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Access: (downloaded 06-01-2016)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:單仁平:中國不接受西方浦案定調法官不妨任性些 : "中國司法體係不會接受西方來給浦案定調,之前的劉曉波案等中國人也未曾接受" / 南早 中文
Tan Jen-p'ing: chung-kuo bu chieh-shou hsi-fang p'u-an ting-t'iao fa-kuan bu-fang jen-hsing hsieh : "Chung-kuo ssu-fa t'i-hsi pu-hui chieh-shou hsi-fang lai p'u-an ting-t'iao, chi-ch'ien te Liu Hsiao-po an teng chung-kuo jen yeh wei-ts'eng chieh-shou" / Nan-tsao chung-wen 南早 中文 (09 Sep. 2015)
Orig. URL:
Description:6 css, 6 eot, 1 file, 2 htc, 2 html, 13 js, 23 jpg, 37 png files (3.81 MB)
Corp. body:南華 早報 集團
Nan-hua tsao-pao chi-t'uan
Law and legislation - China
Law reform - China
Tan Jen-p'ing
Liu Hsiao-po, 1955-2017

Access: (downloaded 07-04-2016)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:全面從嚴治黨豈容黨員人性反黨 / 光明 網 時政
Ch'üan-mien ts'ung yen-chih tang ch'i jung tang-yüan jen-hsing fan tang / Kuang-ming shih-cheng 光明 網 (29 Feb. 2016)
Orig. URL:
Description:4 css, 5 gif, 2 html, 14 js, 8 jpg, 8 png files (664 KB)
Corp. body:光明 網
Kuang-ming wang
Subjects:Authoritarianism - China
Chung-kuo kung ch'an tang
Leadership - China
Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953-

Access: (downloaded 12-11-2012)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
[Gossiping] Chung-kuo liu-wang tso-chia Liao I-wu p'i Chung-kuo "mie-chüeh jen-hsing te hsüeh-se ti-kuo" Baidu 貼吧 (27 Oct. 2012)
Orig. URL:
Description:11 css, 68 gif, 5 html, 10 jpeg, 21 js, 71 png files (5.41 MB)
Related names:_s8 [pseud.]
Subjects:Public opinion
Freedom of speech - China
Literary prizes - Germany
Liao I-wu, 1958-

Access: (downloaded 12-11-2012)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:中國流亡作家廖亦武批中國"滅絕人性的血色帝國" / 自由時報
Chung-kuo liu-wang tso-chia Liao I-wu p'i Chung-kuo "mie-chüeh jen-hsing te hsüeh-se ti-kuo" / Tzu-yu shih-pao 自由時報電子報 (15 Oct. 2012)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 css, 25 gif, 2 html, 1 jpeg, 18 js files (312 KB)
Corp. body:自由時報
Tzu-yu shi-pao
Subjects:Public opinion
Freedom of speech - China
Literary prizes - Germany
Liao I-wu, 1958-

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