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Material:Sound recording
Author:鄧小平, 1904-1997  Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997
Title:鄧小平原始講話錄音 / 鄧小平
Teng Hsiao-p'ing yüan-shih chiang-hua lu-yin / Teng Hsiao-p'ing
Avail. vol.:disc 1-2 ; booklet
Published:深圳 : 深圳市先科娛樂傳播有限公司, 1994
Shenzhen : Shen-chen shih hsien-k'o yü-yüeh ch'uan-po yu-hsien kung-ssu, 1994
Description:2 sound discs (compact discs) : digital, stereo. + 1 introductory booklet
Chü-jen chih sheng
Bib. note:Rare edition

Material:Sound recording
Author:鄧小平, 1904-1997  Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997
Title:鄧小平原始講話錄音 / 鄧小平
Teng Hsiao-p'ing yüan-shih chiang-hua lu-yin / Teng Hsiao-p'ing
Avail. vol.:disc 1-2 ; booklet
Published:深圳 : 深圳市先科娛樂傳播有限公司, 1994
Shenzhen : Shen-chen shih hsien-k'o yü-yüeh ch'uan-po yu-hsien kung-ssu, 1994
Description:2 sound discs (compact discs) : digital, stereo. + 1 introductory booklet
Chü-jen chih sheng
Bib. note:Rare edition

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