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Access: (downloaded 23-07-2007)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Dumbaugh, Kerry
Title:China-U.S. relations: current issues and implications for U.S. policy : CRS report for Congress / Kerry Dumbaugh (14 Jun. 2007)
Description:1 pdf file (239 KB)
Bib. note:Original source: Congressional Research Service.
Subjects:International relations
United States - Foreign relations - China

Access: (downloaded 10-03-2005)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:張立勒  Chang Li-le
Title:"冰點"熱現象的冷四考 : 談"中國青年報""冰點"專欄的報道特色 / 張立勒
"Ping-tien" je hsien-hsiang te leng ssu-k'ao : t'an "Chung-kuo ch'ing-nien pao" "ping-tien" chuan-lan te pao-tao t'e-se / Chang Li-le Tzu-chin wang 紫金網 (1 Jan. 2003)
Description:1 HTML, 10 GIF, 2 CSS,1 SWF files (51,3 KB)
Subjects:Mass media - China

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