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Author:曹本冶  Ts'ao Pen-yeh
Title:龍虎山天師道音樂研究 / 曹本冶
Lung-hu-shan t'ien-shih-tao yin-yüeh yen-chiu / Ts'ao Pen-yeh [pien-chu]
Published:臺北 : 新文豐出版社, 1996
T'ai-pei : Hsin-wen-feng-ch'u-pan-she, 1996
Description:3, 2, 444 p. ; ill.
Series:中國傳統儀式音樂研究計劃 ; 2
Chung-kuo ch'uan-t'ung i-shih yin-yüeh yen-chiu ji-hua ; 2
Bib. note:Includes music in number notation. Includes bibliographical references
Subjects:Taoist music - China - Lung-hu Mountain

Author:曹本冶  Ts'ao Pen-yeh
Title:龍虎山天師道音樂研究 / 曹本冶
Lung-hu-shan t'ien-shih-tao yin-yüeh yen-chiu / Ts'ao Pen-yeh [pien-chu]
Published:臺北 : 新文豐出版社, 1996
T'ai-pei : Hsin-wen-feng-ch'u-pan-she, 1996
Description:3, 2, 444 p. ; ill.
Series:中國傳統儀式音樂研究計劃 ; 2
Chung-kuo ch'uan-t'ung i-shih yin-yüeh yen-chiu ji-hua ; 2
Bib. note:Includes music in number notation. Includes bibliographical references
Subjects:Taoist music - China - Lung-hu Mountain

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