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Access: (downloaded 02-10-2010)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:觀點大碰撞,90後女大學生 : 白毛女當嫁黃世仁 / 綜合新聞
Kuan-tien ta p'eng-chuang, 90 hou nü ta-hsüeh-sheng : Pai-mao-nü tang chia Huang Shih-jen / Tsung-ho hsin-wen (15 Oct. 2009)
Description:2 css, 2 html, 18 gif, 4 jpeg, 4 js files (315 KB)
Corp. body:綜合新聞
Tsung-ho hsin-wen
Public opinion - China
Operas, Chinese - History and criticism

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