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Access: (downloaded 21-07-2010)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:Did The Zipingpu Dam cause the Sichuan earthquake? / edited by Roland Soong (7 Feb. 2009)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 pdf, 81 css, 4789 html, 413 gif, 135 jpeg, 85 png, 147 js, 4 text, 3 other files (112 MB)
Series:Tibetan water to save China
Bib. note:Including related links in Chinese
Contents:A Human Trigger for the great quake of Sichuan?. -- Chinese earthquake may have been man-made, say scientists. -- Early warning. -- Possible link between dam and China quake. -- Scientist says dam may have triggered China quake. -- Why a dam may have been the cause of China's deadly earthquake last year. -- Is the Zipingpu Dam related to the May 12th Wenchuan earthquake?. -- Was the Zipingpu Dam the manmade cause of the Sichuan earthquake?. -- "God's damnation" or China's dam - scientific debate on reservoir-quake link
Earthquakes - China - Ssu-ch'uan sheng
Seismology - Research - China

Access: (downloaded 20-05-2009)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:The Sichuan earthquake : salt in their wounds / The Economist (14 May 2009)
Description:6 swf, 59 png, 18 js, 3 jpeg, 73 gif, 167 html, 1 dtd, 24 css, 1 aspx, 15 other files (2,32 MB)
Corp. body:The Economist
Earthquake - China - Wenchuan Xian (Sichuan Sheng)
Birth control - China
Ai Wei-wei, 1957-

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