung wei shih-kuo yung-yu / wen chao-lun
     2  ts'ung wen
     4  ts'ung-ch'ien
     3  ts'ung-ch'ing
     6  ts'ung-lin
     4  ts'ung-lin ta tu-hui = jungle metropolis / ch'ue: t'ai-w
     4  ts'ung-lin ta tu-hui = jungle metropolis / ch'ue: t'ai-wan m
     4  ts'ung-mang
     4  ts'ung-ming
     4  ts'ung-ming / tz'u-ch'ue: tou wei ; yen-ch'ang: tou wei
     6  ts'ung-shu
     4  ts'ung-t'ou
     4  ts'ung-ts'ung
     2  ts'ung-wen
     2  ts'ung-wen,
     2  ts'ung.
     4  ts'uo-chueeh
     4  ts'uo-chueeh / huang-kuan yueeh-tui
     4  ts'uo-kuo
     4  ts'uo-luan
     4  ts'uo-luan = confusion
    82  ts?
     2  ts?ts?-¨û
     4  ts?ts?¦±

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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