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Borrowed since 20050211
(please contact our library staff if you desperately need this title)

Title:Indiana East Asian working papers on language and politics in Modern China / Indiana University. East Asian Studies Center. Jeffrey Wasserstrom and Sue Tuohy, editors
Avail. vol.:10
Published:Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University. East Asian Studies Center, 1996
Description:83 p.
Contents/Access:Chinese new music as a politicized language : orthodox melodies and dangerous tunes / Barbara Mittler
Song of the Red Guards : keywords set to music / Vivian Wagner
Modernity inside tradition : the transformation of historical consciousness in Modern China / Q. Edward Wang
Related names:Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N.
Tuohy, Sue
Corp. body:Indiana University. East Asian Studies Center
Subjects:China - Language and politics - 1949-
Language and politics - China - 1949-

Borrowed since 20050211
(please contact our library staff if you desperately need this title)

Title:Indiana East Asian working papers on language and politics in Modern China / Indiana University. East Asian Studies Center. Jeffrey Wasserstrom and Sue Tuohy, editors
Avail. vol.:10
Published:Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University. East Asian Studies Center, 1996
Description:83 p.
Contents/Access:Chinese new music as a politicized language : orthodox melodies and dangerous tunes / Barbara Mittler
Song of the Red Guards : keywords set to music / Vivian Wagner
Modernity inside tradition : the transformation of historical consciousness in Modern China / Q. Edward Wang
Related names:Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N.
Tuohy, Sue
Corp. body:Indiana University. East Asian Studies Center
Subjects:China - Language and politics - 1949-
Language and politics - China - 1949-

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