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Bad news tests China's propaganda arm / Cody Edward (27 Jul. 2007)
China becoming like Africa with aids scour / Lyn Tan Ee (17 Oct. 2006)
China rejects new Scorsese film / BBC (18 jan. 2007)
China trade costs US 1.5 million jobs / Scott Robert E. (9 Feb. 2005)
China tries to stop Holyrood reception for / Hutcheon Paul (17 Sep. 2006)
China wants to build a credit score that d / Huang Zheping (08 Sep. 2017)
China's evolving rise / Washington Quarterly (2004)
Citroen apologizes for scowling Mao ad / Crabb Roger (15 Jan. 2008)
Citroen apologizes for scowling Mao ad / Reuters (12 Jan. 2009)
Confucius he say 'take a seven iron' / Macartney Jane (27 Apr. 2006)
Die Shanghaier Organisation fuer Zusammena / Wacker Gudrun (Aug. 2001)
Economy DPP government gain from legislati / Engbarth Dennis (12 Jul. 2003)
highscoresforShanghai's15-year-oldsareactu / Chiang Hsueeh-ch'in (8 Dec. 2010)
Lost in China / Scott-Clark Cathy (11 Nov. 2012)
Power play / Jakes Susan (14 Feb. 2005)
Rural demonstrations in China 2003 to 2005 / School of Advanced I (2005)
Some Chinese see positive lessons in Iraqi / Spires Anthony J. (14 May 2004)
The new 'NATO of the East' takes shape / Bhadrakumar M. K. (25 Aug. 2007)
The Scope of FBIS and BBC Open-Source Medi / Leetaru Kalev (29 Mar. 2010)
The Scotch and Marijuana papers / Bosco Joseph 1948- (11 May 2010)
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