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Access: (downloaded 07-12-2000)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:新長征路上的搖滾 / 老蔣作品
Hsin ch'ang-cheng lu shang te yao-kun / Lao Chiang tso-p'in
Description:Music clip, [China] [2000]. - In Chinese
1 Macromedia FLASH file : color
Related names:崔健, 1961- [作曲]  Ts'ui Chien, 1961- [comp.]
老蔣 [設計]  Lao Chiang [creat.]
Parallel Title:Rock & Roll on the New Long March
Subjects:Ts'ui Chien

Access: (downloaded 30-10-2016)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:長征路上小紅軍系列表情包 / 微博
Ch'ang-cheng lu-shang hsiao hung-chün hsi-lie piao-ch'ing pao / Wei-p'o 微博 (17 Oct. 2016)
Orig. URL:
Description:10 css, 3 download, 1 file, 27 gif, 2 html, 38 jpg, 36 png files (2 MB)
Corp. body:微博
Subjects:Internet - China
Propaganda, Communist - China
Internet users - China

Access: (downloaded 10-02-2015)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang pa-ch'i kuo-chi ying-wen hsüan-ch'uan pien i chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang yü ni i-ch'I tsai lu shang / Youtube Youtube (07 Feb. 2015)
Orig. URL:
Description:2 css, 2 html, 1 flv, 4 gif, 4 js, 10 png3 swf files (9.07 MB)
Corp. body:Youtube
Subjects:Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang
Propaganda, Communist - China
Mass media - China

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
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