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Access: (downloaded 04-11-2004)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:何蜀  Ho Shu
Title:文革口述史應該是信史 : 訂正老田"重慶文革口述史--黃廉放談錄"的若干史實錯誤 / 何蜀
Wen-ko kou-shu shih ying-kai shih hsin-shih : ting-cheng Lao T'ien "Ch'ung-ch'ing wen-ko k'ou-shu shih -- Huang Lien fang-t'an-lu" te juo-kan shih-shih ts'o-wu / Ho Shu (4 Nov. 2004)
Description:2 PHP3, 16 GIF files (49 KB)
Subjects:China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976

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