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Access: (downloaded 24-10-2016)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:台大,國北教合併台大教授批:不該消滅教育大學 / 自由 時報
T'ai-ta, kuo-pei chiao ho-ping t'ai-ta chiao-shou p'i: pu-kai hsiao-mie chiao-yü ta-hsüeh / Tzu-yu shih-pao 自由 時報 (22 Oct. 2016)
Orig. URL:
Description:22 css, 79 gif, 7 htm, 20 js, 1 jpeg, 92 jpg, 139 png files (7.45 MB)
Corp. body:自由 時報
Tzu-yu shih-pao
Science education
Education and state - China - History - 21th century

Access: (downloaded 25-11-2015)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:葉靜宇  Yeh Ching-yü
Title:上海宣布靜安,閘北合併成立新靜安區 / 葉靜宇
Shang-hai hsüen-pu ching-an, cha-pei he-ping ch'eng-li hsin ching-an ch'ü / Yeh Ching-yü 界面 (04 Nov. 2015)
Orig. URL:
Description:3 css, 1 file, 4 gif, 2 html, 16 js, 14 jpg, 27 png files (1.03 MB)
Subjects:China - Politics and government - 21st century
China - Politics and government

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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