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Shelfmark:On order : Title not yet available
Borrowed since 20071219
(please contact our library staff if you desperately need this title)

Author:Williams, Gary Shelton, 1936-
Title:A study of the oral nature of the Han Yüeh-fu / by Gary Shelton Williams
Published:Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International, 1976
Description:261 p.
Bib. note:Seattle (Washington), Univ., PhD, 1973
Bib. note:Includes bibliographical references and notes
Subjects:Yüeh-fu (Chinese poetry) - History and criticism
Music - China - History and criticism
Music - 500-1400 - History and criticism

Shelfmark:On order : Title not yet available
Borrowed since 20071219
(please contact our library staff if you desperately need this title)

Author:Williams, Gary Shelton, 1936-
Title:A study of the oral nature of the Han Yüeh-fu / by Gary Shelton Williams
Published:Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International, 1976
Description:261 p.
Bib. note:Seattle (Washington), Univ., PhD, 1973
Bib. note:Includes bibliographical references and notes
Subjects:Yüeh-fu (Chinese poetry) - History and criticism
Music - China - History and criticism
Music - 500-1400 - History and criticism

Author:Gimm, Martin
Title:Das Yüeh-fu tsa-lu des Tuan An-chieh : Studien zur Geschichte von Musik, Schauspiel und Tanz in der T'ang-Dynastie / von Martin Gimm
Published:Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1966
Description:631 S.
Series:Asiatische Forschungen ; 19
Subjects:Tuan An-chieh, Yüeh fu tsa lu
Music - China - History & criticism
Theatre - China - History
Dancing - China

Author:Gimm, Martin
Title:Das Yüeh-fu tsa-lu des Tuan An-chieh : Studien zur Geschichte von Musik, Schauspiel und Tanz in der T'ang-Dynastie / von Martin Gimm
Published:Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1966
Description:631 S.
Series:Asiatische Forschungen ; 19
Subjects:Tuan An-chieh, Yüeh fu tsa lu
Music - China - History & criticism
Theatre - China - History
Dancing - China

Shelfmark:PL2309.Y8 Q26 2000
Author:錢志熙  Ch'ien Chih-hsi
Title:漢魏樂府的音樂與詩 / 錢志熙 著 ; 孫靜 審定
Han Wei yüeh-fu te yin-yüeh yü shih / Ch'ien Chih-hsi chu ; Sun Ching shen-ting
Published:鄭州市 : 河南教育, 2000
Cheng-chou shih : Ho-nan chiao-yü, 2000
Description:2, 2, 177 p.
Chung-kuo li-shih wen-hua chih-shih ts'ung-shu
Related names:孫靜 [審定]  Sun Ching [corr.]
Subjects:Yüeh-fu (Chinese poetry) - History and criticism
Chinese poetry - 220-589 - History and criticism
Music - China - History and criticism - Early works to 1800

Shelfmark:PL2309.Y8 Q26 2000
Author:錢志熙  Ch'ien Chih-hsi
Title:漢魏樂府的音樂與詩 / 錢志熙 著 ; 孫靜 審定
Han Wei yüeh-fu te yin-yüeh yü shih / Ch'ien Chih-hsi chu ; Sun Ching shen-ting
Published:鄭州市 : 河南教育, 2000
Cheng-chou shih : Ho-nan chiao-yü, 2000
Description:2, 2, 177 p.
Chung-kuo li-shih wen-hua chih-shih ts'ung-shu
Related names:孫靜 [審定]  Sun Ching [corr.]
Subjects:Yüeh-fu (Chinese poetry) - History and criticism
Chinese poetry - 220-589 - History and criticism
Music - China - History and criticism - Early works to 1800

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