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Access: (downloaded 12-11-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Erling, Johnny, 1952-
Title:Acht Jahre Haft für 46 "subversive" Internet-Aufsätze / Johnny Erling (9 Nov. 2003)
Description:1 HTML file, 34 GIF, 4 JPEG files, 1 Cascading Style Sheet (89,3 KB)
Subjects:Internet - Censorship - China
Criticism - Political aspects - China
Subversive activities - China
Law - China
Ho Te-p'u
Liu Ti

Access: (downloaded 12-11-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Marquand, Robert
Title:The "mouse" that caused an uproar in China / by Robert Marquand
Source:Christian Science Monitor (6 Nov. 2003)
Description:1 HTML file, 34 GIF, 11 JPEG, 6 JS files, 1 Cascading Style Sheet file (232,6 KB)
Subjects:Internet - Censorship - China
Freedom of information - China
Human rights - China
Liu Ti

Access: (downloaded 12-11-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:¼B²ý¨Æ¥ó¤åÀÉ / ¤£ù׿ûºô¯¸
Liu Ti shih-chien wen-tang / Bu hsiu-kang wang-chan
Published:¤£ù׿ûºô¯¸, 2002
Pu hsiu-kang wang-chan, 2002
Description:197 HTML, 1 PDF, 82 JPEG, 16 GIF, 3 ZIP, 7 PNG, 3 MP3, 2 JS, 9CSS files (14,5 MB)
Summary:This website contains articles and other informations on the student Liu Di, a 22-year-old student at the Department of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, who was arrested by the police of PRC on November 7, 2002. Miss Liu had written a few satirical political comments on the Internet, which might be the cause for her arrest.
Bib. note:Some pages of this homepage were non-existant at the time of the download.
Loc. note:An excerpt of the novel "The stainless steel rat" by Harry Harrison is available at:
Contents:¤¤°ê ¤H ªº Åv¤O ¥D¸q ¤H®æ. -- "¦Ñ°ü ÁÙ¶m" : ª÷¿ú ªº ¼É¬F ÁÙ¬O ¦h¼Æ ªº ¼É¬F?. -- µêÀÀ ²{¹ê ¥D¸q ¤è®× : ¬Uªo¬£ ºô ¦ä ¶°Ê^ ¦V ·í ©M ¬F©² §ë¸Û. -- °ê¤k ¬O ¦p¦ó ¤£ §Q ¤_ °ê®a ¦w¥þ ªº
Corp. body:¤£ù׿ûºô¯¸
Pu hsiu-kang wang-chan
Subjects:Internet - Censorship - China
Human rights - China

Access: (downloaded 12-11-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Landwehr, Andreas
Title:Chinas Staatssicherheit hat Angst vor einer "Maus" im Internet / Andreas Landwehr
Source:heise online (6 Nov. 2003)
Description:5 HTML, 18 GIF, 40 WD3, 2 Cascading Style Sheet files (251 KB)
Subjects:Internet - Censorship - China
Freedom of information - China
Human rights - China
Liu Ti
Tu Tao-pin

Access: (downloaded 08-11-2005)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Erling, Johnny, 1952-
Title:Chinas Internetpolizei : die Furcht des Drachen vor der Maus / Johnny Erling
Source:Rheinischer Merkur (20 Oct. 2005)
Description:1 HTML, 1 PHP, 1 JScript, 6 JPEG, 1 CSS, 30 GIF files (225 KB)
Internet - China
Liu Ti

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