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Access: (downloaded 29-02-2008)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - apply for free password!)
Material:Computer file
Author:陳丕顯  Ch'en P'i-hsien
Title:江青移植"革命樣板戲" / 陳丕顯
Chiang Ch'ing i-chih "Ko-ming yang-pan-hsi" / Ch'en P'i-hsien 上海人民書版社 (31 Jan. 2005)
Orig. URL:
Description:3 html, 9 gif, 1 js, 8 jpeg files (166 KB)
Chinese drama - 20th century
China - History - Cultural revolution, 1966-1976 - Songs and music
Chiang Ch'ing, 1910-1991

Access: (downloaded 29-02-2008)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - apply for free password!)
Material:Computer file
Author:陳丕顯  Ch'en P'i-hsien
Title:江青移植"革命樣板戲" / 陳丕顯
Chiang Ch'ing i-chih "Ko-ming yang-pan-hsi" / Ch'en P'i-hsien 上海人民書版社 (31 Jan. 2005)
Orig. URL:
Description:3 html, 9 gif, 1 js, 8 jpeg files (166 KB)
Chinese drama - 20th century
China - History - Cultural revolution, 1966-1976 - Songs and music
Chiang Ch'ing, 1910-1991

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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