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'Lang Lang? We've never met' / Smith Julia Llewelly (7 Jun. 2014)
'Mozart to Mao' concert blends Chinese wes / Scheinin Richard (2 May 2006)
'The First Emperor' brings Asian authentic / Lawrence Lee (19 Jan. 2007)
'Turandot' Beijing reappropriates a Puccin / Sheila Melvin (25 Mar. 2008)
11 歲天籟童聲演繹梅派代表作品作品"梨花頌" / 人民 日報 (29 Jan. 2018)
1951年8月歌劇(長征)北京人民藝術劇院演出 / 芳華越 (02 Apr. 2015)
2005超級女聲 / Sina (25 Aug. 2005)
2014 Young Artist Competition Contestants / EDR Music Foundation (06 Jun. 2014)
"90 后"女大學生的困惑 / 楚文君 (15 Oct. 2009)
[Red Army]Lady gaga Bad Romance Parody / 553roy (14 Aug. 2012)
[Wagner and Israel] in Lecture Series for / Betzwieser Thomas (25 Oct. 2011)
[拍客][現代版]毛主席的書我最愛讀 / yingyutong (2008)
[革命樣板戲之五]"海港"1972年上海電影制片厂 / truearmy (09 Sep. 2011)
[原 創]"海港"里的生旦凈丑(重發) / 蘇明慈 (14 Dec. 2008)
[國際歌]譯文改動真相 / 綠 原 (8 Mar. 2004)
[鈴聲下載]新版毛主席語錄 / 楓葉 飄零 (8 Aug. 2007)
A Continuous Revolution Making Sense of Cu / Barbara Mittler
A formative influence / Chen Jie (11 Feb. 2009)
A Golden Age Is Long Past / Charles Wuorinen (17 Mar. 2002)
A legend of exiled wartime Chinese musicia (25 May, 2019)
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