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Shelfmark:MT7.S925 1989
Author:宋允鵬  Sung Yün-p'eng
Title:音樂 / 宋允鵬 [編著]
Yin-yüe / Sung Yün-p'eng [pien-chu]
Edition:Tsai-pan 再版
Published:台北 : 東大圖書公司, Chung-hua min-kuo 78 [1989]
T'ai-pei : Tung-ta t'u-shu kung-ssu, Chung-hua min-kuo 78 [1989]
Description:5, 218 p. : ill.
Bib. note:I-chü chiao-yü-pu chih-yeh hsüeh-hsiao k'o-ch'eng piao-chun 依據教育部職業學校課程標准
Subjects:Music - Instruction and study - China
Music theory - Elementory works

Shelfmark:MT7.S925 1989
Author:宋允鵬  Sung Yün-p'eng
Title:音樂 / 宋允鵬 [編著]
Yin-yüe / Sung Yün-p'eng [pien-chu]
Edition:Tsai-pan 再版
Published:台北 : 東大圖書公司, Chung-hua min-kuo 78 [1989]
T'ai-pei : Tung-ta t'u-shu kung-ssu, Chung-hua min-kuo 78 [1989]
Description:5, 218 p. : ill.
Bib. note:I-chü chiao-yü-pu chih-yeh hsüeh-hsiao k'o-ch'eng piao-chun 依據教育部職業學校課程標准
Subjects:Music - Instruction and study - China
Music theory - Elementory works

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