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Access: (downloaded 05-06-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:行健  Hsing Chien
Title:李希光教授是學新聞傳播學的嗎? / 行健
Li Hsi-kuang chiao-shou shih hsüeh hsin-wen ch'uan-po hsüeh te ma? / Hsing Chien
Source:Hsin-wen ssu 新聞絲 (27 May 2003)
Description:1 MSWord file

Access: (downloaded 05-12-2004)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:李希光  Li Hsi-kuang
Title:李希光專欄 / 清華大學國際傳播研究中心
Li Hsi-kuang chuan-lan / The Center for International Communications studies of Tsinghua University Ch'ing-hua ta-hsüeh kuo-chi ch'uan-po yen-chiu chung-hsin (2004)
Description:11 HTML, 82 SHTML, 11 WD3 files (2,5 MB)
Loc. note:This site contains different articles on Chinese media and media control by Li Xiguang and others.
Corp. body:Tsinghua University. Center for International Communications studies
Subjects:Mass media - China

Access: (downloaded 05-06-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:李希光教授訪談模仿版 : 人大應該立法禁止任何人在大腦中自由思維 / 新語絲
Li Hsi-kuang chiao-shou fang-t'an mo-fang pan : jen-ta ying-kai li-fa chin-chih jen-ho jen tsai ta-nao chung tzu-yu ssu-wei / Hsin-yü ssu
Source:Hsin-yü ssu 新語絲 (28 May 2003)
Description:1 MSWord file
Corp. body:新語絲
Hsin-yü ssu

Access: (downloaded 05-06-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:李希光教授新聞傳播學"妙語"集錦 / 新語絲
Li Hsi-kuang chiao-shou hsin-wen ch'uan-po hsüeh "miao-yü" chi-chin / Hsin-yü ssu
Source:Hsin-yü ssu 新語絲 (27 May 2003)
Description:1 MSWord file
Corp. body:新語絲
Hsin-yü ssu

Access: (downloaded 05-06-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:李吸光教授出任金正日大學新聞學院院長的講話 / 新語絲
Li Hsi-kuang chiao-shou ch'u-jen Chin-cheng-jih ta-hsüeh hsin-wen hsüeh-yüan yüan-chang te chiang-hua / Hsin-yü ssu
Source:Hsin-yü ssu 新語絲 (28 May 2003)
Description:1 MSWord file
Corp. body:新語絲
Hsin-yü ssu

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