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Access: (downloaded 23-02-2010)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:倪 方六  Ni Fang-liu
Title:中國古代太監閹割"工序" / 倪 方六
Chung-kuo ku-tai t'ai-chien yen-ko "kung-hsü" / Ni Fang-liu (22 Jan. 2009)
Description:3 css, 5 gif, 1 jpeg, 9 js, 1 hmtl file (290 KB)
Eunuchs - China - History

Access: (downloaded 17-10-2017)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:后宮私密生活知多少中國古代十大男寵(圖) / 北京 北大 方正 電子 有限 公司
Hou-kung ssu-mi sheng-huo chih tuo-shao chung-kuo ku-tai shih ta nan ch'ung (t'u) / Pei-ching pei-ta fang-cheng tien-tzu yu-hsien kung-ssu 北京 北大 方正 電子 有限 公司 (05 Aug. 2005)
Orig. URL:
Description:57 html, 14 jpg, 3 doc files (5.56 MB)
Corp. body:北京 北大 方正 電子 有限 公司
Pei-ching pei-ta fang-cheng tien-tzu yu-hsien kung-ssu
Subjects:Homosexuality - China
Chinese literature - 21st century
Sex customs - China - History
Culture - China

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