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Access: (downloaded 07-11-2002)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - apply for free password!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Mittler, Barbara
Title:"The sounds amidst the fury" : Cultural Revolution music from Xian Xianghai (1905-1945) to Tan Dun (1957-) / Barbara Mittler
Published:Cambridge : Churchill College, 2002
Description:1 Microsoft Word2000 file
Bib. note:Conference papers to "Political Practice in Modern China", Conference held at Cambridge University, Jun 25-27 2002;

Access: (downloaded 07-11-2002)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - apply for free password!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Mittler, Barbara
Title:"The sounds amidst the fury" : Cultural Revolution music from Xian Xianghai (1905-1945) to Tan Dun (1957-) / Barbara Mittler
Published:Cambridge : Churchill College, 2002
Description:1 Microsoft Word2000 file
Bib. note:Conference papers to "Political Practice in Modern China", Conference held at Cambridge University, Jun 25-27 2002;

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Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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