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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "yu chung-kuo t'e-se te yao-kun-yueeh "

     4  yu chung-kuo t'e-se te yao-kun-yueeh / 69 yueeh-tui
     2  yu dengqing di 1 zhang : jingxuan ji
     2  yu fu cong tan yinyue
     8  yu ge
     4  yu hao
     4  yu hsi
     4  yu hsiao
     5  yu hsien
     4  yu hua hao shuo / tz'u: lo ping ; ch'ue: t'ien mien john
    22  yu i
     3  yu i ko mei-li te ti-fang
     3  yu i ko mei-li te ti-fang 1961 nien lu-yin) = there's a
     3  yu i ko mei-li te ti-fang 1961 nien lu-yin) = there's a beau
     4  yu i-hsie / ma chuen yue k'a-k'ou hsien-sheng yueeh-tui
     4  yu jen shuo / tz'u-ch'ue: t'eng-ko-erh
     4  yu jen ts'ung pei-hou p'ai-ta wo te chien-pang
     2  yu jia le
     4  yu k'ung chiu chin-lai tso tso = come into my world / tz
     4  yu k'ung chiu chin-lai tso tso = come into my world / tz'u-c
     4  yu kan
    14  yu ko
     2  yu lan
     8  yu le
    24  yu li liang
     4  yu lina deng xianyuan chongzou qu
    12  yu man ch'ue-tzu
    12  yu man ch'ue-tzu hsi-chiang yueeh
    12  yu man ch'ue-tzu i-chou
    14  yu mei
     6  yu meng ; dream of shadows

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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zum Seitenanfang