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Access: (downloaded 25-04-2005)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:中俄聯合軍演細節披露 : 專家稱俄軍售正側重中國
Chung-O lien-ho chün yen hsi-chieh p'i-lu : chuan-chia ch'eng O chün shou cheng t'se-chung Chung-kuo / (24 Apr. 2005)
Description:13 HTML, 17 JPEG, 2 JScript, 38 GIF files (891 KB)
Bib. note:This page includes a number of related articles on this topic, to which the links can be found at the bottom of the page.
Corp. body:sina [ed.]
Subjects:Russia (Federation) - Military relations - China

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